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Reduced Mass


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I'm looking over the rules and found Density Increase - but I'm striking out finding the reverse other than Shrinking.


If I want to do that can I buy it with the Limitation "No Size Decrease" and use it as a Reduced Mass, or is there a better way to do it.







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The "Opposite of Density Increase" is a question that goes back as far as Champions.


You can use the special effect for any number of powers, advantages or disadvantages: Desolidification, Gliding, Swimming Only To Surface, Reduced Endurance on Running or Swinging, semi-Intangible Clinging, semi-intangible Damage Neutralization or Damage Reduction, Susceptibility to Knockback, Invisibility to Hearing, Skill Levels with Stealth, Acrobatics or Climbing..


The list is endless.

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When I first thought about Density Decrease, I originally thought of Telekinesis, Limited Power (Only To "Hold" Self), and make it enough to lift as much as the character weighs. This TK STR works to reduce or negate the amount of STR and TK STR needed to lift, throw, and carry him.

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I'm looking over the rules and found Density Increase - but I'm striking out finding the reverse other than Shrinking.


If I want to do that can I buy it with the Limitation "No Size Decrease" and use it as a Reduced Mass, or is there a better way to do it.







The density decrease part of Shrinking is generally more of a Disadvantage/Limitation. It makes your more succeptible to knockback. So you want to buy negative KB Resistance??? Or sell back your natural KB resistance?


A lot more explanation is nesseary before we can begin to answer this. Like:

What would be the positive game effect of reducing your mass?

As Comic said, it sounds like you have a Special Effect here, not a game effect.

And Chris Taylor pointed out there is a sort of "Partial Desolidifcation" that is named Density Decrease in the APG (7 5-point level, at 8 it just becomes Desolid).

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A "advantage" to Density Decrease is the ability to be lifted and thrown easy by alies. Imagine combinding this with Density Increase. You help your 8 STR teammate toss you, turn off Density Decrease in mid throw and turn on Density Increase before you hit your target...instant pancake. Note: I don't like the equasion of Desolification equals Density Decrease, cause logically Density Decrease don't alowe you to go through objects (and even reduced Desolification does, even with the special effect of being lighter).

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A "advantage" to Density Decrease is the ability to be lifted and thrown easy by alies. Imagine combinding this with Density Increase. You help your 8 STR teammate toss you, turn off Density Decrease in mid throw and turn on Density Increase before you hit your target...instant pancake. Note: I don't like the equasion of Desolification equals Density Decrease, cause logically Density Decrease don't alowe you to go through objects (and even reduced Desolification does, even with the special effect of being lighter).


I disagree.  At most, your 8 Str teammate is throwing you for an extra 1 1/2 D6 of damage.  Yippee!   :straight:   Why don't you just buy extra movement?


For Density Decrease, I'd buy a Multipower.  Give one slot extra Leaping (because you weigh less).  Give the other slot Gliding.  Then slap a limitation on it so when you use the powers, you take extra KB.  Done.

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