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How to avoid resurrection-trapping


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If I have regeneration w/ resurrection is there a way to avoid situations like some guy throws my body in a volcano so I will take damage faster than I can regenerate it?


Like is there a way to make your body undamageable until you are in positive body (perhaps full) and able to act to run away or something?


Perhaps to rebuild your body in a safe location far away from where you died?


I don't know if it is possible to have teleport powers work when you're dead like this.

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I'll refer you to the "No Absolutes" portion of the rule books (6E1 11, CC 8, FHC 10).


This really sounds like you are concerned with mature and responsible game play on the part of your GM. I would recommend talking with them about what you are trying to accomplish, and why.


(Cue everyone else posting a bunch of power builds.)

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triggered duplication upon destruction of your original body


37 pts Duplication (creates 300-point form), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Duplicate cannot wake up till original is destroyed; -1), Cannot Recombine (-0)

Triggered teleport once your body exceeds your body x2


9  ptsTeleportation 10m, Custom Adder, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; going 1point over death triggers; +1/4), MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2) (32 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Month (-3)

Teleportation: Fixed Location (1 Locations)


now you need a base to store it


these could be your 2nd chance if resurrection is foiled


your 3rd option is to have friends who will recover your body
that one is free
also keeping it a secret that you can rise from the dead helps

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Any of the approaches described in the OP are possible. They will be expensive (that is, you are losing other character abilities to gain this enhanced protection from character death), and they will all have their own counters.


This sounds a lot like looking for that "unbeatable" CCG combo, or perhaps a D&Dism ("how can I combine two or more game elements to achieve something not intended to be achievable").


As a GM in virtually any game system, if I want to kill off one or more PC's, it's simple to do so. Adversarial games don't appeal to me anyway. I find characters with a "come back from the dead" power tend to get killed a lot more often than others - after all, why spend the points if you don't want to show off that special ability?


If you're a player who enjoys a game with long-term characters, the answer is not to build an unkillable character, but to find a GM and gaming group which shares that game style preference, as they will not be playing a "three men for a quarter" slaughterfest.

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If I have regeneration w/ resurrection is there a way to avoid situations like some guy throws my body in a volcano so I will take damage faster than I can regenerate it?


Like is there a way to make your body undamageable until you are in positive body (perhaps full) and able to act to run away or something?


Perhaps to rebuild your body in a safe location far away from where you died?


I don't know if it is possible to have teleport powers work when you're dead like this.

First we have to define the setting:

Heroic or Superheroic?

In Superheroics "death does not stick" is so common. Heck, character death is unheard off in most Hero campaigns. Unless it is a plotpoint (and temporary), a origin or a "way to retire a character heroically". It should not "just happen" in normal adventuring.

So I would argue such a power should not even cost points in Superheroics.


In heroics, such a power might be unfeasibly expensive to begin with.


Ways to avoid the Volcano problem:

Teleportation, Megascaled, 1 Fixed Location, Triggered upon death.

Your body would still lie around where you fell, but your "regenration core", "disembodied soul" or whatever ported to a save location. Where a new body would form around it.


However, in the end this is a game of walls and ladders. And the GM has infinite points for his ladders.

He just has to put the volcano in another dimension or be made of "magical" rock, that somehow blocks teleportation and you are back to square one.

Or just let the villain know where you will resurrect. Or let the enemy burry you alive.


First ask if this kind of ressurection is even wanted by the GM. Then ask if he could actually make it "worth it's cost" to have that power. Maybe character death is not even a consideration for the campaign?


FYI, for the regenerating hero I would not use high levels of regeneration (or resurrection).

Just buy resistant defenses with the special effect "he heals most wounds to fast to bother". Plus a bit of regeneration (1 body per turn) for anything that goes past.

Wolverine was not immortal. There were cases where his healing factor was "canceled out" through exessive use of a attack. Sounds like it was not a absolute to begin with. But thanks to his high (regeneration special effect) defenses, it took a real lot of damage to do so.

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I find characters with a "come back from the dead" power tend to get killed a lot more often than others - after all, why spend the points if you don't want to show off that special ability?

[cough] Jack Harkness [/cough]


In our last Champions game, one PC was a Dr. Doom homage. (Yes, it was a villains game.) The player wanted to have a bunch of Doom-Bots, so that when he got killed we would simply "reveal" that it had been a Doom-Bot all along and the "real" Doom was safe back at the base. Sure gave the other players a shock when the character got his head blown off the first time!


So different sfx, but functionally not that different from what you're describing. At first we toyed around with using Duplication or Followers to model this, but we eventually decided the effect was just Resurrection and everything else was just sfx. Yes technically that would get him around the sort of resurrection trap you describe, but I didn't feel that was something that was going to come up often enough to matter. If throwing the character into the sun to ensure he stayed dead was something I as a GM wanted to do, then I might've thrown on some sort of custom Adder to reflect that...or not approved the power in the first place.

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Triggered Desolid with the Invulerability SFX. Should last long for the character to make their way out of the situation that is causing the problem.

If the trap has "Affects Desolid" as an advantage, aren't you back to square one again on this issue?


Teleport can be blocked as well, so that one doesn't seem to work either.


I liked the Doombot suggestion posted above, so could we see how it was written up?

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I liked the Doombot suggestion posted above, so could we see how it was written up?

Sure. It was actually a pretty simple build, since we mainly viewed it as a funny plot device:


It Was A Ruin Bot All Along!!  Healing BODY 1d6, Resurrection (30 Active Points); Must have access to a robotics lab (-1), Resurrection Only (-1/2), Must heal completely before "waking up" (-1/2)   [10 RP]


But again, as written this wouldn't necessarily get you out of the kind of trap the OP is worried about tho. If that's something I was worried about, then to be more book-legal I might've gone with the Triggered Megascale Teleport, Difficult to Dispel/Block. I'm not sure if leaving a robot corpse behind would be a Side Effect or just sfx.

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