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Interdimensional Travel


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After the reaction to my thoughts of bringing mind flayers into my game I feel a bit apprehensive about this next idea. Each character has a Hunted By and two have drawn the attention of something dark indeed.


One of the heroes is a priest (complete with divine abilities) and he found an interesting little item. A beautiful cube made of mahogany and brass which appears to be a puzzle of some sort. It opens portals to other dimensions. He asked the gadgeteer to help him figure out how it works

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It's a STOP power only if it's allowed to be used offensively otherwise it's a plot device in the hands of the GM. 


So, no Usable as an Attack or Usable by Others Also(to transport them and then strand them) and you shouldn't upset game balance.


Considering that it sounds like you found it without paying Character Points for it, I'd bury that sucker in the deepest hole I could find. The GM has PLANS for that little trinket.

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It's a STOP power only if it's allowed to be used offensively otherwise it's a plot device in the hands of the GM.


So, no Usable as an Attack or Usable by Others Also(to transport them and then strand them) and you shouldn't upset game balance.


Considering that it sounds like you found it without paying Character Points for it, I'd bury that sucker in the deepest hole I could find. The GM has PLANS for that little trinket.

. I'm the GM
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@GCMorris. Your reply is missing.


So, you're the GM. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) My first thought is that you shouldn't introduce something to the game if you don't know how you expect it to work. As a GM you should also remember that points don't matter. If you have to define a specific game effect, that's fine, but you really don't have a budget. (Like your Mind Flayers. If you want them to insta-kill, you can define an attack so large that it exceeds your campaign limits for BODY, and voila, I'm not saying that would be fun for anyone involved.)


For the mystery cube, this reads like a plot device. You say it opens portals to other dimensions. Great. The players can open portals to other dimensions, only when you are ready for them to do so, and only to the place(s) you choose. Just because it can open portals doesn't mean the players have to have free reign over the effect.


So, my suggestion is, plan your extra-dimensional adventure(s). Then feed the players one option at a time. Tell them they've figured out how to open a portal. When they go through, run the adventure you planned for that dimension. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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Yeah. It's not for immediate use. They aren't ready for what is on the other side but maybe something else will step through to this side. I'm not going to do something that I'm uncomfortable with. I'm a new HERO GM but not a new GM. I'm setting up the pieces as it were. The puzzle box is basically the Lament Configuration from Hellraiser.

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Yeah. It's not for immediate use. They aren't ready for what is on the other side but maybe something else will step through to this side. I'm not going to do something that I'm uncomfortable with. I'm a new HERO GM but not a new GM. I'm setting up the pieces as it were. The puzzle box is basically the Lament Configuration from Hellraiser.

I don't know Hellraiser, so I looked this up. Use the box as the plot device it is. That's not game breaking.

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From the first post, I thought "That sounds like its from Hellraiser; as a PC I would want nothing to do with it."


It would be tough to be gamebreaking with this since you have so much control over it, and it depends on how it works. Can they summon things through the portal? Force things through the portals? Are they big portals? Could I drop the box in a body of water and drain it? Etc.

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From the first post, I thought "That sounds like its from Hellraiser; as a PC I would want nothing to do with it."


It would be tough to be gamebreaking with this since you have so much control over it, and it depends on how it works. Can they summon things through the portal? Force things through the portals? Are they big portals? Could I drop the box in a body of water and drain it? Etc.


That's exactly what I thought too.  First post, I'm picturing the puzzle box.  "Hey, can you help me figure out how to open this?"  "Nope."

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It is a plot device. Or plot enabler. In other words, the heroes have only control over what the item does when you want them too.

And then it is only to solve a problem cause by not having control over the thing in the first place.


If the Characters want to control that power, they have to buy the Hero System Power EDM. This could take teh special effect and limitations fitting for the cube.

Or it could be something totally unrelated, like a interdimensional portal the Gadgeteer made in his Base(ment).

This Power the players have control over, that is what has the Stop Sign.

If you do not want them to have free EDM, jsut say "No" at that point.


One of the core rules for equipement in superheroic games:

You can only use what you paid points for. You can not regulary lend your items to another hero.

You can maybe use the item once or twice a campaign. But anything beyond that and you have to buy the proper power. And it is subject to GM approval.

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At the risk of being repetitive: EDM/interdimensional travel is only (potentially) game breaking if the PCs have a high amount of control over it, when it can easily become a Get Out Of Plot Free card. And yeah, making it Usable On Other is a munchkinfest waiting to happen.
But as long as you control it or at least limit what they can do with it, then it's just a plot device power. Have fun with it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The puzzle box activates travel to six different dimensions and all within a certain radius are transported or a step through portal I. Not fully decided. Not all dimensions are hostile and it can't really be used to summon things but any being in the same space on the other side can step through which has actually happened recently

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Ya, are you going to let them Abort to opening a portal and jumping through it?


Putting an interesting side effect may temper their own choice to use it, however they use it. Like if it's a "blind" portal. Or if it drains their stamina when transporting, or does some kind of damage to them in transporting.


Just some ideas. 

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