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Shadow Hawk

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Everything posted by Shadow Hawk

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 4th Edition DnD. Since I wasn't the GM, I took notes. But I didn't write down everything, so I may not have gotten the players names right. We have Torm: Cleric Silver Slayer: Ranger Atolucus: Rogue Alaric: Paladin Ciaphas: Fighter Aurther: Artificer Jett: Sorcerer(?) Rhodie: Bard Magic carpet ride... GM: You fly over abandoned hamlets. Torm: Any egglets? GM: No, they were made into omlettes. Silver: Uamlets? GM: You pass over a shantytown made of rock. Torm: Ocean rocks? Aleric: Sea chanties? While on the magic carpet, a dragon attacks... GM: Aurther, make a saving throw vs. gravity. Torm: I'll try and kill him before he hits the ground. Aleric: So he doesn't suffer? Jett: No, he just needed closure. Jett: I remember this. It ended badly. Aleric wonders how Aolucus got a certain magic item... Aolucus: I sold a soul. Aleric: You sold your soul? Atolucus: No, I had a spare. Speculating on what the dragon's horde might contain GM: Why do you want a +5 codpiece? Upon slaying the dragon with a massive critical... Jett: Aleric one, dragon zero. Breaking into what we hope is the dragon's horde Aurther: Can anyone pick locks? Aleric: I can. Atolucus: I thought you were a paladin. Aleric: (Holds up war pick) After learning the dragon was keeping people prisoner to get them to sign over thier land rights... Torm: Generally, dragons don't feel the need to fill out the paperwork to take over the government. Jett: Lawful evil. Go figure. On a dragon's offer to negotiate... Jett: Thanks, but hell no. After freeing the prisoners... Aleric: A dragon run concentration camp? Torm: Yes, they're being forced to make orange juice. GM(NPC we just freed): I make a mean meal. Sloppy joes. On why Aurther wouldn't be the magic carpet pilot anymore... Ciaphas: What did Aurther do wrong? Besides landing us in the midst of the enemy? Torm: They would have killed us if they had survived the poison. Finding a group of dragons, we go into combat. The cleric feels overworked... Rhodie: I'm at negative hit points again. Torm: I work so hard...(sob) Ciaphas' horse kills a dragon... Silver: We're firing you, and keeping the horse. After defeating those dragons, we move on and find a volcano... Torm: We've got a volcano and a priest, who's the virgin? Silver: Rhodie. Rhodie: Since when? Silver: You didn't say anything about it in your character backround. Rhodie: What, I need to write my sexual exploits into my character backround? Aleric: "Dear Penthouse Forum..." The volcano has a bridge over the caldera... Jett: Of course it's trapped. Atolucus: I've got your back. Aleric: That explains the dagger. Ciaphas and Jett leave the magic carpet to check out the bridge... Ciaphas: We have a problem here. Torm: No, you have a problem, *we* have the magic carpet. Ciaphas: Napalm is the solution. Jett: There's only one monster. GM: Famous last words. A "Aspect of Tiamat" shows up... Aleric: Rule one is we don't fight gods. Torm: If Ciaphas is over there, who's steering the carpet? Ciaphas is badly injured... Aleric: You didn't need your lower intestine. Torm: Rule two is now we don't fight aspects of dieties either. Ciaphas is still down... Ciaphas: Don't heal me, he'll just knock me down again. Silver: But the dragon will kill you. Ciaphas: He won't attack me while I'm down. Silver: I don't think the evil dragon is above killing you while you're unconcious.
  2. Re: Morty The Mugger Still Can't Catch A Break... Shadow Hawk would shake his head and fly away... Stick would still be laughing at him.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Maybe he's just not a fan of the classics?
  4. Re: Superbeing Rights Debate Chuckie Manson is currently in prison on several murder charges. He was not present when the crime was committed. He ordered someone else to do it. He and the perpetrators both went to prison. Chuck Manson, Mafia Kingpins, Terrorist Leaders, and others have all been charged and found guilty along with thier minions for crimes. Ordering a crime, when you know the order will be obeyed, is committing the crime.
  5. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: It's DoomsDay, why are you so calm? (Off Topic: during Iraq War 1, a Marine Armor Company was deployed to Iraq our of Camp Pendleton. The Marines left behind proceeded to use the tank parking as regular parking (it was empty!). When the tanks returned, a sign was posted: Parking for 4-57th armor only. All others will be crushed flat.)
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Dang, someone beat me to the punch(line) Q: Where are the oxygen tanks on this spaceship? A: You're double parked.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures The Pot of Gold is at the *other* end of the rainbow...
  9. Re: Make Your Own Memorial Day Poster Under Geneva Convention rules for medical personnel, they are allowed a pistol for defense of themselves and thier patients. In the U.S. Navy/Marine Corps, they are not required to carry them. Also shipboard, medical personnel cannot be assigned to armed watches to defend the ship. They can be assigned unarmed watches, though.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What happened to the ship's dog? A: Obscure science fiction references for the win!
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You maniac, what do you think you are doing? A: The Offog is in the kitchen.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex"
  13. Re: Dr. Sebastian Poe In the PSI book (4th edition?), he's shown using TK to lift a spoon. I don't know if it's on the character sheet, but a 10str TK with fine manipulation would be a interesting add.
  14. Re: What would your sidekick be named? Why, so it is says my Venezualan wife. I suppose my Navajo friend was just offended by the NA being called "Idiot", no matter the language.
  15. Re: What would your sidekick be named? I remember reading... "Kemo Sabe" was Apache, and means "Famous Person". "Kema Sabe" means "Unknown Person", and more appropriate when refering to someone wearing a mask... And Tonto is a Navaho word, it means "Stupid". No, really. Had a Navaho classmate who was greatly offended by the whole Lone Ranger/Tonto schtick, and that was just part of it.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Team, the "Dragons of Justice", the last session had... Gentleman Ghost (GG) Black Dragon (BD), a 8' tall brick Blue Racer (BR), a speedster (Formerly Rapido) Trickshot (TS), a weaponmaster Thunder Child (TC), a 12 year old blaster Dragon Slayer (DS), a martial artist The Dwarf (TD), a 4' tall brick/martial artist/weaponmaster Putting together clues from multiple sources, the team figures out that D.E.M.O.N. is planning to attack the Museum of Man to sieze "Mummy Dust" from the Egyption exhibit. After showing up at the musuem during working hours IN COSTUME and trying to stake it out, thus attracting a massive amount of attention... BD: I don't see why everyone's staring at us. GG: Sure, you can see eight foot tall black man with a three foot tall man anywhere in San Diego... TD: Quick, Blue Racer, make a distraction, me, Thunder and Black Dragon will hide in the men's room. BR: Right, because no one will get suspicious of a giant, a dwarf, and a twelve year old boy in tights hiding in the bathroom. TS: Why does this sound like a porn movie plot?
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Discussing a new character, "Rapido", a speedster. GM: Let me get this straight, you can run at Mach Two and you're nearsighted. Gentleman Ghost: If he blinks, he'll miss it. Rapido: What? Gentleman Ghost: Tree. Harry Dresden: I'd shout a warning, but since he's going faster than sound... Dragon Slayer: Clothslined at Mach Two. Ouch. Harry: That'll leave a mark. Dragon Slayer: Yes, all over the pavement. Rapido: Nobody move, I dropped a contact lens. GG: Where at? Rapido: Somewhere between here and Atlanta.
  18. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... Wait... isn't that what the PR rep is for?
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why did you give yourself the plague? A: The Panama Canal.
  20. Re: What would your sidekick be named? Stick's sidekick would by Hyot. Short for Hey You, Over There!
  21. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... They've stated her superpower is... Also, Genre Savvy and Sees The Obvious.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My father served in the U.S. Air Farce, and had a cartoon showing a WW2 mechanic, working through the night to fix a damaged fighter. In about 16 frames, it shows the mechanic patching the radiator, repairing the engine, patching bullet holes, replacing tires, pulling the radio, reloading the guns etc etc etc. In the morning, exhausted, he watches the fighter pilot (who is clean shaven and clear eyed) climb into the plane... A half hour later, the plane returns. The engine's smoking, the tires are flat, there are bullet holes all over it...
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