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Everything posted by Snarf

  1. Give the bed a computer brain so it can talk like Kit from Knight Rider Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash had a character you would probably like who was completely crippled except for his kickass van. That was a funny book.
  2. 20 points sounds good. I'll relay that to my players.
  3. Aha! Now it seems balanced, as long as some sort of minimum point investment is enforced. I suppose requiring at least 10 points worth would be enough.
  4. Both flying and running cost 2 character points per 1" of movement. I must be missing something, because it seems like flying is much more useful. So, why do they cost the same amount?
  5. Just FYI, Self Only seems to work a little differently with Mental Illusions. In this case, as per the mental disguise example spell in the sidebar, it means that you can only affect your own appearance. But, yeah, it wouldn't work on automatons, cameras, and such. Plus, you would always have to worry about breakout rolls. The summon is way more reliable, especially if your GM will be nice enough to not have enemies attack them with ego attacks and stuff.
  6. Summon sounds good if the illusion has independance and thinks for itself. If you wanted it to be more like the images power and just a trick, like how it appears in most shows, mental illusions would be a lot less work. Phantom Duplicates: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points); Self Only (-1), Set Effect: Duplication ( -1), Limited: Does Not Affect Touch (-1/2). Real Cost: 17 points. But it sounds like it would be better for you to do it as a summon instead.
  7. Looks like you should buy all that stuff as a focus. Using a disadvantage is unecessary. After all, you can already get a buttload of points just by making all his characteristics low. If you really like the idea of a disadvantage, you could make him need the bed as a life support system. Maybe it contains drugs he needs or does his kidney dialysis or something. If I had that bed, I would never stand up again.
  8. I'm not sure anyone wants to pay 3 points just to let everyone see their health levels I actually am doing level ups but I'm not doing dying and going back to get your stuff yet because it's a parody of Pokemon and nobody ever dies. The thing I'm most curious about is how everyone does sleep effects. Maybe some kind of mind control?
  9. I'm running a campaign that parodies video game RPGs and I'm trying to figure out the best way to simulate cliche RPG status effects such as poison and sleep. Poison: This probably should be done as a NND attack with continuing damage. An antidote (dispel) could instantly cure it. Life Draining: Just like poison except when life is taken from the target it's given to the user. Link self-healing to the attack? Paralysis: This could be an entangle with the mental parylysis option. I can't figure out how the turned to stone or frozen solid type of parylysis would work. Sleep: A massive stun damage attack? I don't really like the way that works. It should make you completely useless, physically and mentally but it's possible to snap out of it quickly. And so on. Anybody tried this before or have any good ideas?
  10. You should probably play Starcraft: Ghost whenever that comes out. It would be much closer to the experience of RPGs than the RTS game.
  11. It could be like real diagnosis where the symptoms are obvious but the cause isn't. For example, fever, stomach trouble, tiredness, discomfort, and massive antibody output are detected so make a physician roll to figure out this is dysentry and the person need penicillin.
  12. Wouldn't 76 doublings of Mass cost 76 x 5 = 380 active points?
  13. I think it's a bit unecessary to have regeneration as a form of healing instead of being a seperate power. You can get effects similar to what you've described by buying characteristics with limitations on them. Such as, 10 STR with -1/4(not for climbing) or -2 (only for climbing). Examples in the books like that could be a good guidline for how much these stats should cost. You might want to treat drains a little differently. The current cost to drain one characteristic would be the equivalent of draining a whole bunch of these isolated things.
  14. I'm having a hard time figuring out naked power advantages with the number of examples I currently have availible. I tried searching the FAQ's but I still don't think I'm getting it. How large a class of powers can these apply to? In 5'th edition the example of applying autofire to any type of gun is given. Does this mean a naked power advantage can only apply to one type of power or does it just need to have a special effect that's acceptable to the GM? The reason I ask is that I want to include a device in a Star Hero game that will add megascaling to teleportation and another that will add megascaling to any psi power. I'm trying to figure out if one of these is a limited or enhanced version of the other.
  15. Hold on a minute there maggot =) ! Why is it fragile? These are guns you can beat people over the head or bayonet with! Hou-Rah! That reminds me, I can't remember when they started being used, but don't forget to put bayonets on military style guns if it's the right time. I guess it would be an HKA included in the same item or maybe a multipower for those bayonets that cover the muzzle of the gun.
  16. If I'm remembering the period correctly, you'll want to give them activation roll with jamming option. Something like -1 Jammed Roll(14-) would work.
  17. GURPS doesn't need a seperate psionics book, most of the those rules and powers appear in the basic book. It's just a supplement and campaign advice. What I meant to say is that it can save you some time. Even with the new powers and advice in Star Hero, you may still have to prepare a lot of new material. This Ultimate Mentalist book sounds interesting. What's it like and is some version of it out now? I probably would like it more than GURPS Psionics. So far, I've been satisfied with every GURPS book I've seen and amazed by every Hero book.
  18. For me, the biggest difference isn't the realism, it's the amount of work required and complexity for GURPS vehicles. You have to have a lot of patience and absolutely love math to deal with it... Aaanyway, GURPS psionics is much better than the small psionics section in Star Hero. If you want pre-made psionics system and are willing to spend $15 more, then GURPS is good. If you want to make your own psionics system then Hero is good.
  19. Star Hero is better if you want to create your own campaign. You can more easily make your own powers and equipment and see a point value for them. Don't even get me started on GURPS vehicles; I found it almost totally unusable. This is another area where Hero System is less realistic but vastly simpler and faster for GMs. GURPS has a lot of good premade material, like a premade tech level system and system of psionic powers. It's good if you want to just pick up someone elses stuff and use it then it's great. Combat in Hero System seems to be more complex, which can be good or bad depending on whether you like that.
  20. I modeled the poison in one of my games as a big speed drain. If you look back in the Hero System Discussion forum archives a week or two you'll find a thread called Paralytic Poison where this topic was discussed.
  21. I don't know the acronyms yet, but I'm assuming FRed stands for Hero System 5'th Edition based on these responses. I'd like to see more written about naked power advantages, at least 3 times as much material as there is now, to make it very specific and clear. I was trying to design a super-power based on knives but both examples of knives in the book were technically wrong. I finally found the recommended way to build it in the errata, using what I think is a naked power advantage. Actually, I would like to see how every weapon in 5'th edition was built, or at least one of each type of weapon, if it doesn't take up too much space.
  22. Oh yeah, that's right! I guess he has mimicry or something like that.
  23. "Hey Mr. GM, is the universe concave, convex or flat in this campaign?" -__- According to Star Hero, the Earth has 96 BODY.
  24. That's great but you forgot about his mad singing skills. o/` aint nothin but a hound dog o/`...
  25. How about Universal Translator with err maybe inobvious, inaccesible, fishy focus -1/4. I don't why I didn't notice this before, but a cane gun is given as an example of an inobvious focus. I suppose a pen-gun is also supposed to be merely inobvious and have nothing else.
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