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Posts posted by tkdguy

  1. 7 hours ago, Ternaugh said:

    While this is a bit of crankiness, given the subject matter, I'm putting it here.


    I had to drop off a package at the local post office, and I noticed a little stand on the sidewalk, with a big sign saying, "Defend Trump". I was going to ignore them, but as I was getting back into my car, one of them waved me over. Probably not his best idea. After I asked why are we defending a billionaire, his response was, "well, they're trying to take it away."

    To which I responded, "Good. He deserves it." I then gave him a short rundown of how he stiffed a company I worked for ("I don't know the details of that"). So, then I explained to him about how Trump Tower was built using undocumented workers. I finished by saying that he is dangerous, should never be near the presidency again, and that he should be locked up. I then wished them a good day, and left. As I was getting back in my car, the gentleman I had been talking to looked like a deer caught in the headlights.





    I also would have asked them why they were defending a rapist and insurrectionist.

  2. I was watching a TV show where the Adam West Batman was going up against a trio of witches, the Witchiepoo from HR Pufnstuf type. Bruce Wayne was making inquiries talking to the witches disguised as regular women. As he was leaving, one of the witches cast a tracking spell on Bruce. I woke up after that, so I don't know how it ends.

  3. Elves drinking with Orcs? Unusual, but it's in the Elves of Alfheim Gazetteer. The PCs were tailing an Orc troublemaker, and getting the rehabilitated Orcs in town to speak with them involved a drinking contest. Two of the Elves won their contests, but the third passed out after his first drink! From now on, he will always be known as a lightweight, no matter what he does.

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