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Shadow Hawk

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Everything posted by Shadow Hawk

  1. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt I had a one armed wizard once. All of his attack spells had a 14 or less activation, because he couldn't do the gestures properly. His defense and movement abilities were normal, mainly because I hate blowing a activation roll on flight when I'm at 40,000 feet.
  2. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment The problem I'm seeing here is that the word "Twink" has multiple definitions. I know of three. 1. Adjusting a computer or other piece of electronics to maximum performance, sometimes to the detriment of long term use. 2. Adjusting a Player Character for maximum combat ability, usually to the detriment of roleplay/noncombat ability. See Munchkin, or Power Gamer. 3. A type of man on man gay sex. Now, if you google the word "Twink", using the words "High School Twink Club", guess what 90%+ of the web sites are going to be talking about?
  3. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? The TV Tropes sight has a entire section called "Always Female" with lots of ideas for female npcs, villians, dnpcs, etc.
  4. In most games, your group will have 1-2 players who will cause problems. In DnD, it'll be the rogue and the wizard. The rogue player will be picking pockets in the bar where the PCs hang out, or doing a little b+e while they're in town, or pocketing the 'big gem' in the chest while no one is looking... but while the character is doing that, the player will be saying he's doing it openly. So, while he's being a greed little thief, the player is being part of the game. Meanwhile, the wizard is Up To Something. He's passing notes to the GM, interupting the flow of the game, and generally being a nuisance. In Champions, I've noted that these behaviors (1. dishonesty in character, 2. note passing player) result in a lot more in character violence. The character who 'hits the down viper agent to make sure he stays down' gets a lot of flak. The player who passes notes will find the person playing the telepath reading his mind (But you have no reason to be reading my mind! goes the refrain). I've lost players because of this: they were acting like sneaky bastards, and the other players tried to do something about it (in character), and the next thing you know the in character punches are flying, and then the real life punches are flying... I've had this problem with Champions then any other game. Do any of you have these experiences (tell, please!) and how do you handle them as a player or GM?
  5. Re: Your favorite character type Variety. I like martial artists with a ranged attack, powered armor types with low brick strength and built in blasters. I also like characters that don't match stereotypes: A brick with a force field. A blaster with a 40 Strength. A martial artist who doesn't actually have any martial arts. A humanoid robot who transforms into lawn furniture. For the record, "Shadow-Hawk" in his current incarnation has invisibility, flight, a 30STR, martial arts, and a OIF arm blaster.
  6. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment The survivors would have been prosecuted, if there had been any. (1st edition champions, and we were very new to it)
  7. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Hmmm... one of my first campaigns, when the party found out that the Powered Armor Guy had "Beserk in Combat on a 14 or less" and his most effective attack was "6d6 RKA explosion autofire 10 shots". First words after the announced attack: "Aw, $4!+!" My words, immediately after: "There goes the neighborhood."
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Would you like to be a organ donor? A: The Detroit Lions, the Los Angeles Clippers, and the San Diego Padres.
  9. Re: Waking up with super powers Not to mention the neighbors...
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Do you smell something funny? A: Rum, sodomy, and the lash.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You're eating day old pizza and drinking beer? A: I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Doctor, what are you going to do with that axe? A: Will you look at the size of that thing!
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: They sent you to slay the dragon? What are you armed with? A: It's just one letter off.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I don't remember! Aiiii (As you get older, the second thing to go is your memory.)
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 4th edition DnD Aleric, Human Paladin Ciaphas, Human Fighter Scrag, Half-Orc Barbarian Torm, Dragonborn Cleric Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard Atolucus, Half-Elf Rogue Rangrim, Eladrin Artificer Out of context is better Aleric: It's my penis, I'll wash it as much as I want. Ciaphas: I was cleaning my penis and it accidentally went off. Scrag: I thought you were human! Torm: We've been together for months, and now you notice the green scales and fire breathing? To battle! Shadowdeath: When all you have is a hammer... Torm: When all you have is a pick... Ciaphas: When all you have is a horse... Aleric: I'm going to do something nasty to it. Torm: You're going to pee on its leg? About the major villian Ciaphas: This guy was so nice, now he's evil. I blame the media. Atolucus: We are in trouble. Torm: What you mean, "We", softskin? Aleric: I get a plus two because he's evil. Ciaphas: Is he evil? Torm: He wants to kill everyone on this plane. Atolucus: Maybe he's just a entropy fan. Ciaphas loses his warhorse... Ciaphas: What's a cavalryman without his horse? Torm: A infantryman. Aleric: In bad boots. Scrag: Jingling when he walks. Ciaphas: Now I have to walk everywhere. Atolucus: Buy a new horse you cheap bastard! The campaign ended, with the following results... Aleric, Human Paladin, founded a chain of orphanages and churches to his God. Ciaphas, Human Fighter, became demigod of his homeland. And dismounted cavalry. Scrag, Half-Orc Barbarian Torm, Dragonborn Cleric, became demigod of contact sports. Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard, became demigod of teleportation. Atolucus, Half-Elf Rogue, became king of the eastern kingdoms. Rangrim, Eladrin Artificer, became demigod of bazookas.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Have you seen my dog, he answers to Scraps? A: And a partridge in a pear tree.
  17. Re: Waking up with super powers Waking up with superpowers: the first thing I thought was "you wake up in the basement, discovering your new power is density increase and you now weigh 30 tons".
  18. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF...
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q - Why are you naked except for a condom? A - Right where you left it.
  20. Re: Evil org bases on chess pieces. The inventer of the game was Persian, and used different names. For instance, King:Shah Queen:Vizier Bishop:Ship/Merchant Knight:Horseman
  21. Re: Whoops! Did I really allow that power? Teleport. Usable against others. At range. One hex area effect. Extradimensional, one dimension. OAF Handbasket. "Have a nice trip!"
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So, we meet again for 4th edition DnD. Our cast of victims... Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard Torm, Dragonborn Cleric Aleric, Human Paladin Atolucus, Half Elf Rogue Rangrim, Eladrin Artificer (Forge) Scrag, Half Orc Barbarian (Bashman) Justin, Human Fighter Atolucus, to Rangrim: Way to go, Captain Incompetent. Justin, to Scrag: You just beat up a ghost? GM, to Scrag: You cannot intimidate the unconcious. Atolucus: Monster Island. The smallest things are 10' tall. Aleric: The ants are 10' tall. Rangrim: My god! Torm: Think of the anteaters. Rangrim: Oh my god. Atolucus: I could be fun. Aleric: I wouldn't bet on it. Atolucus: Miracle Gro Island. We can kill with impunity. Aleric: I don't have profeciency with impunity. GM: There are vines creeping toward you. Scrag: I attempt to identify the plants with my nature skill. (rolls poorly) GM: They are very creepy vines. Scrag: I kill them. Torm: That's your answer to everything. Scrag: It works. A trap blocks the only way in or out... Aleric: I thought you disarmed the traps. Atolucus: You wanted the traps that prevent us from entering disarmed, you didn't say anything about the ones for leaving. Setting up the minis... GM: Set your marching order. Torm: No. Everytime we do, something tries to kill us. Scrag: (indicating figures) Where do you want to be? Torm: Portland. Attacked by a giant werewolf... Aleric: Maybe we can parley. Atolucus: Anyone speak growl? Scrag: Anyone have a Scooby Snack? Aleric: You're the barbarian, you're the snack. GM: Aleric, you act first, what do you want to do. Aleric: (surprisingly girlish scream) GM sets the scene GM: The walls are black sludge. Torm: Great, we're in somthing's colon. GM: The walls are moving. Torm: What did I tell you. GM to Scrag: You're confused. Scrag: Couldn't I be dominated instead? GM: Why? Torm: He likes the black leather outfits. Confronted by a hammer wielding frost giant... Atlolucus: Hammer time!
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you mean they have a male necrophiliac guard dog? A: Death, or Goomba.
  24. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why did you throw the artificial man out the window and into the pond? A: Heeere's Johnny!
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