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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Just when you thought Batman was the height of super-camp! Can she do the 'Batusi'? PS: Coincidentally, the initials of the actress spell 'Eww'.
  2. There's not enough space in, y'know, space
  3. Where's the beef?! Tastes Great! Less Filling! He likes it! Hey Mikey!
  4. That those episodes will all involve the most dangerous device in the Federation malfunctioning. Seriously, at this point shouldn't the average Federation citizen look upon a Holodeck-user the way we look at Tide Pod eaters? We have 'Florida Man' memes, they'd have 'Holodeck Guy' memes.
  5. Oh yeah! OH YEAH!! Well, ummm...ok, I got nothing.
  6. Ah yes, another well-known unit of time often used by scoundrels and smugglers...
  7. I would agree that in this case and every case with Trump it is all just bluster, but I would disagree that positive outlook and attitude is 'magical' and can't help you overcome illness or poor health.
  8. But what if the vampires 'sparkle' in the sunlight?
  9. It veered away from that about Season 6 or so...coincidentally that is when it got noticeably less funny. I still love the first 5 seasons though.
  10. RIP to one of the greatest musicians to ever exist.
  11. Since about 2008, although the downward spiral started about 2003-4. First of all, with the internet wrestling has lost the mystique and ability to shock that it once had. Also, lack of competition and removing each wrestler's individual character input has created a bland show as well as bland promos. Although, all cable tv ratings are down across the board and will continue to go down thanks to all the incredible streaming television out there. There's just so much to watch.
  12. Another guy who doesn't wear hoodies who thought he could GM and coach. Note to GMs - don't trade DeAndre Hopkins.
  13. It's probably her Fall/Winter costume.
  14. Oh, I agree, but Burrow has been consistently good for all 4 games even though he had no preseason, has been consistently pressured and hit (until yesterday) and only 1 true INT as the one yesterday wasn't his fault. I watched Andy Dalton for 8 years and I thought Burrow would be another Dalton. He is most definitely not Dalton. Bengal OL, DL and linebackers are still awful (particularly the OL) so we still won't win more than 3-4 games as usual.
  15. Can Green Martians get Covid? Would they even be carriers? The world may never know.
  16. I'm hoping that whatever happened with the Titans (and maybe even President Trump) will have a sobering effect around the league and teams who may not be taking it serious will now start to do that. If the Titans were found to have violated Covid rules then everyone involved should be severely punished. The players and personnel should be fined heavily - perhaps even suspension - and the team should lose draft picks.
  17. Agreed. The sad thing about Rodriguez and Bonds is that they were clearly great players who would've been HoFamers without 'roids. McGuire was a great power hitter, but couldn't stay healthy until he juiced. Sammy Sosa was having a good career till the mid-90s, then went from averaging 35 homers to hitting 66 in '98. The problem with the 90s is that it seems a good portion of MLB players, including pitchers, were juicing. Frankly, that makes the careers of guys who are 'suspicion-free' like Tony Gwynn, Ken Griffey Jr. and Greg Maddux even more amazing.
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