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Pizza Man

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Everything posted by Pizza Man

  1. Re: Strange events...what do YOU (not your character) do? I am pleased to see a lot of common sense here. I too would explore my powers in secret and after a while, cautiously send feelers to find others like me. Slow and steady, nothing rushed. Always know where the exit is. And yes, I would wear a mask and gloves simply to protect myself.
  2. Re: 6th Edition Brick Don't feel bad, I had to rework Black Falcon like 10 times. But its worth taking the time to make a great character
  3. Re: Strange events...what do YOU (not your character) do? Shoot. That pokes a great big hole in my thread. OK, since I'm want this to be somewhat random, and not what the players pick for themselves I will give a few clues. let me add a bit to the OP.
  4. Re: 6th Edition Brick I agree with Hugh. If your brick is a former Gymnast and can run in this rocky form at 60M, then you have a great excuse for a better DEX. Running at those speeds screams for a good DEX. Breakfall and acrobatics are standard gymnast skills and she would still have them even in her mineralized state. In this case, you can have your cake and eat it too.
  5. A few days ago something strange happened. A silvery dust fell all over the earth. It evaporated before anyone could get a sample. It fell seemingly from space and was luminous in the night side of the world. The fall lasted for just a minute or so, but it fell everywhere. TV's talking heads are still going on about it. Every nut case and screwball is getting his time on TV. Weird stories are coming out (Bizarre crimes, people flying), none of them substantiated. Yet, YOU feel different. You feel healthier. No mater how old, out of shape, or diseased you are...you feel better than you have in years. and you feel something else...power. You've played Hero Games, you recognize whats going on. You are sure you have super powers, and you have a good idea what they are too. You need to try these powers out..somewhere. You are right where you are in life. Married or not. employed or not. This is not the world of comics. There is no telling how the govt will react. You know no one else with these same feelings you have. What do you do? Will you wear a mask and gloves? Volunteer for the military? The CIA? I am NOT asking what powers you will have. I'm asking what you will do, once you realize/suspect you have them. (the opening paragraph is just an excuse to hurry the story along). to answer questions, you will end up with perfect health, and looking young, this will translate to 1 point of longevity on Champions rules. You will end up with a standard super heroic body and will never have to exercise to maintain your shape. I don't want to influence people so i will answer later. Edit to add Addendum: Since flaws have already been poked in my thesis, let me clarify. Powers; You feel that you can fly. How you are not sure. also you can make sparks play about your fingers. You feel like you can build up energy in your arm and shoot it out. Everyone gets something random...but this is what YOU get.
  6. Re: Superhero Images This is how the gauntlets are supposed to look:
  7. Re: Superpowers and Ethics In real life, I believe all mind controllers will eventually become evil. 1) they have a secret ID, making them immune to most prosecution. 2) The temptation to manipulate others and leave no evidence will be overwhelming. Remember power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely! 3) Mind control has the ability to erase memories. Making any thought crime impossible to prosecute. 4) How does anyone prove mind control in court? I known for a fact that I would abuse mind control. Heck I would buy transformation and make mind slaves. I would end up controlling a corporation, and if caught flee to control a small town rebuilding from there. ---In the end, I would have to be killed. Mind control is a power that works in the comics/games but not in real life. Abuse of that power is just too tempting.
  8. Re: The Lost Cover Art Caption Contests: Issue #54 "Oh hello. You must be mister...NOT IN THE FACE! NOT IN THE FACE!"
  9. Re: If I wind up in a comic book . . . He doesn't have three friends who want to kill you. Poor kid. He just has a butler who doesn't kill anyone.
  10. Re: Champions Universe: what to keep in my campaign? Atlantis is just a bunch of air filled ruins. But Nazi types found it and retreated here after WWII was lost. Now they are a thriving civilization, and do a good deal if illicit trade with dictators and South America. The main city has slightly more than a million people hidden away from the world. They are planning to be "discovered" and are going to play up the lost civilization bit and be accepted into the UN. from this base, the 5th Reich will rise and once again threaten the world (of course that all a military secret and if they knew you were reading this they would kill you! Hey! Behind you! Its! Ahhhh!). They all laugh at Aquaman comic books. and incidentally, they is a whipping boy named, "Namor" with webbed fingers and toes. He changes spitoons. Still he's proud and is convinced that out there somewhere in the multiverse people revere his name. Hey, is that ICONS? Never saw that store before. winged sandals, how cool is that!
  11. Re: Champions Universe: what to keep in my campaign? Viper is new too. Founded by some of the original criminals to enter ICONs: They all ended up with a snake motif. Needing to make payments they founded VIPER and liked it. If you want a pre-existing organization, let them be a criminal organization hemmed in by mafia types. They looked to be going extinct, but ICONS gave a boost in the arm and now its Viper who calls the shots.
  12. Re: A league of your own. Psidestep (my character: Ranged combatant/summoner) Wonder Woman: Leader. Brick Brainiac 5: Gadgeteer (from Legion of Super heroes) Iceman X-23: scrapper and introducing the newest member... Caitlin Fairchild:Gen 13. (quick bio from wiki) Once an ordinary girl, Caitlin's muscles spontaneously increased in density, granting her superhuman strength, agility, speed, and endurance. The manifestation of her "Gen-active" status caused her body mass and size to increase from a petite young woman into that of a statuesque Amazon, shredding her clothing at the time. Fairchild is by far the most intelligent of the group. She is often portrayed as being either naively unaware of or mildly uncomfortable with her newly curvaceous figure. Protecting Orlando is: The Corsairs. An amazingly effective group. They operate from the Corsair tower. Fly in the fabulous Corsair Jet, and sell Corsair action figures from the Corsair gift shop. In town, the teams travels with flight rings and utilizes force-field belts designed by Brainiac 5.
  13. Re: If I wind up in a comic book . . .
  14. Pizza Man


    Re: Paranoia Black Falcon, Psidestep, and Shade all cross the dimensional barrier, step into the game room, and start slapping the GM around saying, "What gives?!!" GM regrets approving Extra-Dimensional Movement for Psidestep. Psidestep summons his Dog Soldiers to hold the other players at bay. "Nobody rolls dice. NOBODY!" Black Falcon hops in Pizza Man's lap and keeps him distracted. She whispers exciting promises if he writes that Black Falcon novel he was thinking about... Shade reads the GM's game notes until he figures out the scenario. At Shade's signal thay get ready to hop back in the Game world. Psidestep pulls snacks, cash, DVDs, and a slew of 6th Ed Hero's Stuff that Steve Long wrote in a different Universe, and plops them all on the table. With a flash, the heroes are gone. The GM finds his dice bag full of uncut diamonds with a note, "Play along and another bag will appear tomorrow." Pizza man writes his novel with ends up as a hit movie: Pizza man is stinking rich. He says nothing but just smiles when asked about those promises. The GM claims he found a diamond mine and opens a jewelry store. and never has strange surprises like this again. The other players have nightmares about dog soldiers, but eat really well at games in the future. apart from great snacks they never got squat. the end.
  15. Re: Pimp My Villain. Emerald Empress Hmmm. Then it would need BODY, defenses, all sorts of math and stuff right? Or can I just give it the same defense it gives the Empress and add say 10 BODY and be done with it... This rewrite is getting to be fun. Now I want to research the rest of the Fatal Five...That big guy with the brain looks like he's a brick with an Mind Blast or something...
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos LOL. sick and twisted...and funny. More rep
  17. Re: Pimp My Villain. Emerald Empress Mock the empress will you? Time to gaze into her emerald eye...
  18. Re: Pimp My Villain. Emerald Empress Hey yeah! I like that its very elitist, narcissistic...and you don't have to conquer the world...
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Family guy clip...I'm still laughing...but this deserves a spoiler treatment. Those with weak constitutions should not watch...
  20. Re: Pimp My Villain. Emerald Empress And while I'm at it...motivation. Whats a 21st century gal with a magic bloating eye want in life? I really want to avoid the world conquest thing, but I do plan to play her as an elitist. The origin will be magic whether or not the eye is solid and target-able. She's going to have stolen the eye from an immense idol of a dormant, possibly dead deity (and she's hunted by the cult members). The empress will control the eye, not the other way around. OK, I take that back. Maybe waking the dead deity IS her motivation. and the cult members obey her slavishly... what do ya think? Open cults in the western world? Until at least they start assassinating leaders they don't like? some countries might give her diplomatic immunity? Maybe take away the green glow of her loyal minions? No telling who they might be. make her a global fad, a celebrity, the toast of the town? and the heroes have to fight all of that?
  21. Re: Pimp My Villain. Emerald Empress
  22. I’m putting together a Rogues Gallery of villains to toss against the players. I’ve see only a little of this Legion villain, and she acts like an energy projector. I want far more than an energy projector. I want to put real fear in the players hearts. The Wiki entry says in one incarnation the eye was a prototype of the lantern ring, and that she defeated Superman once…And at one point Matter Eater Lad took a few bites out of the eye… In another incarnation, the eye possessed the various girls who took the name, Emerald Empress. I don’t like that. I do like another incarnation where the eye was part of a much larger artifact, a gigantic jade head…and it was a combo of magic and technology… I don’t intend on making her a clone of the Fatal Five character. But I love the image and the name. So since it’s my game, I will steal what I want. Impressions: The eye never strays far from the villain. I’m thinking of just making it a manifestation of her power. Since it is so close, it won’t have an indirect advantage, or even a focus. ---is that fair to the players? I) want more than just an energy projector. I want her to have some serious scary powers. I’m thinking of adding a pair of transformation attacks a) Transform into a loyal minion..usable against heroes, defined by a green costume scheme. It’s cured by beating said hero unconscious, or any magical Dispel power. Transform civilian into a loyal minion. (cured the same way) Civilians get green glowing eyes, a green protective aura, and an eyebeam energy attack. 2) An entangle called, “Bow before your Empress.” Its based on Ego combat value, and forces the victim to kneel before her. It has the "open to attack" advantage. So what else would you add to put the fear of GM’s into the campaign?
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine For youe work on this page alone...I just have to rep ya.
  24. Re: Haymaker! Cover Caption Contest Is there a link to the website?
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