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Ares Saves the World!


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Your character discovers that the infamous Greek god of war has been searching for an entity known as Kosmos, something with power that dwarfs any Olympian. After much competition to try to find and deny him the clues he needs to find the object of his quest, the two of you end up before Kosmos, at which point your character learns that the boon that Ares is asking of the ubergod is "Please decree that nuclear explosions shall no longer happen on Earth. Any fission or fusion weapon shall misfire like unto a damp squib."


What does your character do?

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Re: Ares Saves the World!



As a Player I would scratch my head in confusion. As a suspicious Gamer I would think about what his end game is.


Most of my characters would assume that Ares looks upon nukes as a deterrent to the all-out war that he wants to see consume the Earth. Therefore they must go.


Some characters would want to stop that. Others would go with it, and try to stop Ares' eventual manipulations through other means.

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


If the character asks him why, he cheerfully explains that MAD annoys him because as long as deterrence works, the best militaries stay away from each other, and if it ever fails, the result is like (and he uses a crude metaphor involving unsatisfactory lovemaking).

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


MAD hasn't really proven to be all that effective at stopping wars, only at preventing the use of Nukes in them so my character would probably make sure it was just bombs (and not nuclear physics in general which would stop power plants and the like and could have all sorts of unforseen complications on the universe) and then be okay with it.

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


Deuce's first reaction to Ares is "Prove it. Where was I on December 23, 1944, and what was I doing?" If he was truly the God of War, he'd know what Deuce was doing that day. (one of only a few thousand Britons to actually see action in the Battle of the Bulge, he was fighting furiously behind enemy lines, having been stuck there while performing armed reconnaissance to find a lost cache of German uranium as part of his duties with 30 Commando.) If the being claiming to be Ares did not answer him precisely, he'd play twenty questions with the "Greek god".


If he proves his bonafides somehow, or even if he didn't, Deuce would accompany "Ares" to meet with "Kosmos", still a bit suspicious. Upon hearing Ares' proposal, Deuce would act as the Devil's (or rather, Athena's) advocate. Certainly, atomic weaponry may not have prevented war completely, and there are certain conflicts it simply cannot halt, but it has stopped almost all large-scale "total" war. If Ares was serious about that, then it would re-open the gates to large-scale international conflict. Maybe that's what Ares wants - like an addict, even the bloody wars of today cannot slake his thirst. He wants a Big War to get another "hit". Changing the laws of physics could also have unforeseen, long-term consequences elsewhere, too.


Much as he would hate it, he'd advise against it to Kosmos. Let humanity see the folly of atomic bombs for themselves.

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


The Greek gods weren't omniscient.


No, but Ares would know about the Battle of the Bulge...if he was truly the God of War, he'd have an inkling just by the date Deuce gave. (British, but a date in December 1944? No major British offensives in the Pacific then...) Otherwise, he'd have no need to follow up with the other questions - clearly if Ares doesn't know of one of the major battles of the Second World War, he's not who he says he is, in Deuce's eyes. History is filled with people, superpowered or otherwise, who claim they are conquerors, or reborn heroes of antiquity, or gods...and Deuce is initially suspicious of all of them. He's very leery of those claiming supernatural origins - including being a citizen of Mount Olympus.

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


He may know the date' date=' but there's no guarantee he'll know who Deuce is. Unless he knew that Deuce was that old/had power, you know, most people's parents weren't even conceived of then.[/quote']


Oh, he'll know, if he's of divine origin. Deuce's warrior soul is an old one. He has certain abilities only a warrior from his age would have, and it may be why Deuce picked up on him - he's got an ability to sense trouble before it happens. (He's only 5 years younger than Dr. Destroyer, although not nearly as powerful. Being swept up in an temporal vortex for 45 years will do that to you.) Ares would have "KS: History of Warfare on Earth 21-" at least, and the ability to sense conflict, both past and present. He could figure out where Deuce was just by applied deduction. Deuce would actually let Ares ask him a few questions about his background.


You and I may know that Ares isn't omniscient; but Deuce is cynical for those claiming to be a god. (Think of most of the characters in Stargate to get his mindset.) There are lots of powerful beings in this age, and Ares could just be one of them. As far as Deuce is concerned, he could just as well be from Missouri as the son of Zeus and Hera. It certainly would explain why Deuce played a delaying action.


If it's any consolation to the Belligerent God, he'd be even less believing in Kosmos. Deuce is just that irreverent, to use the original meaning of the phrase. He'd ask this supposed divine force to prove its stripes as well - for example, allowing an unlucky person (a well-known NPC) to suddenly have a hugely improbable run at a casino or role-playing game. If this being could change the laws of physics, changing the laws of probability for 15 minutes, even after he granted Ares his boon, would give Deuce a moment to consider Kosmos as fact. (And why does Kosmos look like Carl Sagan to this player? Although Deuce would like the jacket-with-turtleneck look.)


He's still also very suspicious of Ares' motives, assuming Kosmos can indeed change physical laws - why would Ares want to stop nuclear weapons, except to increase the chances of global war on Earth? One of the reasons for the "20 questions" is to assess the threat Ares represents. Even given Ares is not the being he claims he is, changing the laws of physics is generally not a good idea.

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


Your character discovers that the infamous Greek god of war has been searching for an entity known as Kosmos, something with power that dwarfs any Olympian. After much competition to try to find and deny him the clues he needs to find the object of his quest, the two of you end up before Kosmos, at which point your character learns that the boon that Ares is asking of the ubergod is "Please decree that nuclear explosions shall no longer happen on Earth. Any fission or fusion weapon shall misfire like unto a damp squib."


What does your character do?


Doctor Downfall- "I find your magical or "Cosmic" intrusions into the realm of physics OFFENSIVE! Who defines a 'weapon'? Do you know what an 'explosion' is? If a nuclear reactor is used by terrorists, does it become a weapon and become in engulfed by this 'effect'. What of the energy it provides to nations then? Nevermind that, Culturally speaking, You have opened the box and slapped the cat before its state has been fully determined. The War god wants to take the consequences out of global war perhaps to encourage carnage on a massive scale while hedging his bet against mutual annihilation, is that it? Simpletons! You have opened the gate way to a new arms races of bio weaponry, chemical warfare, and other methods of mass destruction and we are FAR less prepared to control that. Further more, you have just prevented my nuclear winter fail safe against global warming I was going to launch if nothing was done by 2018... congratulations on your shortsightedness. I suppose now -I- must earn a boon from this Kosmos to undo yours. So, what must I do? Slaughter chickens around some monolithic circle while dancing nude under a lunar event? BAH!"


He'd try to determine the details of HOW 'Ares' earned this boon, and then would seriously consider going back in time to prevent it or change the outcome. When he returned and nukes were back at the cost of Dinosaurs ruling Alberta, he'd have to consider if he needed to go back and try again (He might be tired and leave as is then)

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Re: Ares Saves the World!


Knight Rider would find herself agreeing with Ares. Yeah, there's the concern that without MAD there might be an increase in confrontations between super powers. But there's plenty of little wars now and MAD isnt the reason the super powers don't go to war nowadays anyway. Yeah, she'd be worried that Ares had something up his chiton but the benefits are pretty awesome.


Dark Star does not trust Ares. Nor Kosmos. He doesn't like the idea of weird extra dimensional aliens mucking about with his world. What he could do... well that's another thing. Kosmos is clearly far too powerful to take on, even Ares would be beyond him. I guess he'd have to do some boon for Kosmos in order to get a favour from it. And that favour would be for it to undo it's work and stay the hell out of Earth dimension from now on. (Or is that 2 favours?)

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