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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Re: Just to prove I'm not a complete Comeliness Grognard Well Seduction was changed to Charm. I think calling it Appearance would have helped alleviate the notion that characteristic is strictly about sexual appeal. And to be honest, comely is description that is aimed at women (IME) which might explain the "sexist" reaction from some.
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I guess the A-team wasn't so over the top after all.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This happened in a Transhuman Space game. The PCs are operatives under the employ of a corporate CEO recently awakened from cryogenic preservation (well, it's more complicated than that but that's close enough). She's currently sharing her (sprawling) home with them and one of the PCs has been pestering her about getting more pets in addition to the Snowball, their genetically uplifted essentially sapient cat. Her rebuttal: "No, we're not getting two uplift rats; think about it: A sapient cat with sapient rats? It'll be like living in a Tom and Jerry cartoon."
  4. I do think it could have used a name change to Appearance.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I'm not going to dig around for it but yeah, the "annoying half point cost" came up at least once.
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far The cost of Endurance is going up to 1 for 1?
  7. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? The characteristic Comeliness and its attached mechanics are gone in 6th Edition. It has been replaced by a Talent called "Striking Appearance" (we don't know how "better defined" it is until we see the text for it). This is thread is about removing the Characteristic Endurance and its attached mechanics. I don't see the problem. If some takes your car and leaves you a motorcycle saying your car isn't gone because you have something that fulfills a similar function in a different manner isn't really accurate.
  8. Re: Mutants and Masterminds: Iron Age Opinions? Holy thread repeat I already started a thread like this.
  9. Is it worth getting for a Hero System player?
  10. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? That's fine. I was simply pointing out that the realism angle of Endurance both short and long term.
  11. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? Endurance is also a "realism" characteristic. It keeps characters from performing at peak capacity and constantly exerting themselves fully essentially forever at least not without paying points for the privilege. It's not perfect in this regard but its something, somthing that would probably have to replaced if you wanted to be realistic.
  12. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? As a Houserule for a specific game or group, sure. They'll be certain changes, of course. As general rule, it should stay. It reflects some things very well like settings where even primary characters have to stop and take a breather every now and then and not just for dramatic effect. End Reserve simulates Power packs with a finer granularity then Charges. Haymaker is different from Pushing as noted above, the entail different tactical risks and another reason you can Push anything that costs end but you can't Haymaker Flight or a Forcefield only attacks.
  13. Heromachine 3 looks like it's going to be pretty impressive The Alpha site http://www.heromachine.com/heromachine-3-lab/ There are only a few items and capabilities available currently but it looks promising. You can move objects around, resize them rotate them, have as many objects in a single slot as you want, apply patterns to objects There was a tutorial I saw recently where a guy used a feature called masking, where he was able to cut off portions of a pair of pants and use them as sleeves Here's a sample I've also attached a picture one of my players did of his PC using the alpha version.
  14. Re: In your Universe ... I have a few settings so it varies. For example, in the Redwood Academy setting many heroic figures that are fictional or who's abilities are made superhuman in tall tales in our world existed (Robin Hood, Hercules, John Henry) existed and their legendary abilities were examples of powers In the Wyldstrike universe that's not generally the case though some more modern celebrities have developed powers either as mutants, being caught in the Wyldstrike or purchasing them somehow (usually to stay relevant in a celebrity sphere increasingly dominated by superhumans). For example, Paris Hilton is a mutant with enhanced intellect and something of a demonologist/occultist (the paranormal is current "in" among the upper crust).
  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Personally, I just use a Stun-only NND energy blast. Its close enough for government work. Get jolted enough and you can lay around and groan in pain for awhile and eventually get up. Make the dice high enough to typically stun a normal.
  16. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Well, it's design goal of simulating "Dramatic realism" has been stated several times even by Long himself. Hero System is universal in the extent that it doesn't have a default setting or genre but even universal system have a general mood or style they promote. GURPS aims (or aimed I haven' followed 4th edition) more for realism than Hero System or BESM. And as Oddhat correctly pointed out "realistic" is hard to pin down. I've come to believe verisimilitude is a better target than realism but that's just IMO.
  17. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I would have preferred to see Figured characteristics as an optional rule rather than cut all together as they are suited for some genres and styles*. But then again, perhaps they are some fashion since the entire product hasn't been just yet. *For example if I was playing the Marvel Universe Figs make sense there since the majority of the time they line (Big strong guys are durable, Quick guys are combat capable) and there are ways to build the exceptions. If I was running Godlike Hero then decoupling them make sense because in that setting being really strong is no guarantee that you're also durable, etc, etc. Edit: From a purely game logic stand point, decoupling fits more into the "You get what you pay for" logic of Hero System but then it's just one place to draw the line in the sand. More things could be broken down and "decoupled" but the price would be increased complexity (and higher starting point totals to compensate).
  18. Re: Appearance Effects, special and other
  19. nexus

    Condiment King

    Re: Condiment King If this thread hadn't set off a wave of puns I would have been disappointed.
  20. nexus

    Condiment King

    What sort of powers would you assign a gadgeteer villain with this particular title? They only have to be thematic not logical since his "gadgets" are just psychological props for psionic trickery driven by a very deranged mind.
  21. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Exactly, I am wondering how that will be taken into account when it comes to pricing them. I really hope they're not rendered largely irrelevant compared to just buying up CV directly.
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