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Combat tutorials


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I am going to be running a low power Hero game after not running one since 1st Ed. Is there any place where I could read or watch some combat tutorials? (Preferably in Fantasy Hero, not Champions)


Also, I am having a hard time finding the search function on the website.

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I am going to be running a low power Hero game after not running one since 1st Ed. Is there any place where I could read or watch some combat tutorials? (Preferably in Fantasy Hero' date=' not Champions) Also, I am having a hard time finding the search function on the website.[/quote']



There is an errata correction to the combat example included in Champions Complete (6e) available in the freebies section.



It is supers based but is still an excellent example.

If you are looking for a Fantasy Hero example you would get more replies from to a thread in that forum.

Search is one of those things we ALL miss since the recent forum upgrade. I'm sure it will reappear at some point.

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I've been looking for just such an example or tutorial for heroic play as opposed to superheroic play (I agree that the example from Champions Complete is pretty great), and have all but given up looking. Thinking it might be smart to just create one for myself, post it here, and let the experts tear it up for me so I can make it better.

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This old forum thread contains a couple of detailed narrative examples of combat starting at post #8, the first a simple heroic-level fantasy genre fight scene, the second a basic superheroic combat. Although written for Fifth Edition HERO, the combats would run almost identically under Sixth.
That's as close to a tutorial as I've seen, in a very brief example. I'm going to keep working on a more extensive example, with things like impairments, bleeding, hit locations and the like, and I'll post it here.
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So, I'm hoping you all will be honest about the mechanics that I screwed up here. I tried to take good notes of the results of a sample combat between two pit fighters, and I'm sure I've hosed something up somewhere...





Sebastian hadn't been imprisoned for long, but he'd quickly learned the one important lesson - to stay alive, you had to survive in the arena.



They'd outfitted him with some unfamiliar gear - a stout hauberk of bronze lamellar, and a pair of sturdy soft leather boots. He wished he'd been issued a helm, but that didn't seem to be customary in these fights. Instead, he was forced to make due with a battered but still serviceable wooden shield and a heavy falchion - nothing like the smaller, lighter shortsword he was used to, but easy enough to acclimatize himself to in short order.



Entering the arena, he found himself facing a veritable giant, a fellow he had encountered in the pens who was called Abraxas, and stood a good head taller than Sebastian. He wore a coat of mail, and studded leather greaves, and Sebastian was glad to see he wasn't the only one without a helmet for this fight. Abraxas also carried a huge poleax rather than a sword and shield.



They stood facing one another, about 12 meters apart, and at the sound of a bell Sebastian knew it was time to fight.



Turn 0: Phase 12



Sebastian, with a DEX of 15, goes first, but decides to hold his action and evaluate what Abraxas does first. Abraxas lumbers forward five long steps, covering as many meters and stops, adopting a wary stance. Sebastian closes the remaining distance (a half-move for him) and attempts a cut at the big man. He puts his two CLSs into OCV, and uses Martial Strike. This gives him an OCV of 8 (6 base + 2 CSLs -1 for shorter weapon reach +1 for natural accuracy of the falchion), DCV 8 (4 base + 2 for the maneuver +2 for the shield). Abraxas aborts to his held half-phase action for a Block, and puts all 7 of his CSLs into OCV, giving him an OCV of 10 (4 base + 7 CSLs -1 for the inherent inaccuracy of the axe), DCV 4.



Abraxas rolls to block (11+10-8 = 13-) and gets a 14, just missing on his block. Sebastian has an easy target now, (11+8-4 = 15-) and his roll of 8 is more than sufficient to land a hit.



Hit location is determined by 3d6, and the result is an 11, a blow to the chest. The damage is 2 BODY, and the location gives a x3 multiplier for 6 STUN. Unfortunately for Sebastian, Abraxas has 6 points of resistant PD just from his hauberk of mail, and doesn't even really feel the glancing blow.



Turn 0: Post-Phase 12 Recovery



Abraxas used 1 END for movement (5m) and 1 END for his block. His REC is 6, so he recovers both lost END. Sebastian used 1 END for movement (7m), 1 END for the martial strike, and 3 for his STR in the attack. His REC is 6, so he recovers all five lost END.



Turn 1: Phase 4



Had Abraxas successfully blocked last during his last phase, he would go first this phase. As he failed in his roll, he is forced to go second. Sebastian goes for anther hit, and having hit on his last phase, is no longer at -1 due to reach - he got inside the reach of the axe. Abraxas again aborts to Block, with the same values as last time.



Abraxas is rolling against (11+10-9 = 12-) and rolls a 13, failing to block again! Sebastian is rolling against a 16-, and once again gets an 8, scoring a hit.



This time, the location rolls is a 13, a low blow, but one still protected by chain armor. The damage roll is a total of 5 BODY, and with a x4 multiplier, 20 STUN. The armor protects against any of the BODY damage getting through, and combined with the giant's natural PD of 6, stops all but 8 points of STUN damage from getting through, reducing him to 22 STUN. His CON of 20 means that it'll require a much harder hit to actually stun Abraxas, who takes the blow to his midsection with a grunt, but the metal of his armor protects his guts from decorating the sandy floor of the arena.



Turn 1: Phase 8



Sebastian goes first again, and would like to target something unprotected, but he's seen how skilled his opponent is, and that he's only just barely gotten past his defenses twice now. He opts instead to take two attacks, at a -2 to each attack, the first a shield bash, the second a cut with his falchion.



Abraxas opts for one more attempt at blocking. He's rolling against (11+10-7) a 14- for his first block, to stop the shield bash, and his 10 is successful, getting his axe in the way. The second attack requires a second block, at -2, for a target of 12-. He rolls an 11 and has successfully blocked both attacks.



Turn 1: Phase 12



Having finally blocked successfully, Abraxas gets to go first this turn, and he opts to take a half-move to step back 1 meter, removing the -1 penalty for having his target inside his reach, and makes a standard chop at Sebastian. Sebastian aborts this time, to block, using his shield (the +2 DCV bonus is also an OCV bonus when used for Block).



Abraxas has an OCV of 10, Sebastian has an OCV of (6+2 for the shield +2 for the martial block maneuver) 10 as well, and needs an 11- to block the attack. He rolls a 5 and easily succeeds, interposing his shield between himself and the incoming axe.



Turn 1: Post-Phase 12 Recovery



Abraxas has used 8 END (4 for STR, 3 for maneuvers, 1 for movement) and recovers 6 of them, leaving his END at 38. He took a blow to the bread-basket for 8 STUN, recovers 6 of them and is now back up to 28 STUN.



Sebastian used 9 END (6 for STR, 3 for maneuvers) and recovers 6 of them, leaving him at 27 END



The crowd is still cheering on the fight, having seen some minor blows and some dancing about, but keen to see some bloodshed.



Turn 2: Phase 4



Sebastian is back on the offensive, but is back out of his ideal range, so has a -1 to his OCV once more. He steps forward, pressing his opponent to eliminate that penalty and takes a swing at Abraxas, who opts as usual to block.



Abraxas needs a 12- to block, and rolls a 10, easily batting the sword blade aside.



Turn 2: Phase 8



Abraxas goes first this time, steps back 1 meter (to eliminate any OCV penalty but leaving only 3 meters between himself and the wall) and opts for a double attack as well. Instead of blocking, Sebastian opts to abort to Dodge, and put his levels in DCV. This gives him a DCV of 4 + 2 CSLs +5 maneuver +2 shield = 13. Abraxas's chance to hit is (11+10-13-2) 6-, twice. Sebasitan gets no active defense roll against these attacks.



His first roll is a 13, entirely wide of Sebastian as he dances away, but his second roll, a 5, is enough to catch the wily fellow!



Abraxas's poleax does 2d+1 damage (including his STR bonus), for a total of 9 BODY to the 14, a hit to the thighs. Sebastian is lucky that his hauberk hangs long enough to cover his thighs or he would be in real trouble.



As it is, the lamellar protects him from 5 BODY of damage, leaving 4 to get through, reducing Sebastian to 6 BODY and drawing first blood. The location also has a x2 STUN multiplier, meaning that the hit does 18 STUN. His armor combines with his natural PD of 5 to stop 10 points of STUN, leaving 8 to get through, reducing his STUN total to 16. He isn't stunned by the attack (CON 15) but he felt this one, and it's a significant blow.



As the injury (the amount of BODY caused, before or after the BODY multiplier - in this case x1) was not not in excess of half of Sebastian's BODY score, there is no impairment or disabling to be checked, but as BODY damage was done, bleeding may occur.



The crowd cheers lustily as the first wound of the match strikes home.



Turn 2: Phase 12



Sebastian goes first, and grimly closes the distance to his foe. He opts for a standard attack and Abraxas gamely tries to block, needing a 12-. He rolls a 14, and fails once again to block the blow. Sebastian rolls to hit (11+9-4) at 16-, and gets a 12. The hit location is a 5! A shot to the head!



BODY damage done is only 3, but the stun multiplier is x5, and the BODY multiplier is x2, and Abraxas wears no helm. He's protected only by his own natural PD, which will not stop the BODY damage from a killing attack. He takes 6 BODY to the head, and 15 - 6 = 9 STUN, and he's bleeding like a stuck pig, but isn't stunned from the attack itself.



The BODY damage is more than half his BODY score, however, so he has to roll on the Impairment table. The result of 1d6 on the table indicates that he will only be impaired for one turn, and the GM rules that Abraxas has been knocked briefly unconscious by the blow. His eyes roll up into his head and he crumples to the ground.



Sebastian raises his falchion in the air - not for a killing blow, but in salute to the crowd. They cheer him lustily, and slaves enter the arena to haul Abraxas out. Abraxas is able to stand by the time they reach his side, and they each take an arm and lead him through his gate and back to the cells.



Sebastian stops briefly, checking on the wound on his leg. It bleeds for 5 additional STUN worth of damage, and he hobbles around the arena, making a brave show of receiving the plaudits of the crowd. Another thing a pit fighter has to remember is that the crowd can decide if he lives or dies just as easily as his opponent.


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So, I'm hoping you all will be honest about the mechanics that I screwed up here. I tried to take good notes of the results of a sample combat between two pit fighters, and I'm sure I've hosed something up somewhere...





Sebastian hadn't been imprisoned for long, but he'd quickly learned the one important lesson - to stay alive, you had to survive in the arena.



They'd outfitted him with some unfamiliar gear - a stout hauberk of bronze lamellar, and a pair of sturdy soft leather boots. He wished he'd been issued a helm, but that didn't seem to be customary in these fights. Instead, he was forced to make due with a battered but still serviceable wooden shield and a heavy falchion - nothing like the smaller, lighter shortsword he was used to, but easy enough to acclimatize himself to in short order.



Entering the arena, he found himself facing a veritable giant, a fellow he had encountered in the pens who was called Abraxas, and stood a good head taller than Sebastian. He wore a coat of mail, and studded leather greaves, and Sebastian was glad to see he wasn't the only one without a helmet for this fight. Abraxas also carried a huge poleax rather than a sword and shield.



They stood facing one another, about 12 meters apart, and at the sound of a bell Sebastian knew it was time to fight.



Turn 0: Phase 12



Sebastian, with a DEX of 15, goes first, but decides to hold his action and evaluate what Abraxas does first. Abraxas lumbers forward five long steps, covering as many meters and stops, adopting a wary stance. Sebastian closes the remaining distance (a half-move for him) and attempts a cut at the big man. He puts his two CLSs into OCV, and uses Martial Strike. This gives him an OCV of 8 (6 base + 2 CSLs -1 for shorter weapon reach +1 for natural accuracy of the falchion), DCV 8 (4 base + 2 for the maneuver +2 for the shield). Abraxas aborts to his held half-phase action for a Block, and puts all 7 of his CSLs into OCV, giving him an OCV of 10 (4 base + 7 CSLs -1 for the inherent inaccuracy of the axe), DCV 4.



Abraxas rolls to block (11+10-8 = 13-) and gets a 14, just missing on his block. Sebastian has an easy target now, (11+8-4 = 15-) and his roll of 8 is more than sufficient to land a hit.



Hit location is determined by 3d6, and the result is an 11, a blow to the chest. The damage is 2 BODY, and the location gives a x3 multiplier for 6 STUN. Unfortunately for Sebastian, Abraxas has 6 points of resistant PD just from his hauberk of mail, and doesn't even really feel the glancing blow.



Turn 0: Post-Phase 12 Recovery



Abraxas used 1 END for movement (5m) and 1 END for his block. His REC is 6, so he recovers both lost END. Sebastian used 1 END for movement (7m), 1 END for the martial strike, and 3 for his STR in the attack. His REC is 6, so he recovers all five lost END.



Turn 1: Phase 4



Had Abraxas successfully blocked last during his last phase, he would go first this phase. As he failed in his roll, he is forced to go second. Sebastian goes for anther hit, and having hit on his last phase, is no longer at -1 due to reach - he got inside the reach of the axe. Abraxas again aborts to Block, with the same values as last time.



Abraxas is rolling against (11+10-9 = 12-) and rolls a 13, failing to block again! Sebastian is rolling against a 16-, and once again gets an 8, scoring a hit.



This time, the location rolls is a 13, a low blow, but one still protected by chain armor. The damage roll is a total of 5 BODY, and with a x4 multiplier, 20 STUN. The armor protects against any of the BODY damage getting through, and combined with the giant's natural PD of 6, stops all but 8 points of STUN damage from getting through, reducing him to 22 STUN. His CON of 20 means that it'll require a much harder hit to actually stun Abraxas, who takes the blow to his midsection with a grunt, but the metal of his armor protects his guts from decorating the sandy floor of the arena.



Turn 1: Phase 8



Sebastian goes first again, and would like to target something unprotected, but he's seen how skilled his opponent is, and that he's only just barely gotten past his defenses twice now. He opts instead to take two attacks, at a -2 to each attack, the first a shield bash, the second a cut with his falchion.



Abraxas opts for one more attempt at blocking. He's rolling against (11+10-7) a 14- for his first block, to stop the shield bash, and his 10 is successful, getting his axe in the way. The second attack requires a second block, at -2, for a target of 12-. He rolls an 11 and has successfully blocked both attacks.



Turn 1: Phase 12



Having finally blocked successfully, Abraxas gets to go first this turn, and he opts to take a half-move to step back 1 meter, removing the -1 penalty for having his target inside his reach, and makes a standard chop at Sebastian. Sebastian aborts this time, to block, using his shield (the +2 DCV bonus is also an OCV bonus when used for Block).



Abraxas has an OCV of 10, Sebastian has an OCV of (6+2 for the shield +2 for the martial block maneuver) 10 as well, and needs an 11- to block the attack. He rolls a 5 and easily succeeds, interposing his shield between himself and the incoming axe.



Turn 1: Post-Phase 12 Recovery



Abraxas has used 8 END (4 for STR, 3 for maneuvers, 1 for movement) and recovers 6 of them, leaving his END at 38. He took a blow to the bread-basket for 8 STUN, recovers 6 of them and is now back up to 28 STUN.



Sebastian used 9 END (6 for STR, 3 for maneuvers) and recovers 6 of them, leaving him at 27 END



The crowd is still cheering on the fight, having seen some minor blows and some dancing about, but keen to see some bloodshed.



Turn 2: Phase 4



Sebastian is back on the offensive, but is back out of his ideal range, so has a -1 to his OCV once more. He steps forward, pressing his opponent to eliminate that penalty and takes a swing at Abraxas, who opts as usual to block.



Abraxas needs a 12- to block, and rolls a 10, easily batting the sword blade aside.



Turn 2: Phase 8



Abraxas goes first this time, steps back 1 meter (to eliminate any OCV penalty but leaving only 3 meters between himself and the wall) and opts for a double attack as well. Instead of blocking, Sebastian opts to abort to Dodge, and put his levels in DCV. This gives him a DCV of 4 + 2 CSLs +5 maneuver +2 shield = 13. Abraxas's chance to hit is (11+10-13-2) 6-, twice. Sebasitan gets no active defense roll against these attacks.



His first roll is a 13, entirely wide of Sebastian as he dances away, but his second roll, a 5, is enough to catch the wily fellow!



Abraxas's poleax does 2d+1 damage (including his STR bonus), for a total of 9 BODY to the 14, a hit to the thighs. Sebastian is lucky that his hauberk hangs long enough to cover his thighs or he would be in real trouble.



As it is, the lamellar protects him from 5 BODY of damage, leaving 4 to get through, reducing Sebastian to 6 BODY and drawing first blood. The location also has a x2 STUN multiplier, meaning that the hit does 18 STUN. His armor combines with his natural PD of 5 to stop 10 points of STUN, leaving 8 to get through, reducing his STUN total to 16. He isn't stunned by the attack (CON 15) but he felt this one, and it's a significant blow.



As the injury (the amount of BODY caused, before or after the BODY multiplier - in this case x1) was not not in excess of half of Sebastian's BODY score, there is no impairment or disabling to be checked, but as BODY damage was done, bleeding may occur.



The crowd cheers lustily as the first wound of the match strikes home.



Turn 2: Phase 12



Sebastian goes first, and grimly closes the distance to his foe. He opts for a standard attack and Abraxas gamely tries to block, needing a 12-. He rolls a 14, and fails once again to block the blow. Sebastian rolls to hit (11+9-4) at 16-, and gets a 12. The hit location is a 5! A shot to the head!



BODY damage done is only 3, but the stun multiplier is x5, and the BODY multiplier is x2, and Abraxas wears no helm. He's protected only by his own natural PD, which will not stop the BODY damage from a killing attack. He takes 6 BODY to the head, and 15 - 6 = 9 STUN, and he's bleeding like a stuck pig, but isn't stunned from the attack itself.



The BODY damage is more than half his BODY score, however, so he has to roll on the Impairment table. The result of 1d6 on the table indicates that he will only be impaired for one turn, and the GM rules that Abraxas has been knocked briefly unconscious by the blow. His eyes roll up into his head and he crumples to the ground.



Sebastian raises his falchion in the air - not for a killing blow, but in salute to the crowd. They cheer him lustily, and slaves enter the arena to haul Abraxas out. Abraxas is able to stand by the time they reach his side, and they each take an arm and lead him through his gate and back to the cells.



Sebastian stops briefly, checking on the wound on his leg. It bleeds for 5 additional STUN worth of damage, and he hobbles around the arena, making a brave show of receiving the plaudits of the crowd. Another thing a pit fighter has to remember is that the crowd can decide if he lives or dies just as easily as his opponent.

I like it, but for it to be even more helpful to beginners (or folks who haven't played for a long time and may have forgotten some of the basics), could you add at the beginning the most essential stats (STR, DEX, CON, SPD, BODY, STUN, END) for both Sebastian and Abraxas? Additionally, while the END usage totals given during the Post-Segment 12 Recoveries are good, how about also listing the END costs for each move and maneuver as they are performed? I think that would really help someone follow along.
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Turn 2 Phase 8 has some errors. Any miss in a Multiple Attack ends the sequence of attacks, and since his first swing was a miss the second automatically fails. Also, he should not have had to step back a meter since on the last phase he successfully blocked and the opponent with the shorter weapon was not "inside" the reach of the larger weapon.


I would also second the suggestion to give the characters characteristics at the start of the example.


All in all it's a decent tutorial.

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Thanks, Bigbywolfe and RRavenwood for the feedback. I did hose up Phase 8 a bit, and I'll tweak it to follow the rules while not changing the outcome too drastically. I'm considering a two-column version, with flavor text on one side and mechanics on the other, and will include relevant character stats as well.

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I'm considering a two-column version' date=' with flavor text on one side and mechanics on the other[/quote']


I like that idea! People can then approach it in several ways: read each phase in full, beginning to end; or read the mechanics first and then back through with the "flavor" to get an idea on how mechanics can represent (in-game) "reality", or the reverse to see an example of how the action can be translated into game mechanics.

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Turn 2 Phase 8 has some errors. Any miss in a Multiple Attack ends the sequence of attacks' date=' and since his first swing was a miss the second automatically fails. Also, he should not have had to step back a meter since on the last phase he successfully blocked and the opponent with the shorter weapon was not "inside" the reach of the larger weapon. I would also second the suggestion to give the characters characteristics at the start of the example. All in all it's a decent tutorial. [/quote']

Reread T2P8, and I had had Sebastian move 1m ahead in T1P12, to close the distance and remove the penalty to his OCV - moving to get rid of the penalty instead of attacking successfully to remove it. Is that not a valid option, given the rules? I would think so, given that the there was no issue with the longer weapon wielder moving back to open the range...

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In T2P4 you state "Sebastian is back on the offensive, but is back out of his ideal range, so has a -1 to his OCV once more. He steps forward, pressing his opponent to eliminate that penalty..." What is "pressing his opponent to eliminate that penalty"? Where in the rules are you getting the idea that by merely stating "I press my opponent" you somehow get to reduce a penalty? According to what I can find in 6E2 and Champions Complete, the way to reduce that penalty is to make a successful attack.

That being said, since he starts T2P4 outside his ideal reach, thanks to having a shorter weapon, he would have to have a successful hit with the penalty to be "inside" the longer weapon's reach, thus giving the opponent with a longer weapon a penalty next phase. This doesn't happen. Even though you allow Sebastian to ignore the penalty, he is still blocked in T2P4, thus he hasn't successfully hit his opponent and is not inside the weapon's reach, so the opponent is not at a penalty and does not need to step back to eliminate some penalty that he is not actually suffering. Now if you want to have him move a meter away under the pretense of getting a better position or something so you can illustrate that his weapon can strike at an extended range that's all well and good. However, he is under no penalty and thus should not have to move simply to be on even footing with his opponent.


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Really, just the assumption that, since weapon size explicitly increases your Reach by a set number of meters, and there shouldn't be any reason why you can't just step forward to close that distance - but that's probably too much reliance on my background in GURPS combat.


I suspect that this boils down to a problem I'm going to have with the system as written, and that's the failure to rely on a hex map for accurate placement of individuals and terrain, to deal with facing and the like. It pains me to resort to house-rules so early in my exposure to a system, but this might be a deal breaker for me otherwise.


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Hex facing has never truly been a major issue with HERO. So much of the combat maneuvers have little bearing on which way a person is looking at any given time and "from behind" is situational to the point of being the GM's call.


As for hexes, either 1" or 2" is equal to one hex.

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Really, just the assumption that, since weapon size explicitly increases your Reach by a set number of meters, and there shouldn't be any reason why you can't just step forward to close that distance - but that's probably too much reliance on my background in GURPS combat.


I suspect that this boils down to a problem I'm going to have with the system as written, and that's the failure to rely on a hex map for accurate placement of individuals and terrain, to deal with facing and the like. It pains me to resort to house-rules so early in my exposure to a system, but this might be a deal breaker for me otherwise.

So in GURPS, if someone has a 3 meter spear and you are bare handed you can just walk up to them with no penalty and stab them, and they they are magically at a disadvantage because you are too close?
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Hex facing has never truly been a major issue with HERO. So much of the combat maneuvers have little bearing on which way a person is looking at any given time and "from behind" is situational to the point of being the GM's call.


I wonder why that is. I mean, the system provides for 360-degree vision, but doesn't include the concept of facing...


I'm wondering if it would be inappropriate to say that weapon reach differences lead to an OCV penalty, per 6E2, p.202, or the individual can invest a half-move in closing or extending the distance, and trade the OCV penalty for an equivalent DCV penalty - trading the higher risk of being hit for lack of reduction of offensive power.


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The Reach Bonus from weapons and the Unequal Reach penalty are clearly related, but they are two distinct things. If you have a dagger with no Reach Bonus you have a HtH range of 1 meter. Say your opponent long spear giving him a +2m Reach Bonus making his HtH range 3 meters. He can hit you from 3 meters, but you have no defensive penalty (unless you try to Block without a shield). It doesn't matter if you are 3 meters or 1 meter apart, can hit you and you have no defensive penalty aside from Blocking. If you want to hit him, however, you'll have to close the space from 3 meters down to 1 meter, so you make a half move. That doesn't magically get rid of the penalty for him having a larger weapon to fend you off. You have to be that close to even try to hit him. Why would getting to within the minimal distance needed to hit someone erase the penalty? You can't hit him from 3 meters away anyway.

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Why would getting to within the minimal distance needed to hit someone erase the penalty? You can't hit him from 3 meters away anyway.


I think it's more complex than the current system models. If the situation is dagger versus spear, and dagger advances two meters to be able to attack, spear has to either step back two meters, or change his grip radically to be able to use the point of the spear effectively. It's less of an issue if it's a greatsword with the longer reach, as swords work well at anything but immediate, in-your-face range, where they can wind up being less than useful.


I mean, I can see what you're saying - yes, you have to close the range to attack at all. But what happens if you close the range and you don't hit? Do you automatically get pushed back to where you started? Does the defender with the larger weapon move backwards automatically? Or does he just maintain his lack-of-penalty to hit you, even though his weapon might remarkably constrained at that range?


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Depends on what use you expect from the spear. Is it a long jabbing/thrusting weapon or is it a quarterstaff that happens to have a blade/point at one end?

Did I dream this, or is there already an option in Hero somewhere for hitting someone with the flat of your blade - is that all included in pulling punches? And might you use the same rules in a mandatory fashion for someone who wants to whack their opponent with the shaft of their spear instead of sticking the pointy bit into their fleshy parts?

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Depends on what use you expect from the spear. Is it a long jabbing/thrusting weapon or is it a quarterstaff that happens to have a blade/point at one end?

Did I dream this, or is there already an option in Hero somewhere for hitting someone with the flat of your blade - is that all included in pulling punches? And might you use the same rules in a mandatory fashion for someone who wants to whack their opponent with the shaft of their spear instead of sticking the pointy bit into their fleshy parts?

Hitting with the flat of the blade is an optional maneuver/rule and has nothing to do with "pulling a punch".
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