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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: The Last Daredevil asks for your help Black Falcon would fly up right away but only for the few weeks requested. Seh would patrol and work the rounds requested but quietly investigate the possible set up of the Daredevils. Psidestep could help man the patrols, the investigations and with the funding by summoning gems and jewels from other dimensions. He would also begin a quiet investigation. He is very picturesque with his flying car and Dog Soldiers, so he could help with the tourists as well. Shade is a Scientist. He would arrange to go up with other heroes, and help out as best he can. On his own he is a poor detective, and wouldn't even think to verify the story first.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Just to start your day...
  3. Re: Hero vs Hero. Who would win? 400 pt 6th Ed Heroes Well I was really hoping for a player vs player kinda thing.... Its a lot more difficult to get a fair look in a player vs iconic
  4. Re: Hero vs Hero. Who would win? 400 pt 6th Ed Heroes Anyone else with a 400 point starting character who's NOT Superman. BF is getting her clocked cleaned by the Man of Steel's Cosmic VPP. How about a more normal character vs one of mine? If I hear nuthin, I'm gonna let this thread die.
  5. Re: Magical Knight I suggest you get rid of the focus altogether. Let the ancestor keep the shards in his basement and simply invoke the magic as needed. If the shards are stolen from his basement, he's in trouble. But secret IDs prevent a lot of trouble here. GM's are an evil lot. And OAFs ultimately mean you will end up nekid and cold before your leering enemies. take a 30 strength so you can add 2D6 you you killing attack. Take Flight with a physical manifestation: call it summon winged horse. It disappears when you stop paying end. No feeding, no stable, no pooper scooper required (not to mention no angry motorists beneath you...).
  6. Re: Pulp vs hollow earth ? Pizza Man says, "Never stuff a crab cannon with imitation crab."
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures This is from behind the scenes at an older SciFi giant snake flick. Pythons or one of its many clones. This head and neck was used for close ups with the actors...
  8. Re: Pulp vs hollow earth ? In one book, Tarzan took a ride on a zeppelin and enter Pelucidar (hollow earth) via the arctic route. Tarzan is pure pulp and Edgar Rice Burroughs wasn't afraid to mix the ape-man with dinos. The only thing I have to wonder about the hollow earth, is how the heck did the Nazis get there first?!!! You would think the nazis would learn by now. They steal the Arc and their faces melt. They drink from the wrong cup and guess what? their faces age and crumble to powder. Something about pulps where the Nazis are always losing face...
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Can anyone figure out what they are advertising here?
  10. Re: Anubis? A Body Drain attack or aura might fit well here. Since this is an agent of Anubis, you could give Him a "Weapon of Vengeance" and use him as a scrapper or a brick. Desolidification to represent the unstoppable nature of Anubis' anger. "Borne upon the wings of the night," great smoky wings of darkness can appear. He could summon the dead...skeletons with machine guns (upgrades from spears and such)
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W1ym3yggR4&feature=player_embedded
  12. Re: Hello new hero here. I dated a Beth once. Almost married her. Really glad I did not. If a Beth bot was created, I would be terrified.
  13. Re: Anubis? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis OK, here is the Wiki write up on Anubis. He is a god of the dead, and mummification. So it looks like necromantic powers are the order of the day here.
  14. Re: Anubis? Found this on DA. I'm not sure of the powers, but does the picture help any? http://genzoman.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d31kczh
  15. Hey its great to be wanted! OK so who is your hunted and is your GM especially evil about this? Oh and please Rep every GM who has evil fun with a players Hunteds. Black Falcon has the IHA and Demon both after her. Her darkness powers are magic based, but her ability to channel them (and survive the dark energies) are mutant. Further both organization know of this... My old GM never really used Hunteds except for Viper (free points). And they were played like the Spanish inquisition. The door would be kicked in and a Viper Squad would attack. "Nobody messes with VIPER!" It was one guy's fault, he went for the points and it was like a constant hunted.
  16. Re: The shop of the insidious Dr. Lo Hmmm. Agree with Lucius. If the color was there even if the victim survived the poison, yeah...but we already killed him so its not neccessary to pay extra for a cool effect. But Dr Lo needs a lay-a-way department. With a small down payment you could set something expensive aside...call it a "Lo-Down."
  17. Re: Hero vs Hero. Who would win? 400 pt 6th Ed Heroes 62 points is 50 points with a 1/4 advantage. I would allow for that. and the burning building? Yeah sure, they would rescue the people sure. I have two flyers and a teleporter so it would be easy.
  18. Re: Hero vs Hero. Who would win? 400 pt 6th Ed Heroes Well does anyone have a starting 6E hero you would like to post against one of mine? or someone else? I think a poll would be fun.
  19. Re: Hero vs Hero. Who would win? 400 pt 6th Ed Heroes Hmmm. Awesome write up. But that power pool can tip the balance...105 strength? Ouch! Still everything else fits. Heat ray eye beams 12D6 Frost breath, 12D6 If you're willing to limit your strength to 60 AP, I'd say you're in. (Even though you are immune to Black Falcon's NND attack. Curses!)
  20. How many starting 6th Ed heroes do we have here? Would you find it interesting if we could compare two heroes (say with links to their own threads), and vote on who would win in a fight? I've got 3 heroes in my sig at 400 points...Anyone spoiling for a fight? But ya know there are some great minds here and it's a great way to get some advice on your character (and that would be brutally honest advice, too! My cup of tea...). What say ye? Edit to add, if you are going to create a new hero, 62 active point max. 12D6 and all that Jazz.
  21. Re: Strange events...what do YOU (not your character) do? Curses! Shot down by logic again!
  22. Re: WWYCD- April Fools are everywhere Black Falcon and Shade would try to get to the bottom of this. Psidestep would take the day off and have the vacation of his life! Unless his team mates were there to brow beat him into doing his duty.
  23. Re: The Beautiful People Yes. Don't tell Steve Long. This is the prefect plan to take over the world. Teleios succeeds and Both Dr Destroyers loose. Personally I would limit the disease to where mutants are immune. The organism was designed for normal humanity and mutants are genetically incomparable. ---But then I partial to mutants. I just wonder how the survivor gene would react to this? Specifically one that had not activated yet.
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