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Everything posted by ShinDangaioh

  1. Re: DC Suckverse? The howling what site? I have never heard of it, so URL please?
  2. Re: I could watch him get slapped around all day Fisrt Kitty Pryde and then Jubilee are his apprentices. He also hits on happily married women(Jean Grey Summers and Mary Jay Wattson-Parker. Yes, Wolverine has some serious issues with females. Hey, Impossible Man. Here's Wolverine. Make sure you treat him as your best friend.
  3. Re: I could watch him get slapped around all day Deathstroke the Terminator. Yes. It does matter. Hopefully, he gets slapped down by the new Terra. Batman by Irwin Schwab aka the Ambush Bug Emma Frost by Kitty Pryde. I'd like to say all the Liefeld creations, but one of them became a very decent character under a decent writer. So other than Deadpool, all the others. Wolverine by the Fabulous Frog Man or the Walrus(He has the speed and proportinal strength of a walrus) Anti-Monitor by Kara Zor-El.(Still a little upset about that and the LIE. IMPO Earth-A pull through) The Punisher and Venom. They are NOT heroes. Gambit by Betty Brant
  4. Re: Best of the Bronze Age? There was also a rumor about the vote on Jason or joker dying was actually fixed. The story goes that if it looked like Jason was going to live, a DC staffer went down and started calling in to swing the votes back the other way. It was a rumor I read on the old DC message board and the DC newsgroup. I have no idea if it is true or not. BTW the rise of Image comics is usually the agreed upon point as the start of the Iron Age
  5. Re: Is there still such a thing as a mainstream Marvel Universe? Yes. But, it is not in printed form. The various cartoons: Spider-Man, X-Men, X-Men Evolution, Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four, etc. Same goes for DC. The cartoon versions are the mainstream versions.(Justice League Unlimited, Batman:The Animated Series, Teen Titans Go, The Batman, Superman: The Animated Series)
  6. Re: Best of the Bronze Age? Flare, Witchgirls Inc., and Giant from Heroic Publishing. They've toned down the lesbian subtext a bit from when the universe was first being published. The writing has improved, but the feel is still the same. I feel sorry for the current Giant. He has two super-villianesses gunning for him romantically, and he isn't out of high school yet. The Sword of Superman, Must There be a Superman?, and some others Go ahead and look: http://theages.superman.ws/tales.php
  7. Re: DC Suckverse? Here's something vrviperii on the DC Message boards wrote on the Did anyone else feel ill watching Superboy Prime fight? thread about Infinite Crisis.
  8. Re: Super cities Superman used to work in Clevand, Ohio before the city changed its name and moved to the coast. Clevand, Ohio is still a good choice for a superhero team. It's next to a amusment park(Cedar Point) and is near the US/Canada border. Tampa Bay, Flordia or Miami are other choices. Near NASA and does have a problem with drugs coming up from Mexico. This is how the Mexicans got the derogatory name wetbacks: a bunch of Mexicans carrying cocaine(or other drugs) in waterproof containers swam out of Mexico and onto the coast of one of the states and bypassed customs. There is also a pirate problem near Florida. The pirates prey upon the elderly and steal their boats/yahcts while killing them and use the stolen boats to smuggle drugs. As matter of fact, that's probably a good reason to hire a super-hero team. 'I'm tired of my freinds vanishing and seeing their boats be used by drug dealers, I will hire a team to protect the coast from these pirates.'
  9. Re: DC Suckverse? Trademark cannot be used to extend copyright. The auto companies tried that and got slapped down. But, Disney will probably shove the copyright back again. As to Wonder Woman's required publishing: At least four times a year or every three months.
  10. ShinDangaioh


    Re: Isis There was a team-up comic in Shazam! where Isis and Captain Marvel met. IIRC(My memory is very spotty for such an old comic) Isis was on par with the Big Red Cheese in power.
  11. Re: Golden Age Day Jobs Detective such as Sam Slade and Shamus. Dr. Occult is a good example Stage Magician-Zatarra Engineer(not train engineer) on desiging bridges, dams, and buildings. Alan Scott was an engineer. Artist such as Norman Rockwell. Captain America was one. Archeologist-Hawkman or Indiana Jones Museum Curator-I think this is the job of getting displays for a museum.
  12. Re: Rifts HERO? It was a joke at RIFTS expense Explosions in RIFTS only have a 50' radius, no matter what is doing the explosion: A stack of dynamite, a 100 megaton nuke, an anti-matter bomb.
  13. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Magneto disguised himself as Xorn, shot Emma, hopped himself up on drugs, destroyed New York, killed Jean, and the X-Men beat him up with Wolverine lopping off his head. Spider-Man Clone Wars Hmmm. How can I explain the clone wars to make sense?
  14. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) Guy Gardner's costume when he had the yellow ring. Blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a leather jacket with a stylized gold G on the chest. Sho Fukamachi's Guyver armor(and the Gigantic upgrade) Its shilloutte says don't mess with me. Linda Danver's Supergirl costume in the final PAD Supergirl issue. Amethyst's normal costume. It's one of the few times purple and orange worked together. In the villian category: Justice Lord Superman
  15. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Enough with the Firelord/Spidey fight.............Yeesh. Back on topic: The enitre run of Super Green Beret I shall summon magic monkeys to throw cocunuts at Viet kong soliders.
  16. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Ah no. Superman was weakend due to fighting. Once some unblocked sunlight made it to him, he started going back up in strength. That does include regaining his heat vision. As to Hawkgirl's mace? I can't argue that.
  17. Re: Rifts HERO? Are you going to do the 100 megaton nuclear bomb that only has a 50' explosion radius?
  18. Re: 3 Names required - Help! 1. Hathor. Egyptian goddess of love. 2 Outbacker 3 Arrowblast
  19. Re: Hidden Template Spider-Tracer. The little red spider shaped device that Spidey attaches to things to track with his spider-sense. I give it a little while before Peter goes back to needing the web-shooters again. The revolving door of changes. As to the template, I look at the Blue Moon Killer from Dark Champions and wonder how that character was effective. all those points and a basic 250 pt character can clean his clock
  20. In another thread, a debate started about Galactus. I decided to post a thread about that debate and list some of the Cosmic Threats and see where others of the board would put them and debate about their power levels Celestials Beyonder Anti-Monitor Galactus Parallax Hal Jordan Parallax the yellow bug of fear TDHD the Mad God of Sector 3600(A sentient galaxy) Maggedon Solaris the Super Sun Krona/Entopi Mordru Darkseid The Limbo Cell(Justice League: The Nail II) Dark Phoeniex Sinestro-Just due to what he has released on his plans for vengance against the GLC. Abraxis from the Armegedon Inferno mini-series Someone said that Galactus was a minor level cosmic threat. Compared to TDHD and the Anti-Monitor, he is. Before the reboot happened, sectors were centered on galaxies and lmore important sectors held more than one galaxy. TDHD smashed apart a few sectors on his rampage before being stopped by a single Green Lantern(I still don't accept it was that easy)
  21. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Green Lantern Flodo Span single handedly defeating TDHD the Mad God of Sector 3600
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Spider-Man: Rock Reflections of a Superhero Along with a bunch of old records that I have on vinyl or have been converted to CD. Such as the song Real American by Derringer and the Debbie Gibson alblums
  23. Re: Which supers movies were better than you expected, which were worse? I bought the movie very, very cheap and watched it with incredibly low expectations. I was laughing like crazy after some of the songs in it. Like 'The Bull**** Song' A musical super-hero movie: The Return of Captain Invincible
  24. Re: Has Anyone Done...... Superhero fantasy has a few shows that can be used as inspiration. Slayers(Lina Inverse) He-Man and the Masters of the Universe She-Ra: Princess of Power Shazzan Blackstarr Magic Knights Rayearth Eternia and Etheria are pretty much the archetype Superhero Fantasy worlds.
  25. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...) Here's some other transformation phrases: Heaven and earth, fire and water lend me your powers now! Cyformation. Bi-boost Guyver It's time for some Samson power Mariyaragin Makendo Megamopho Honey flash Charging up
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