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Your Not Any Hero Of Note Unless You Have Cross-Time Versions Of Yourself.


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*sigh* Long title, isen't it.


Anyways, have you noticed that any hero of note has, in the comics, an alternate universe version of themselves?


Anyways, the 'default' alts are:

1)Backworld Duplicates: Every 'villian' is heroic, evevy 'hero' less than heroic.

2) Gorillaworld: You, only with more fur.

3) Saureanworld: You, only with scales and a hight problem.

4) Steampunkworld: You, only set in psudo-victorea with clockwork stuff.

5) Cowboyworld: You, with a 10-gallen hat pilgrim.

6) Crossgenderworld: You, but built difrently, as your duplicate is the other gender than originaly am.


Anyways, what can you tell me of your charater's Cross-Time Duplicates?

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Re: Your Not Any Hero Of Note Unless You Have Cross-Time Versions Of Yourself.


I have never seen a version of Superman with 2-5 before.


2) Not an ape, true, but on DCs Earth C-Minus, Superlamb is a member of the JLA (Justa Lotta Animals)

3) Okay, you got me there...

4) Not Steampunk, but JLA Age of Wonders had Supes as a genius ending the 'steam' era and creating the 'electro' era (Electropunk? Radiopunk?)

5) He missed the action, but Clark Kent can be found in Justice Riders

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Re: Your Not Any Hero Of Note Unless You Have Cross-Time Versions Of Yourself.


WHITE KNITE, a green lantern type with an omni pool.


What a great thread. Wish I had artwork to go with them. Here's his cross-world alter-egos:


CRIMSON JACK is the current wielder of the Red Cloud, and the Cloud loves murder, and creatively so.

The Cloud loves taking on shapes and using them for mayhem. Crimson Jack will work with

other villain groups, as long as he gets to do the killing.



WHITE BACK is the wisest of Ape-kind in Congaro City. The ancestors have laid on him the ability to manipulate the Ghost-Bound.

The Ghost-Bound are the souls of all who die with debts unpaid (ie crimes not absolved, transgressions against the people not atoned)

and the Ghost Bound work like many other VPPs, and can fetch things, pummel people, scare people, rescue the stranded,

and fly, scout, etc. Every day at the cauldron in center city the witch doctor summons the Ghost Bound, and its not always the

same amount. The ghosts of newly dead criminals arrive, and old ones that have paid their debts are summoned no more.

anywhere from 1 to 40 ghosts arrive, and their ectoplasms are forced to serve the city in undeath as they would not in life.


SCALE-KNITE : the tiniest of the Dynomen, he can perform vast magics. One swipe from the tail of a stegosaur could kill him,

and the bite of a carnosaur would swallow him whole, but his mind is sharp and quick to wield his powers, which emanate

from 2 mithril implants that he has instead of front fangs.



Doctor Banneret Anochromatic has invented a device to tap the phlogiston, compress it and entrap it into tiny bottles, vials, or atomizers.

When released properly, and then either ignited, mixed with salts or crystals, or focused thru various catalysts, any number of variable results can

be achieved. He can freeze locks, blind rapscallions, start or quench great fires, coat bullets with various hematizers, and other tricks

which we shan't delve into today. He fancies himself a detective, and tries to aid the constabulary at every hand. Thankfully his solving

percentage stays ahead of his bungling percentage, so he is still welcome down at the precinct. The real police see him as meddlesome

professor who is occasionally quite helpful.



WHITE SCARF is a legend amongst the Native Americans. No tribe can prove he is one of theirs, and he seems to aid all of them equally.

His familiarity with legends, and the astral constructs that do his deeds, (buffalo, snake, dust devil, etc) makes it obvious he's an expert shaman.

What would blow their minds would be to ever see the actual pale white man from Philadelphia who is behind the mask.

They would not comprehend the reasons why the great spirit allows him to use "their" energy, and or the complex debts and oaths

that put this new legend in motion, but that he is a force for harmony and good in the west cannot be argued.



LILY LIBRATUM flies the skies and spaceways with equal ease. Her sceptre of power emanates all sorts of energies, most of them psychic,

to undo the deeds criminals love doing. Her heroic code and love of fair play makes half the evil-doers run from her twice as fast,

while the other half silently give thanks that she's the one catching them, as other heroes of the league are far more ruthless in their

hunts against injustice.

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Re: Your Not Any Hero Of Note Unless You Have Cross-Time Versions Of Yourself.


Mmmm. I prefer the one Marvel individual who has no otherworldly duplicates - Rachel Summers.


In any case. None of my games have gone 'cross-time'; alternate dimensions are more akin to 'other planets' than 'here, just different'. One character of mine, however, was an immortal - one of the earliest humans - who lived throughout mankind's entire run, and dies at the very end ... only to 'reawaken' at the start of some other universe's cycle-of-humanity, and live through it. And kept doing that, again and again and again ...


... she was more than a little unbalanced, but surprisingly functional for all of that.

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Re: Your Not Any Hero Of Note Unless You Have Cross-Time Versions Of Yourself.


I think what the OP wants people to do is describe (similar to a WWYCD)

this thread is a "What would your parallel universe version of your character be like?"


so if your character was JERSEY DEVIL,


then the six facets would be like

1)Backworld : Seaside Angel, a gal with wings who just barely manages to do good.

2) Gorillaworld: The Hoboken Hairball, a winged moneky who fights crime

3) Saureanworld: Jurassic Devil, a large carnosaur that goes berserk and is immune to non-silver weapons.

4) Steampunkworld: Lady Whitechapel, a detective who taps into something supernatural for crimefighting.

5) Cowboyworld: Dust Devil, an ordinary cowgirl followed by the tormented, whom she uses to solve mysteries.

6) Crossgenderworld: This male Jersey Devil, would be a lot like the Etrigan/Jason combo.

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