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Shadow Hawk

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Everything posted by Shadow Hawk

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You can get more with a gun and a kind word than you can with just a kind word. - Al Capone
  2. Re: The Annual Hallwoeen Game: War of the Worlds! The original HG Wells story had the aliens communicate by loud wails. To have the PCs involved, have a science/mage/linguist guy translate the wailing... Alien One: I'm under attack by those pathetic ground vehicles again. Why are they fighting us? Alien Two: They must be mind controlled by thier Martian masters. We must get past them and destroy the Martians so we can free them! Once you can tell what they're saying, you can have the PCs figure out how to talk back, and negotiate a cease fire, then convince the aliens that it's all a misunderstanding... Drama!
  3. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Today, I was driving to the local game store and was cut off by a reckless driver. On his car were multiple Christian religious symbols. I made a rude gesture (pinkie finger upraised, "I don't care enough to send the very best") At the next stoplight, he proceeded to cuss at me using language that would make a sailor blush. I said "I can tell you're a Christian." He turned from red to purple.
  4. Re: Reimagining the Superhero I'm surprised that no one has mentioned "The Boys" by Derrick Robertson and Tony Avina. In the series, the stereotyped spandex wearing supers are all shown as hedonistic pricks with more power than sense, while "The Boys" are the CIA team intended to keep them under control. "The Boys" wear black jackets and pants when they're going to rumble, but otherwise street clothes.
  5. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... "I'm sorry sir, but as you can see in clause 76i, your insurance covers you for giant radioactive reptiles, not giant non-radioactive apes."
  6. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... "I'm sorry, sir, but as you can see from clause 27c-4, your house isn't covered from orbital heat rays from non-natural sources."
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, what were you planning to do in Scotland? A: Fie on goodness, fie!
  8. Re: CU: How does PRIMUS handle foreigners? IIRC, registration is mandatory but unenforced. If arrested and convicted, you were registered whether you wanted to be or not. Voluntary registration was encouraged, and you couldn't get official sanction at any level without registering.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures This is a fairly famous picture: Test 'Baker' at Bikini Atoll, July 26 1946. If you look closely at the right side of the water column, there is a dark shape. That is USS Arkansas, BB-33, the second closest ship to the blast. She has been tossed into the air like a toy. The idea of the blast tossing 27,000 tons of battleship into the air fascinates me...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Star Gate Quotes Cast Cpt. Alan "Dick" Tracy, USMC Pilot and team leader Cpt. Zoey Spencer, USAF Ph.d Mechanical Engineer Cpl Zues Brown, USA Ranger/Scout PFC Jim Roth, USA Demolitions LCPL Apollo Anatazi, USMC Sniper Dr. George Ganim, linguist/archeologist ooc Zues: Dumbass freshmen. Jim: Just kill them already. How to deal with Space Nazis Zues: We should just carpet bomb the Nazis. Jim: I like the way you think. GM: You don't have air superiority. Jim: We do have Captain Tracy, though. Refering to Dr. Ganim 1 Jim: If it weren't for you, we could just kill people. and 2 Zoey: I'm the real scientist.
  11. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... Think Younger: PS 238
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Stargate campaign. I Didn't get many quotes. Our cast Captain Alan "Dick" Tracy, USMC (pilot, and team commander) Corporal Zues Brown, US Army Ranger (Scout) PFC Jim Roth, US Army (Demolitions) Lance Corporal Apollo Anatazi, USMC (Sniper) Dr. George Ganim, Ph.d (Archeologist/Linguist) After a successful mission, the linguist earns his pay... Dr. Ganim: You can't complain, I did get you all laid. PFC Roth: Space Pussy. The furniture is commented on... Dr. Ganim: It's Knotty Pine? PFC Roth: As oppossed to celibate pine? We travel to another planet, and come across Nazis... LCPL Anatzi: We come across the darndest things out here. Cpt Tracy: Join Stargate, see the universe... Dr. Ganim: Seduce alien women... Cpl Brown: Fight space Nazis... PFC Roth: Run out of C-4... The Nazis are enslaving the natives... PFC Roth: I think we should volunteer. Cpt Tracy: To be slave labor? PFC Roth: We could become laborers, and then infiltrate thier base. Dr. Ganim: Do we have another plan? OOC comment PFC Roth: I want to get out my mini figure so I can kill things.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You can't own everything. Where would you keep it? A: I can't get out.
  14. Re: The Dysfunctional Super Team! Shadow Hawk found himself in exactly this situation. He found himself playing 'drill sargent', forcing the team to act proffessionally (at least in the field). He became the guy everyone hated while at the same time they were grateful to him for the training. The love quadrilateral: Am likes Bf Bf likes Cm Cm likes Df Df likes Cm Disolved into Bf with Cm Df plots revenge on Bf for breaking up marraige. Am gets NPC girlfriend. Team Leader tries to ignore problem. Shadow Hawk tries to prevent Df from murdering Bf or Cm or both. Soap Opera with superpowers.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why has Foxbat cornered the global market on crushed ice? A: Not even for TWO Scooby Snaks.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: If you're done carving your name on the moon, can I have the plasma cannon? A: Thunderbirds are Go!
  17. Re: Who is your favourite Champions Character Background/History? I agree, and think it's horrible how they 'killed him off'... which is why I've got a teen champions character on standby that's Proffessor Muerte's son/clone/rejuvenated body...
  18. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Ok, I remember one from way back in 1981 or so. I was playing a Quicksilver knock off, with many inches of flight "Must touch a surface". Bad guy was on our aircraft's wing dismantling engines*. I decided to step outside and tackle him. Hey, as long as I'm touching the plane I'm flying, right? So I go for the move by, bad guy goes for a martial throw, and I find myself falling 30,000 feet. But I'm unconcerned, after all, the moment I hit the ground I'm flying and take no damage, right?** 30d6 was not enough to kill me, but it was enough to hospitalize me at -9 body***. *Yes, we'd seen the Twighlight Zone, why do you ask? **Wrong. Just because I start flying at impact doesn't prevent the impact. ***Technically, I was at about -6 body when I hit, then bled to -9 before a kindly passerby stabilized me.
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Ok, Johnny, what do you have for your 5th grade science project? A: I don't know the meaning of the word!
  20. Re: What does your hero, or hero team, stand for? Face of Justice was a group of super powered vigilantes, who put out a press release that went... We are all the people that have been murdered. We are all the innocents who have been made to suffer. We are the judge. We are the jury. And if need be, we will be the executioner. We are the Face of Justice, no longer blind.
  21. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? If you can imagine the guy who saw them go in calling security on them, and then security chasing them out...
  22. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? Hard to say if it was Crazy or Stupid. The Heroes figured out from the clues I gave them that D.E.M.O.N. was going to rob a Egyptian Exhibit at the local museum. So they decided to check it out, set up a stake out, etc. So, the heroes walk up to the museum IN COSTUME and proceed to stand around, waiting for the assault. When the security guards ask them what's going on, they tell them "Nothing", and proceed to look for someplace to hide... Which resulted in Black Dragon (brick) and Thunder Child (12 year old boy blaster) attempting to hide in the same bathroom stall... They were surprised that the assault didn't occur that night, nor the next... but did the third day, when they had given up and stopped hanging around the museum in full costume. D.E.M.O.N. had been doing thier own staking out, using people in normal clothes and/or disguise spells.
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