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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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I've had my Internet service interrupted a few times this week.


My bedroom computer is the main one with a modem attached and a router plugged in to wires allowing my roommates (my brother and his girlfriend) to have Internet access in their room. Except that for some reason I wasn't getting Internet access, and when I tried to fix the router, neither computer could use the Internet.


So I called the cable company, who said I was still connected, and that the problem must be with the router- which they couldn't help me with. This despite the fact that they were the ones who installed it in the first place as part of the equipment package. I asked if they could send someone over, and they had to come when my roommates were in and I was working day shift. The 'technician' just looked at the router for a bit and said that one of the wires was malfunctioning. Not that he actually told us what we could do about it, not that he gave us any kind of replacement system or reference to such. After all, it was THEIR system that they installed in the first place, but they didn't seem to know how that brand of equipment worked.


So when my bro's girlfriend tried to reconnect the same (un-repaired) router box to my modem, it got the same result as before- TWO computers with no modem. I called the cable company AGAIN. They referred me to the Linksys 1-800 number, and after 20 minutes of talking to that guy, he figured that one of the Ethernet cables must be malfunctioning. At least he confirmed that so we could go ahead and buy another one.


Let's just say that Cox is one of the more aptly named corporations in America.



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Guest Worldmaker

A newspaper article I was reading contained the following comment, about US reservist troops being called to duty in Iraq:


"A few reservists say they have had run-ins with anti-war protesters; they feel the troops are not being supported as they should."


I'll never understand this. Isn't it supportive of the troops not to want them killed for no reason?

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Guest Worldmaker

You know, if the "full faith and credit provisions" of the Constitution are what all the "oppose same sex marriage" people are "worried" about - then why not just propose an amendment that strips marriage of any full faith and credit protection?


That way, states rights advocates could be granted their protection against Massachussets or Vermont marriages being recognized in their states - without specifically introducing discriminatory language into the Constitution.


Oh wait ... because they're really bigots, hiding behind a states rights argument.


Why does that sound familiar?

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Guest Worldmaker

The Bush administration reclassified burger flippers as manufacturers in order to bolster labor numbers. Does this mean that the burger flippers will be allowed to unionize, make $25.00 an hour, and get some decent benefits for a change?

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I hate this lingering cough I have. I came down with some bug when I went to visit my Mom's place 2 weekends ago, and I missed a day of work last week because of it. I'm better now, but I've still got some phlegm in my lungs, and it just will not go away.

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I don't care how prepared you think you are as a parent. Your child bleeding profusely from a head wound will cause massive heart failure.


To clarify: Faith, our three year old, decided that she could climb on a chair to reach the freezer and get herself a popsicle. She over reached, fell, and hit her head. It was a shallow cut, but bled profusely, as head wounds do.


When Kara and I rushed in to see what the thump was, I think we both had heart failure. I rushed Faith to the hospital while Kara had the equally unenviable task of dealing with Katie and Kim, who were terrified.


Faith is now sporting six staples on the side of her head, along with a nasty little bump. She seems to be doing alright, but we have to do concussion watch duty tonight.


So, if I'm unusually testy with anyone, consider my apology offered.

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I've started e-mailing with an old ex-girlfriend. She was my big high school romance, and things were very intense, as they usually are with overwrought drug addled teenagers. She and I know each other at a gut level, at a level I don't want anyone to know me, which makes her invaluable to me. We haven't seen each other face to face in over ten years, and haven't spoken since she called me the day before my wedding.


The other day she e-mailed me a picture of her son (we're both married to other people, and we are both grateful for it.) When I saw him, this brown haired four-year-old looking at the camera (and me) with delight, and my ex-girlfriends eyes, I was filled wih an amazing conflict of emotions. I was happy for her, that she's managed to find happiness and stability. I was happy for the world - he's a good looking boy, and likely to grow up to be smart and tough like his mom. It made me happy just to see her go on, extended through her family.


On the other hand, I felt a deep sense of loss. Part of me had to finally REALLY see and know deep down that the past is so dead and gone. I felt robbed, and bereaved, and I looked at the kid's cheeks and chin and I knew they belonged to some other man I've never met before, and I didn't like seeing that one bit.


I wouldn't change a thing about the past ten years.


Life is funny.

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A friend of mine today bought a book called Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian. It won the Nobel prize for Literature in 2000. It looks really good.


3 web pages found with more information you might find interesting:


Editing to make Rachel happy...as some of the post produced a scroll sideways scrollbar.

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I enjoy creating, but I've discovered (and pardon my french) I'm quite the "back pat whore". I got asked to help a GM create some 'holy days' for his setting. I did so. No input yet after a week. *Sighs* Sort of takes the fun out of it. I get paranoid, or at least discouraged.

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Been trying a few more vegetarian things this week, a new store called Food Fight! has a good selection.

  • A Sloppy Joe mix that is pretty darn good.
  • Vegan Soy Culture. I think it's supposed to be like yogurt. It's not for me
  • Veggie Steamed Buns, pretty good.
  • Soyrizo, which I've had before converting. Still really good.


And found out that Tillamook uses microbial rennet, which means no dead beasties to make the cheese. That makes some things easier.

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I'm looking for a new job effective immediately. I don't mind having to work overtime. I don't mind doing my job. Or even someone elses.


I don't like the fact that the appearance of doing work is more important than actually getting the work done, and that there's a double standard based on who you are as to what you can get away with.


Double standards piss me off.



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Guest Worldmaker

I can understand the neo-conservatives and their selfish, callous disregard for other people. It's their pride in it that passes me by.

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Guest Worldmaker

There are two kinds of conservatives:


1. Those who don't got it and blame liberals and minorities for not having it.


2. Those who got it and care only about getting more.

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Holy CRAP! I'VE been brainwashed? Well turn me into a kettle and call me black, now I've heard everything.


Damn my dander is up. I come from a long and proud tradition of telling authoritarian dogmatic sons of bitches where they can shove their state sanctioned interpretation of God. And he can shove it so far up there he farts in pre-Vatican 2 Latin.


Rotten stupid little pissant wannabe drone of a half-Catholic talking about someone controlling a Quaker's concept of what's holy & righteous? Moron. The whole religious society of friends was founded based on our refusal to listen to anyone but God - no intermediaries.


Oh and by the way, moron who lied about ignoring me, so up yours, you moron.

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