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Old Man

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SPD 3 Fighting Monk against 3 SPD 2 Mooks


Phase 12: Declare a block, block at OCV 12/10/8


Phase 4: Declare a block


Phase 6: Block at OCV 12/10/8


Phase 8: Haymaker with Strike Maneuver for 4d6-1K


Phase 12: Declare a block, block at OCV 12/10


Phase 4: Decalre a block


Phase 6: Block at 12/10


Phase 8: Haymaker with Strike Maneuver for 4d6-1K


Phase 12: Declare block, remaining mook flees



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Originally posted by Von D-Man

SPD 3 Fighting Monk against 3 SPD 2 Mooks


Phase 12: Declare a block, block at OCV 12/10/8


Phase 4: Declare a block


Phase 6: Block at OCV 12/10/8


Phase 8: Haymaker with Strike Maneuver for 4d6-1K


Phase 12: Declare a block, block at OCV 12/10


Phase 4: Decalre a block


Phase 6: Block at 12/10


Phase 8: Haymaker with Strike Maneuver for 4d6-1K


Phase 12: Declare block, remaining mook flees




You are such a munchkin.


I approve :D

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Rolling a natural 3 for a critical hit (max damage) on a 4d6-1 haymakered strike (23 Body, X5 Stun) on the first phase of combat with the main baddy really rocks... especially in a low fantasy game.


She had 7 resistant defense and 15 body...


I cheat in my players favor when I'm GM because my nickname is "Mr. Hot Dice" - hot dice when you are a player, however, is very cool.


I haven't played in sooooooo long. What fun.

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Being able to touch-type is nice. most of the time I don't even know what I am writing, just trying to string a few words together. Its especially nice with presentations as coherent sentences aren't required, just ideas. (granted I agree with Cringely about PP presentations dumbing down the transfer of knowledge) This is nice right now as I have been sleeping poorly the past few nights, so I am dreadfully tired.


Its also nice when people you don't really like come to visit. You can look up at them and continue to type. It says, "I acknowledge you, but I am busy...go away." This came handy with a previous co-worker. He was the type that you could try to ignore and it would fail, he would stand there and stare until you acknowledge him. I have seen him stand in one place for five to ten minutes, not moving, waiting for someone to say hi. So this way I could acknowledge him and not stop working.

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Guest Worldmaker

Just shut your eyes, take a deep breath and you can believe the following run-on sentence:


Dick Cheney had only the national interest at heart when, as secretary of defense under Bush's father, he set up a system of awarding Army contracts to Halliburton and others, then left government and became CEO of Halliburton, which located subsidiaries off-shore in order to profit from rebuilding rogue nations like Iraq and Iran while avoiding U.S. taxes; then Cheney became vice president, banged the drum for another war against Iraq, gave Halliburton the Army supply contracts while he received deferred salary and company stock.


Now exhale, while telling yourself, "No conflict of interest there, not even the appearance of such."

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Does anyone besides me see similarities between people who play games just to go up levels, and people who take note of how many posts they have? They are both taking a single facet of a hypothetical reality and basing their net worth on this. It seems kind of sad to me, as if that small fraction of the hypothetical world is bigger than the rest of it. I mean, if you leave out the story, if what you say is less important than that you said something, why bother?

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Guest Worldmaker

I just rewatched "Hero" and "You're Welcome", two episodes of Angel. "Hero" was from the first season, and was the last episode featuring the late Glenn Quinn's character, Alan Doyle. "You're Welcome" was from the current season, and was the last episode featuring Charisma Carpenter's character, Cordelia Chase.


Heroism and self-sacrifice. Man, I am such a sap sometimes.


These two seem to be bookends for the series. They could have stopped at "You're Welcome" and felt good about themselves ever after.

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Guest Worldmaker

"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have every known. Women are often the refugees and sometimes, more often, the victims of wartime violence. Women are left the responsibility of raising the children alone." -- Hillary Clinton, 1998.



Yeah... if only those men who get killed or maimed actually fighting a war only suffered the way women do. Lucky bastards.


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Guest Worldmaker

Read something cool in today's newspaper:


"The next time you're at dinner with a group of friends, ask them what they think the most valuable object in the room is. If you're in a person's home they might mention the television, or a stereo, or the furniture. But a much more valuable thing is the air. Some of the best things in life are free."

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