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Everything posted by Snarf

  1. Can anyone tell me where to find the STR adds to damage advantage? I've heard it mentioned a couple times in the forums, but I can't find it anywhere in my 5th edition book.
  2. You can already use leaping to counteract damage from a fall. You "jump", at the instant you hit the ground and reduce the fall distance by that much. If you want totally immunity to falling, maybe you could buy a very limited form of flying to supplement the leaping. Maybe you could just buy a Physical EB with lots of knockback. I attempted to translate it with move through rules and it started getting really complicated. This is definitely one of the powers I miss from when I switched over from GURPS. I never got a chance to try it out in a game.
  3. Snarf


    Keep in mind that you may have to buy some things down to 0 END to put persistent on them, and you have to pay for the number of targets you can share with for usable by others.
  4. This site has a good archive of characters. There's no step by step creation, but there's a lot of discussion and explanation. http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/index/index.html
  5. Buy twice his body in healing using standard effect. Then, it doesn't matter how much damage he has. This will probably be very, very expensive. I wouldn't worry too much about drains and unusual damage. They'll probably have worn off by the time he turns back to flesh. I don't think you need to heal any stun damage that's been taken either, since he'll recover that while he's "sleeping" in statue form. I don't think you should have to buy trigger. Only being able to use a power at a certain time sounds more like a limitation to me. You should at least take a conditional power limitation in addition to the trigger. This is how I would make the power if the guy had 10 body: Statue Transformation: Heal Body 14d6 (always 21 body with standard effect), Trigger (occurs automatically at dusk, +1/4), (Active Points 150); Charges (1 Charge, -2), Limited Power (can only be used at the moment of trasformation, -2), Self Only (-1/2), (Real Cost 27). Plus he has the disadvantage: Physical Limitation: Becomes A Statue During The Day (Occurs Frequently, Fully Impairs). -20 Points. You might also want to consider having him regenerate slowly over the course of the day, instead of healing instantly when turning to stone. Unless he's going to be attacked while in statue form, the only significant game effect is that he is healed by the time he wakes up the next night.
  6. You can if you want to. 3 and 5 point skill levels can be applied to either offense or defense, but only for the type of combat they are bought for. For example, Combat Skill Levels in Karate could add OCV to your Karate attacks or DCV to protect you from your enemies Karate attacks. 8 point skill levels can be applied to attacks or defenses of any type. You can also buy 5 point skill levels that are always DCV and apply against anything. Try reading the section on combat skill levels a couple more times, especially the examples. If you haven't read the chapter on combat yet, it helps to read that. I was confused at first too, but once it's figured out you can use it really quickly and easily.
  7. Re: Thx for the avatar but... Yup, there is a table of the 4 different types of CSLs you can choose from next to the section about how CSLs work. You don't exactly use a skill check in combat. You roll against your Combat Value, which can be modified by Combat Skill Levels. Your Offensive Combat Value and Defensive Combat Value is derived from your dexterity. If there is anyone that plays Hero in your area, try to get them to show you how these rules work in person. This stuff can get pretty complicated and I find a live demonstration to be much clearer than a typed explanation.
  8. That looks the best. It saves the complexity of buying a huge package of abilities and still leaves the possessor vulnerable to attack. Plus, there's interesting roleplaying hooks if the possessor can be followed into the world of the target's mind. The transform sounds a little too powerful. Mind control gives people a better chance to resist and break free. But it works if you don't want to give them that chance.
  9. It seems to me like the VPP method is more of a superheroic level campaign way to do it and the skills and money method is better for a heroic level campaign.
  10. I kind of like the idea of Desolid, because it leaves the possessor vulnerable. He has to hang around the victim where he can be possibly spotted or mentally attacked. It is pretty clunky though. You would have to buy life support and stuff like that to undo many of Desolidifications special effects.
  11. I think EGO + 20 might be enough, unless they had stuff repressed or hidden.
  12. Nifty! Triple Nifty! That No END for Strength thing is often called Tireless. Why is the CON sold down to 0? I like how you worked in the phrase "It's a SWORD!" a lot.
  13. My problem with using the VPP is that it allows everyone to be potion brewers for free. I think they should be charges some points, to distinguish potion makers from non potion makers, unless every mage makes potions in that campaign. Maybe make the potion brewers buy an enhancement on their control cost or a skill or something.
  14. Snarf

    Pimp Slap

    I'll assume the STR is worth more since the character was described as a brick: Pimp Slap: 4d6 Drain PRE, (AP 40); Linked to STR (-1/2), (RC 27). You could use the option that PD applies if you wanted a slap that has no effect if they're well defended enough to shrug it off: Pimp Slap: 6d6 Drain PRE, (AP 60); Linked to STR (-1/2), PD applies (-1) (RC 24). Hoo hoo, check this out. Negative Presence - A character with negative PRE must make a PRE Roll each Phase to act offensively or remain in the face of anything even remotely threatening.
  15. I think you might also need invisibility, unless you want it to be obvious when someone is possessed. Is the posesser always desolid or do they "dissapear" when their using possession?
  16. Works for me! Escape Rope: 40" Teleportation, 4x Mass, 1 Floating Fixed Location (Back to the entrance), (AP 100); OAF (-1), 1 Charge (-2), Charge Does Not Recover(-2), Can Only Teleport To Fixed Locations (-1/2), (RC 15).
  17. The trouble is that floating locations could normally be set anywhere by the user. This one is set automatically in a predefined type of location.
  18. There's an item in my game that can teleport people back to the entrance of any area they've entered. Should I build the ability to return to an entrance as a fixed location, a floating fixed location, or something else? This is what I'm using so far: Escape Rope: 40" Teleportation, 8x Mass, 1 Fixed Location (back to the entrance), (AP 101); OAF (-1), 1 Charge (-2), Charge Does Not Recover(-2), Can Only Teleport To Fixed Locations (-1), (RC 14).
  19. The RSR could be modified by whether you have the correct ingredients and money you need. That could be where the economic controls are enforced, if you wanted it to be more than a SFX.
  20. Gah! Forgot! That would work way better than expendable. Tgaptte, I think you're not supposed to include the expendability limitation if you're already using a nonrecoverable charge.
  21. Maybe the ability could somehow be built as a Transform. That's usually a good all-purpose permanent effects power. The rules on creating objects warn GM's to make the items dissapear quickly, but it sounds like you've already got the power worked into the campaign, so that shouldn't be necessary. Enchanting: Major Transform 2d6 (components into up to $2,000 worth of magic items, reversed by damage or appropriate dispel, standard effect), (AP 30); Gestures? RSR? Extra time? And the main control would be that they have to have the powers that they're putting into scrolls and such (RC around 12).
  22. Yeah, you really have to strain to explain the special effects. It's horribly counterintuitive. You might just want to create formulas or lists of what is required. I don't have Fantasy Hero, but in Star Hero I saw a lot of formulas for converting APs in a power to money costs for a device. Maybe you could have them roll against appropriate skills like Enchantment or Calligraphy or something. If no effective solution presents itself, I guess it's time reason from effects. What exactly does being able to place your powers in a disposable item allow you to do? The first things that come into my mind are allowing others to use your powers or being able to cheaply obtain a little of someone elses powers. Maybe a naked power advantage of usable by others?
  23. Maybe a disposable magic items VPP? That would allow them some flexibility but put a limit on how many items they could have around at the same time. If they already have some kind of magic VPP, then you could let them build items out of that pool.
  24. I'm not sure, but I think that since the scrolls dissolve when you use them instead of recovering charges the next day, they can take a limitation based on how hard they are to replace. 5th Edition p.90 Expendability -1/4 Difficult to obtain new Focus -1/2 Very difficult to obtain new Focus -1 Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus So, if it costs lot of money to get a new one, that's another -1/4. If it must be made from a diamond baked in dragon brains, that's -1.
  25. The problem with using Mind Control is that it's intended to be mostly short term and gives a lot of chances to resist. The target will get a chance to make 10 or so breakout rolls before a week passes. A mental transform would be much more predictable. The special effects seem closer to what you're trying to make. Deep Sleep: Major Transform 4d6 (person into person who can't wake up, heals back instantly after 1 week), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4), (AP 75); Limited Target: Humans (-1/2), Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantation (-1/4), (RC 30) It probably won't work in one hit, but you can keep using it until you've rolled enough to beat 2X their EGO. After it's taken effect, it will be absolutely reliable. If you think that this is a minor transform you can use this instead: Deep Sleep: Minor Transform 6d6 (person into person who can't wake up, heals back instantly after 1 week), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4), (AP 75); Limited Target: Humans (-1/2), Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantation (-1/4), (RC 30)
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