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Everything posted by ShinDangaioh

  1. If you can get a copy of it, get the capsystem Primal Order. That will give a real good seperation between dieties and other mystical powers. It's a supplement that was designed to be used with any system
  2. Nuetrallium. This elemental metal's position on the periodic table is in the Noble Gas. Heavy(All known electron shells are at full capacity.) acid nutreal. Since it is heavier and denser than lead, radiaton resistant as well. More for spaceship hulls than anything else. Unless you have superstrength, you can't use it as weapon material. It's just too heavy. Just something to give it a feeling of vermestitude.
  3. No. Moldiver is the leggy destroyer.
  4. Japan has their two main heroes Ultraman and Kamen Rider. Their Superman and Batman, so to speak. Their Captain America wouldn't be represented by one person, it would be represented by three/four/five/six. A multi color battle team. Samurai Troopers Sei Rne Ha(Ronin Warriors) would be the best example bacause of the attributes they represnt. However they do have a Captain Tokyo
  5. Well let's see what can be done with El Dorado. Maquiztia Before he became a super-hero this immigrant from Mexico was fustrated at his constant grouping in with the flood of illegal immagrants to the USA. He went throught the process of being in the country legally, why couldn't they. During a trip back to Mexico to attend his granfather's funeral, he visited the aincent city of the Aztecs. While there, he spotted a cape made out of gold colored feathers. He picked the cape up and shook his head, thinking some tourist had lost their souviner. That was until the cape started glowing in his hands. Putting the cape on, he found he could do amazing things with it. Stumped, he took the cape back with him. When he crossed the border, the guards on duty held up the cape and asked why he was carrying a dirty rag like that around. Thinking quick, he realized that the cape's true appearnce could only be seen by him. He said it was to change oil in his car. Accepting that, he was allowed to take the cape into the US. When he arrived home, he wanted to use the cape's powers to inspire his fellow Mexicans to do things the right way. He wanted to free himself and others from the sterotype. To free. he took the Aztec word for freeing and called himself that. Since he was going to use the Aztec theme to inspire his people, he found a leapord spotted leotard that he would use. He added white feathered boots and white feather gloves to the costume, along with a red sash for a belt. The famous Aztec pyramid was done in white on the chest of the costume and he finished it off with a motorcycle helmet painted to look like and eagle's head. Something like that perhaps?
  6. You do realize that snakes were a good creature in Aztec myth? Quetzlcoatl. An Aztec villian using an animal name would use the word for hummingbird. Especially since their god of war was a left handed hummingbird. Maybe even the jaguar name.
  7. Re: Once more into the ethnic heroes fray. You forgot Rima. Then again, I have no idea what her powers were. She only appeared in one episode. Judging by her costume, I would say she was an African-american jungle girl. Loose tunic bathing suit and bare feet. El Dorado? Hmmm. I'd do a bit of researrch and try to find the Nahutal(Aztec Language) word for magic. Most Cental American/South American heroes use Spanish names. Maybe the word ilhuicatl(sky/heaven) or maquiztia(to save, to set free, to release) for a name I woud not use a country or god's name(The Aztec, Huizlpochtili, etc.)
  8. I'm not sure how many people here are fammiliar with the board game Talisman. But here goes, would this make an interesting world to set a game? Since it provides so many different character types, how would they tranlate into Hero terms?
  9. Or you could try and track down a copy of Mythic Egypt by ICE. Since it did cover both Rolemaster and Fantasy Hero roleplaying in that area. True Names were a part of magic. A VERY important par of the magic Since it is in that area, the Djinn are present as well. But they are controled not by Solomons' power but by their True Name Communing with the dead.
  10. I knew I read it somewhere. Since it was techincal, I thought it was a tech manual. shrug. Oh well. At least you have the answer and the source(s) Ah. I found where I read it at. Star Trek Next Generation Officer's Manual by FASA pg 105. They did have one of the writers on Star Trek give technical advice on the Galaxy Class cruiser.
  11. I read in one of the Tech Manuals that New Gen's warp speed went. Warp 1=1 Warp 2=32 Warp 3=243 Warp 4=1024 Warp 5=3125 Warp 6=7776 Warp 7=16807 Warp 8=32768 Warp 9=59049 Warp 10=100,000 The value was (Warp Speed)^5 compared to TOS's (Warp Speed)^3 IMPO the Transwarp drives of the Excelesior and the Enterprise A would use (Warp Speed)^4 for their speed ratings. Does that help a bit?
  12. Let's start it off big. Talislanta. The world is one of the richest I've seen. Next up, Rolemaster and its setting Shadow World. ICE does put a lot of detail in their modules, despite their small size Powers & Perils has a rigid magic structure that can be easily emulated by Hero.
  13. Don't forget that an active force user has unluck when near a pit. Obi-Wan died after crossing a pit Luke lost his hand over a pit Luke had his bionic hand damaged when near a pit Palpatine died by being thrown down a pit Vader died after throwing Palpatine down a pit Qui-Gon and Darth Maul died in a room with a pit Which begs the question, how do handle unluck that only applies part of the time?
  14. Richard Tuckola might not be a great game designer, but he sure is a great setting designer. If you want detailed starship econmic rules, get FTL:2448. Costs on building and maintianing a ship are in there. Ah well. I have no idea why Stargate SG-1 is in Star Hero, but since it was I put Fringeworthy in. To those who want to run a Stargate like campaign, Fringeworthy along with that file he mentioned. By the way, I can't read Excel
  15. Has anyone tried converting the Tri-Tac materialover to Star Hero/Hero? Fringeworthy-Traveling through other dimensions via an interdimenisonal highway with circular portals. (Don't mention Stargate to Richard Tuckola) FTL:2448 a standard ships in space campaign, but highly detailed. Incursion-Human abductees capture the ship Ardanna Nu and try to figure out a way to get back to Earth. The ship was built by an alien race so long ago, that no one knows how it was built. I didn't mention the last world, since that goes to Horror(Stalking the Night Fantastic:Bureau 13) and not Sci-Fi
  16. Maybe that's why Dwarves use axes and hammers. The balance is situated closer to the handle
  17. Gundam being the obvious example of something Hero isn't the best system for a certain genre. R.Tal didn't liscence Gundam for their Mekton game. BanDai liscenced the Mekton System for their Japanese Gundam RPG. That is an abberation in the RPG world. I can see Hero handling something like Grandizer or Gaiking, but Macross, Orguss, Southern Cross, Mosepeda, Gundam, Dragonar, Patlabor, etc. are better served by a dedicated system. Hero players are elitists? Take a look at rec.games.mecha. All non-mechwarrior stuff got flamed away. Mekton went to a mailing list. Mecha! and Robotech are pretty much non-existant, and as to GoO's stuff, they stick to their own lists and boards. I really hope this Texas nonsense blows over. It's hurting both companies.
  18. A couple of idiots spoiled the board for you. Personally, i skipped over the thread because I thought it was another of those my FLGS can't get SAS in threads. The stores that say Tri Tac and R. Tal and other small press companies are dead and won't try to special order anything. That nonsense only contaminates the General Discussion-SAS board.
  19. Texas is the size of a small country. Just be worried if they are from the same city. One person in this thread mentioned that there are those who are elitists because of having played a wide variety of games and settled on Hero. I've also played a lot of games, but have came to the conclusion that no game can handle it all. I can't see Hero handling a game with Buggs Bunny, Daffy Duck and ilk as main characters.(That falls to Teenagers from Outer Space and Toon to handle)
  20. All you need is one intimdating lunatic. A gamer version of Jack Chick or Pat Pulling perhaps. As I said, I hope it's not true. I didn't catch that bodily be thrown out of a store for playing another game. I can only think of one reason that would be true. DRUNK.
  21. I'm on the GoO boards myself and tend to ignore this nonsense. It makes no sense. In intimidating people to stop playing a game, you will drive a person to that game. Take a look at Palladium's intimdation tactics. If it is true, BOTH sides are making gamers lool like rampaging lunatics. Wheras only one side is right now. The sad part is, that I can see something like this happening. I have encountered elitists in gaming. If anyone tried to intimidate me by saying that I don't know what a good game system is, I'd list all the games that I have played and scare him/her off.
  22. 1-Captain Marvel-SHAZAM! Chosen hero 2-Alan Scott-Chosen hero 3-Superman(pre-crisis)-the big blue boyscout 4-Sho Fukamachi aka Guyver I-reluctant hero 5-Spiderman-carefree attitude in some of the worst situations 6-Firestorm(pre-crisis) 7-Firestar-a mutant that has moved past the nonsense 8-Kitty Pryde- 9-Batman(pre-crisis)-I loved the issue where he is singing christmas carols with the Gotham Police 10-Amethyst-A great concept
  23. This sounds fammiliar for some reason. Oh, I know why. Lead, Tin, Mercury, Platinum, Gold, Iron Silver, Galium, Zinc, Osmium, Iridium, Nickel along with a robot that could become Liquid Oxygen and a few other things. The Metal Men At any rate, Sodium-a burning Meele attack and an ability to make water explode
  24. Well........, yes. Primus, Demon and the like are a bit lackluster and seem to be one trick ponies. I'm not sure about UNTIL(coughcough UNIT coughcough), though The last time I read a comic using agents was that mindswapping one-shot issue of JLA with Kobra.
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