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Shadow Hawk

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Everything posted by Shadow Hawk

  1. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF... You have to pull your punch to avoid shattering the Earth. And your the team psychic.
  2. Re: Justifying Playable SPD Oh, my, this brings back memories. I started playing when 1st edition came out, and we had wonderful geekfest discussions on which comic book character had how much speed... and we ended up with characters based on the comics that were bizarre. We had the 'official' books telling us how much Thor could bench press, which gave us his strength, but nothing that gave us his dex/spd. So, "Thor must be speed 6!", "If Thor is speed 6 then Captain America must be speed 8!", "If Cap is 8, then Wolverine must be 10" "Wolverine is not faster than Cap!" "If Wolverine's a 10, what's Quicksilver?" (and it goes on from there). I go with the CU suggestions for PCs: 4-6 Speed, 18-30 Dex. Speedsters might have a 7 speed, martial artists Dex might hit 33 (for PCs). A really slow brick might start with a 3 speed/15 Dex, but I recommend against it. Oh, and any NPCs used to fill out the roster will have low speeds and dex. I had a trio of players who insisted on playing with "Normal Characteristics Maximum" for thier Psychic, Powered Armor, and SuperSoldier characters... who got very annoyed with my npc martial artist with the 6 speed. And the new player with her female Wolverine knock off also with a 6 speed.
  3. Re: Metaphysical Question Regarding Therakiel I'd say no. He is not a denizen of either, IIRC. So, a gift from him wouldn't count for Elysium (which he was thrown out of) nor The Netherworld (where he never went).
  4. Re: Millennium City Sports Teams? I am very sure that whatever it is the Los Angeles Kings do on ice, it isn't hockey.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: One Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Miles per Second isn't fast enough. Can't this heap go any faster? A: I can tell you how fast we're going, but not where we are.
  6. Re: Millennium City Sports Teams? What do you want, there were no NHL teams in Southern California until Disney bought one for a movie tie in.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Fortunately, our history nerds are all experts on different time periods. There are very few dueling rants, more like Nerd 1: And after the Mongols did this, (rant rant rant) Nerd 2: Which lead to the Midevil Europeans (rant rant rant) Nerd 3: Which of course lead to the colonization era's (rant rant rant) Nerd 1: Wait a second, where'd everybody else go?
  8. Re: Millennium City Sports Teams? People think hockey is a sport. It's not. Hockey is three activities taking place at the same time: ice skating, fooling around with a puck, and beating the shit out of somebody. If these guys had more brains then teeth, they'd do these things one at a time. First go ice-skating, then fool around with a puck, then you go to the bar and beat the shit out of somebody. The day would last longer, and these guys would have a lot more fun. Another reason why hockey isn't a sport is that it's not played with a ball. Anything not played with a ball can't be a sport. These are my rules, I make 'em up. - George Carlin
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q- Where did the T-Rex and Velociraptors go? A: Don't draw fire, it annoys the people around you.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, let me get this straight, you ate a teenager whole? A: In a jar on my desk.
  11. Re: Whoops! Did I really allow that power? The talk of transform reminded me (not my game, I was a player)... The player took major transform: Normal Person into Captain Hero. It wouldn't work on anyone over 100pts, which made it useless against villians... directly. Captain Hero was a 2000 point character, with the psych limitation "slavishly loyal to person who transformed him". Hit a couple of innocent bystanders with it, and the villians were toast.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why do you keep repeating yourself? A: Veni, Vedi, Veci.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... DnD 4th edition. Cast Justin, Human Fighter Scrag, Half Orc Barbarian Ciaphas, Human Fighter Rangrim, Eladrin Artificer Atolucus, Half Elf Rogue Aleric, Human Paladin Torm, Dragonborn Cleric Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard I left out the Inevitable jokes last week... Inevitables are mechanical creations of the elemental plane of Law, used to punish those who violate natural laws. The GM has been threatening us with them for alignment violations. Ciaphas: I take the orphans into my army. Aleric: No, they're going into my orphanage. GM: Sweatshops? Torm: Shhhh. We head for the Battle Tower. GM: The tower is made of skulls. Rangrim: Skull Tower... Ciaphas: I thought it was the Battle Tower. GM: Call it what you want. Torm: "Fred". I shall call it "Fred". Rangrim: Who designed this place? Torm: Torquemada. Atolucos: Don't knock Torquemada. He did some good things. Describing the guards on the tower. GM: He's got a sword bigger than he is. Justin: Compensating for something? Aleric: Says the man with a pole arm. NPC Orc Warrior to Scrag: You're only half a man. Rangrim: And half a orc! Atolucos: Surrender or Die! NPC: I don't know what that word means. Aleric: It means you stop breathing. Torm: And we bury you. Atolucos fights a duel... Aleric: If you die, I will avenge you! Scrag: If you die, I will go home. Shadowdeath ponders a course of action... "Can I have a look at the handbook, I need to check my alignment." GM: I need more D6's. Torm: Not a good sign. Rangrim: Everything I have works off my intelligence. Aleric: You can't keep giving me straight lines. A villian attempts to touch Aleric... Aleric: I'll cut your hand off! GM: With a pick? Torm: It'll take a while. Aleric: And it'll hurt. Ciaphas finds a body... Ciaphas: I know her. Torm: Biblically? Ciaphas: NO! Aleric: If she's still warm, now's your chance. GM: Inevitables!
  14. Re: Mercenary Supervillains Then, 30 years later, still working for the 2nd rate mastermind, you wonder where you went wrong...
  15. Re: Mercenary Supervillains "Pick up a job application at Burger King"... I am so using that... one of the villians the good guys defeated is going to get a reduced sentence and they'll see him behind the counter... "You want fries with that?" "Bulldozer?" On subject... As others have pointed out, not everyone is suited to work independent. The whole 'steal stuff and have money' skips a couple of steps. Like to make real* money, you can't just rob a bank and retire... you've got to plan on converting the bank money (serial numbers recorded, tracking markers, etc) into money you can spend without fear. And once you have the money, if you start spending cash in job lots the FBI is going to ask where you got it. So, money laundering... or if you go for the stealing valuable items, you need to know where/who to sell it to, and launder that money too. Might be easier to just set up a bank account in your real name, then where a mask and tell the boss to deposit your check in your bank.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Has Lex Luthor stolen the pies? A: Global Thermo-Nuclear War is a hobby of mine.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q - Did you hear about the Gillagan's Island remake? A - You're on fire.
  18. Re: Genre Conventions & Values Fantasy: most of the violence occurs outside the bounds of civilization: dungeons, wilderness, other 'evil' nations. The leaders of 'your' nation approve of your actions. Dark Champions: Occurs in the boundries of your nation: city streets. The nation's leaders don't approve. (Of course, this is refering to a low power vigilante Champions campaign. Dark Champions can be used to simulate secret agents, where it comes closer to the first definition.)
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Who is this really?
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 4th edition DnD. At one point, the quotes were coming fast and furious, and I gave up writing them. So the inevitable jokes got left out Aleric, Human Paladin Torm, Dragonborn Cleric Rangrim, Human Artificer Baron Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard Atolucus, Half Elf Rogue Ciaphas, Human Fighter Justin, Human Fighter GM Aleric: I have a +5 pick of smashing glass GM: The room is 50' by 50'... Aleric: And 50' tall... Torm: And 50' in duration... Planning session... Aleric: There's a lot of "If" coming off this plan. Rangrim is up to something... Rangrim: Ooops. Atolucus: What do you mean, "oops"? Aleric: What are you, a kender? Atolucus: I've seen this movie. Aleric: It ends badly. Rangrim: I'll run diagnostics. Aleric: The gnostics are going to die? Atolucus: Damn heretics should die. Torm: Took a level in Cleric of Intolerance, did you? Atolucus has a plan... Aleric: This is why you're not in charge. Torm: He's not in charge because you sleep with one eye open. We find 10,000 dead bodies, and 5000 live children... Ciaphas: Lets train the children to be soldiers! Aleric: Why? Ciaphas: Cannon fodder. Torm: Why don't we raise the dead bodies as zombies to use as cannon fodder? Ciaphas: 12,000 zombies would make a good army... Aleric: There are only 10,000 bodies. Ciaphas: We can throw in a few thousand children to bring it up to 12,000. GM: I'm scared to ask my players alignment. Atolucus: Fighters are stupid. Ciaphas: Who says fighters are stupid? Aleric: Everyone. Aleric: I have a thought Atolucus: So that's where the smoke is coming from. We sell the bodies to the Winter Court Aleric: This won't end well. Torm: It doesn't matter what we do, it doesn't end well. Atolucus: But this way we make a profit, though.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q - Mr. Xerox, what makes you think that I would believe that this is your work? A - Faster!
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Yash gub, sloo. Meska orisk ani, Yebda? A: OK, that was just lame.
  24. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Does the extraterrestriel message you decoded really say that? A: The Universe is out to get you.
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