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Throw people away


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Re: Throw people away


Well, i thought the special effect would be a "mental blast". When the character is in danger, he can shout at the enemy who is then thrown through the air straight away from the character by an invisible force.

More an instinctual panic reaction then a spell, and most likely will only buy time to run away or for allies to come to aid. Range i thought about 6 meters or less, near enough to feel threatened.

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Re: Throw people away


Remember you can trade 1d6 worth of damage for an extra 2m.


So, a martial arts maneuver:

Swat: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR + 1d6 Throw, +10 STR for Distance of Throw, Opponent Falls at Full Extra Strength Distance: 5 points.


Apply to almost any sort of STR, such as TK, and they're going what, 4m per 5 STR you have?




Build Notes for the Swat Maneuver:



Swat: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 2d6 Throw, +10 STR for Distance of Throw, Opponent Falls. 5 points.


Point Cost Exclusive Basis:

0 Strike (Does STR Damage, +0 OCV, +0 DCV)


+1 Throw (Put the bastard on the ground)

+1 +1d6 Normal Damage (Hurt the bastard when he hits)

+2 Exert +10 STR (add STR to how far you throw the bastard)

+2 Improved OCV (hit the bastard more easily...)

-1 Reduced DCV (... but get hit more easily, too)




The character half-slaps, half-chops the target in a sensitive location, sending them reeling (or flying)

the distance of a standing throw for what is appropriately excess STR for the character's STR + 10

against the target's weight, with the target taking STR + 1d6 Damage upon impact. For a typical human

target, the character's base STR will be the excess. For Magdalena in particular, if she's using her hand, that's 7 STR -- she'll

send her target stumbling back and falling on his ass (in surprise, no doubt) 5.5m (roughly 18 feet) away

where he'll take 2d6 Normal Damage.


Using her 40 STR 'Martial Strike' TK, though, that's a Swat with 9d6 normal damage, the target

flying (40 extra Str) 32m (104') away. With the 'give up 1d6 to Throw an extra 2m' rule (particularly

stated in the Ultimate Martial Artist), this could result instead in 50m worth of distance for 0d6 damage.


So if you're looking for some good distance ...

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Re: Throw people away


How about a flash versus sound that does knock back and then add double knock back.


I'm not sure if that would work against people/objects with no sense of hearing, similar in the way we can't use Dispel Knockback Resistance + Does Knockback against a target that has no Knockback Resistance to begin with.


Why not just a Blast - Only for Knockback(-2)?

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Re: Throw people away


I was only suggesting flag based on the special effect being yelling at them. In the end you could build it as


Flight usable against others [generally discouraged in the rules]



RKA [although that would be less knock back]

I just liked the idea of flash for this one. And flash that does knock back would have the flash resisted by flash defense and the kb resisted by kb resistance in my opinion. The possibilities of a character being deaf and immune to the flab are not any higher the the possibility of a character immune to any other attack. The gm will throw them in when ever he wants to shock the pc. Don't you think?

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Re: Throw people away


I have built a similar power in the past.


Write Up:

Telekinesis (30 Str), AOE (6m Radius; +1/2) (67APs); Only to Throw Back (-1), No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (Gagging; -1/4). 24 Real Points.


This is a Sonic Shout which throws all those around back. If the game is going to involve time in space or underwater that could involve additional modifiers.

In Space; Does not work in a Vacuum (-1/4)

In Water: Naked Advantage - Double Knockback (+1/2); Only Works in Water (-1)

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