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Everything posted by ShinDangaioh

  1. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The translated Slayers novels. Decent. A lot better than the wordieness of most current novels. A lot of current writers need to take a remidial revision course. The classic Skylark series. What power. What incredibly silly power levels.
  2. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics game Oh. You want White Wolf's Abberant game world. You'll have to do the conversion work yourself.
  3. Re: Tenative feelers for The Second Semi-Annual Great Champions Challenge Modding Con Lack of scanner and limited funds puts me out of this. Maybe later I can start modding figs from this line http://store.yahoo.com/matrixcollectibles/microman1999.html
  4. Re: Working on a combined DC/Marvel universe Three Luthors? There were four for Superman 'The Luthor' was a cult leader and had a rock called the Powerstone that made him Superman's equal in power. He was also a bit of a mad scientist. There is still the Gemworld question. Is there anything being done with Gemworl? Mordru is originally from Gemworld. A planet shuffled to a side dimension to keep as much magical lore alive would seem to be important.
  5. Re: Working on a combined DC/Marvel universe Atlantis has a bit of history in the DCU. We'll start with Citrina who taught Arion: Lord of Atlantis(This was before Atlantis sunk) Wherever Citrina came from has never been made clear. She might look human, but she's not. The cities of Atlantis sunk and a potion was used to give people the ability to breathe underwater. The merpeople used a slightly faulty potion and gained their fish tails. (BTW Arion is still walking around in the present DCU.) You just have other cities for each of the differnt sea folk. Atlantis was supposed to be a continent in legend. Now we get back Citrina and what she did to save as much of magical knowledge as possible before Atlantis sunk: Gemworld. The people of Gemworld are the decendants of those who belived that Atlantis would sink and had fled to that pocket dimension.
  6. Re: Jack-Jack Parr That poor, poor babysitter. Mr. Dickers MIGHT be keeping her in mind for later use. Basically slowly move her into the super-hero community to keep her sanity intact. Once she's fully immersed, she'd be an invaluble asset to the supers world. Get Edna Mode to design a costume for her. As to Jack Jack's powers. Hmmm. The little demonoid seems to be the only tru multiform. The lead form and flame form seem to be density increase and damage shield with appropriate visual FX
  7. Re: Where do superpowers come from? Accidental or intentional genetic tampering. Accidental like the way that spider in the recent Spider-Man movie altered Peter. Intentional-mad scientists galore Cybernetics such as cyborgs, power-armors, and androids are still viable. White Event-Marvel's New Universe where the use of the Star Brand to blow up an asteroid imbued several people with powers worldwide. Psionics or electrical abilites generated by electrical trauma, such as getting nialed by a lightning bolt. Fire powers? Do a web search on human spontaneous combustion. Last time I checked, we still don't know what causes it. Heck even strong belief is quite poweful. Look at the fire-walkers and glass walkers in real life. People who stomp through hot coals or burning glass without damaging their feet. Mix the belief(hypnosis probably) with the electrical trauma and you might have something to work with.
  8. Re: Nudity and Sex in comics books Not to mention no decompression of the storyline in manga. It comes down to what you expect out of a comic/manga. If picked up the Evangelion manga, I don't expect to read Barney By the same token, when I pick up Superman, I don't expect to read Legend of the Overfiend(Good-bye Preus. BTW after that story arc, the person who wrote it is off of Superman) Running round and round anymore.
  9. Re: Nudity and Sex in comics books
  10. Re: What is it about Champions? I do enjoy one White Wolf game: Street Fighter. At any rate, the Hero bashing went down quite a bit since the cross-company module Reality Storm came out. As to Palladium and its line of games. At least the Robotech/Macross RPGs have good ship-plans.
  11. Re: [iron] Why do you dislike the Four Color/Silver age (No Flames please) The Comics Code Authority was a pain. Before it showed up, you did get some interesting stories. Like the time Star Boy killed someone in self defense. He was put on trial by Brainiac 5 for killing and not using his powers to stop this assassin in a non-lethal manner. Superboy was on Star Boy's side that the Legion should have the option to kill, since they aren't invulnerable like himself. Of course there was the Spectre comic that showed two viewpoints. One from the Spectre and the other from the reporter chasing the Spectre. How that comic got past the CCA, I'll never know. As to the Iron Age. Isn't that the age of the company wide crossover events and multiple covers?
  12. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The 4 volume Parsina Saga by Stephen Goldin. Nice to see an epic series that doesn't draw on Tolkien The two translated Slayers novels: 'The Ruby Eye' & 'The Sorcerer of Atlas' Nice quick reads. Throwbacks to better days of writing.(IMPO the books of today are far to wordy)
  13. So, who has it? Are you going to convert the stuff in it over to Hero? And do you think that if this product sells well enough that GoO will get the mainstream DC liscence?
  14. Re: Code VS Killing Poll Batman doesn't kill normally. However when the vampire storyline came along, out went the code vs killing. Doomsday was another argument against superheroes don't kill. Dropped off at the end of time to save everyone. Back in the Silver Age, in the pages of All Star Squadron, Superman and the Justice Society along with the Marvel Family killed several ordinary people in the waters outside of Great Britian(Okay, so it was WWII) Really depends on the campaign. Mostly, I try to avoid using the CvK unless that's part of the character concept. Reluctant to kill? Yes.
  15. Re: I need a Super Hero Name for TinkerBelle.... Hmm. Pixie and Sprite are the two fairy classes that are Tinkerbell's size. So....... Wyrd Pixie Wyrd being the blank or nothing rune, meaning mystery or magic
  16. Re: Weak Supers who just needed better writers
  17. Re: What happened to seeker?? He became a cartoon character. In the style of the Powerpuff Girls.
  18. Re: I need a strong woman that flies. The Return of Captain Invincible(movie) Greateste American Hero(TV series) The Adventures of Captain Marvel(B&W Saturday morning movie serial) The various Shazam! cartoons Supergirl
  19. Re: Goofy hero names that you still love Captain Obese. It was a slightly humorous comic. However beyond that, it was serious. And the good captain was a decent character.
  20. Re: Need help with names! GunBunny - Glock Girl Glider-Guy - Deltawing(his glider look like a stealth bomber) Tenticles Guy - Cyb-dra(Cyber Hydra)
  21. Re: I need a strong woman that flies. From anime: Iczer Reborn Yes, Iczer-3 does have energy blasts, but she tends to use her swords in a fight more. And her big attack is a flying elbow rush. called Iczer Bomb. I'm not sure how well aerial swordfights would work for you Cat Girl Nuku Nuku is super-strong, but she can't fly. However there was one episode where she had to fight a mecha underwater. Swimming can count as flying through a liquid medium.
  22. Re: GC Sales Was ORIGINS that big this year? Or were they also suffering a bit, due to the economy?
  23. Well, I did create a villian using a hummingbird motif. A left-handed hummingbird motif. The corresponding hero was based off a winged snake. Haven't done anything with the jaguar or eagle yet. Cats are kind of overdone. I'm suprised that the firebird motif hasn't been mentioend yet Despite being vegetarians bulls and rhinos make good motifs
  24. Jason of Star Command/Space Academey. You want to tell me Drago isn't a supervillian? Or the cadets from the academy aren't a group of supers? Small Wonder-A robot 6 yera old girl. Can't remember the name of the show, but the character was an Angel named Ehtel Methel Mcdurmin Wonderbug. Okay so the superhero is a car. (Speed Buggy was the cartoon) Lost Saucer. The two bumbling androids Bigfoot and Wildboy Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island. Considering that Love Boat is in the same world as the 1st Fantasy Island series....
  25. The vision powers were NOT granted by the yellow sun originally. It was even mentioned that all Kryptonians had X-ray vision in the story of when Kal-L was sent to Earth
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