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need help with character


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I'm finding myself in a wierd predicament. I'm putting the finishing touches on my character, and I'm finding I have too many points left over!


I've got about 36 points and I have NO IDEA what to spend them on. The character already had his attack power, his defense power and his movement power (EB, Flight and FF, all in his EC). He has an extra sense (Radar), an exotic defense (Flash Desense), and even Life Support.


He has some Perks (Wealthy, Eidetic Memory & Lightning Calculator). He's got background skills (Scientist with a few sciences) and five 11- contacts.


The character concept is he is a brilliant scientist who sold out. He made this device that's about the size of a matchbook that can produce cheap, clean, unlimited energy. So he sold the rights to the device for a TON of money to OPEC, who shelved it (they don't want THAT little doosy getting out). He feels so bad, that he's devoted all his free time (being rich, he has a lot of free time) to using his device to help others.


A few weeks in the lab, and out flys Quasar and his famous Powered Battle Suit!


So, he's a flying power projector - He's written off HtH in favor of blasting from the sky. He's already got an EC, so I'm not really looking for anything like a gadget pool or anything. I feel I've got a decent background for him, at least as far as skills and such.


Note - I play this guy as a real Siver Age "Mom, Apple Pie, Truth & Justice" guy.


What's left that I can spend 36 points on?

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What's the special effect of his EB? If it fits that and his personality, maybe a Flash of some variety would work.


Would a second EB of a different but related special effect work?


Would it be sensible to put an "Aid Powered Technology Powers, one at a time" or the like in?


I'm assuming you've already bought most stuff down to 0 END, considering the character concept. -- Pteryx

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All the powers in his EC are already bought to 0 END.


He already has one unusual sense, Radar. I don't want to load-up to much on unusual senses, as that isn't what the character is about. Same with the unusual defenses.


I don't want to re-engineer the character and make his attack a multi-power. First, because I don't think I have the points. Second because the Champions universe already has that character - Defender. And lastly because it isn't the character concept.


As far as combat skill levels go, he has +3 with his EB, dependant on his Radar, requiors a PRE roll.


I may re-engineer him with a tech VPP just for the hell of it.

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Originally posted by starblaze

Maybe you should display what you have so far so we can get a better idea?


Yeah, I didn't realise until after my last reply that my initial post DIDN'T have the character sheet attached.


D'oh! :eek:


Sorry. I'll need to wait until tonight to post the character sheet. It's on my computer at home.

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Since he has an unlimited energy source, perhaps some way to power other things? ie city blacks out, he hooks his suit up and turns the lights back on.


Maybe some massive attack as he REALLY unleashes what the power source can do. Something like a big AE line no range (so has to start right next to him) that burns out his regular EB until he can repair the suit?


A way to overload other tech things by pouring more power into them than they can handle? Transform tech into junk or something like that.


Since his big schtick is the power source, I think it'd be cool to see that reflected in some of what he can do, make him different than other battlesuit characters.

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Did I mention skills?


And not just serious skills. Give him some hobby skills. Maybe he's got a love of Godzilla movies (KS: Godzilla Movies). Or plays guitar (PS: Guitarist). Or PS: Practical Joke Design.


(I do not suggest the skill I came up with for an NPC that is actually now published in Digital Hero by a friend of mine, who is also the GM: 'KS: Why Dr. Brutallo Should Rule The World.' Unless you agree. In which case, hey, go with it.)

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First of all don't take this response the wrong way. You can make your character however you like I'd just like to make a few points.


Originally posted by phydaux

He already has one unusual sense, Radar. I don't want to load-up to much on unusual senses, as that isn't what the character is about. Same with the unusual defenses.

I thought your character was a scientist who worked with energy why wouldn't someone who works with energy have a huge suite of discriminatory detects I mean everything from discriminatory IR to Discriminatory UV (heck even sonar could be justified as analyis of kentic energy waves) let alone a variable effect detect "energy signature" that could be calibrated from adventure to adventure.


Originally posted by phydaux

I don't want to re-engineer the character and make his attack a multi-power. First, because I don't think I have the points. Second because the Champions universe already has that character - Defender. And lastly because it isn't the character concept.

I can see the concern about points although generally I've found MPs are usually cheaper than ECs but I could see a preference for EC if your concept is limitless energy.


As far as not wanting to be Defender all I can say is a hero is more than his power suite (heh heh I punned [please shoot me]). I mean compare War Machine and Iron Man they even look similar but their powers are different and more importantly their character concepts are different one's a scientist who's changes his suite for the appropriate occasion and the other is soldier who almost never has modifications made.


Could you elaborate on your character concept it seems you've described the concepts behind your power construction but what motivated the character to include some features while leaving out others? Does the character want to avoid being comfused with Defender? In which case that could be an intersting Disadvantage.

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Still going with the "unlimited power source" angle.


Howabout some unusual power - something most scientists (ok, at least in a comic book world) would see as possible, but requiring too much energy to do. Not having to worry about energy limitations, this guy can do it. Teleportation, extra-dimensional travel, time travel, massively fast space travel come to mind.

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Geez. I'm starting to think that my problem is all those years of making and playing 250 point characters.


Now that the bar is raised to 350 points I'm finding I can fit in all KINDS of extra powers and such.


I could take those extra points and roll some on his ancillary powers into into a Technology VPP. Then the character could have Teleportation, FTL, all kinds of Enhanced Senses and Detects, Tunnneling, Swimming, Invisibility, etc.


The thing is, suddenly the character is FAR more powerful than the original concept. Now he isn't just a guy in a power suit, he's Captain Ultrafantastico Man!


That's a bit much for what I wanted this character to be.

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