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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did Devastator say when half the Constructacons called in sick? A: There was a sign on the fence that read: Trespassers Will Be Violated.
  2. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel ...BTW, you have my permission to put Byron in the wiki.
  3. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Byron A mysterious young fellow most people assume is a teenage run away. Remarkably clean-cut and well mannered for a teen of this day and age, he pays his rent on time and doesn't cause trouble, so the hotel staff and the other "guests" generally have no problem with him. No one knows where he gets his money, not that anyone here cares. He owns an impressive collection of swords, knives, polearms, and axes, all of which look too authentic to be cheap replicas. In his bookshelf is a an equally impressive collection of high school year books from different schools around the country and from decades ranging from the 1950s to the 80s and 90s. If leafed through thoroughly enough, you'll find his picture in each and every one of them, looking much the same as he does today!
  4. Re: Force Dome How big a dome are we talking? At any rate, even a small dome, built as a Force Wall, is going to be MEGA expensive with the kind of DEF it'll take to survive getting nuked. And don't forget that it's going to need Life Support (Safe Environment: Radiation) linked to it.
  5. Re: Politics or not Put me down as saying "check the real world politics at the door." With the kind of players and GMs I've played with in the past, I can say with authority that it turns into a powder keg way too quickly.
  6. (I really wish we had a Jack o'Lantern smilie for this) It's that time of year again. The little goblins are out trick or treating, people are hosting Halloween parties, and AMC is showing a horror movie marathon until dawn the next morning. Of course, with all the people running around in costumes, this is also the time of year when certain supernatural troublemakers who normally have to stay out of sight of the public brazenly show themselves on the streets (in broad daylight no less, assuming they don't have susceptibility to such). Monsters of every imaginable variety, vampires, zombies, mummies, werewolves, demons, you name it, are all out in plain sight along with all the normals in costumes, and it stands to reason that more than a few of these creatures are going to be up to no good tonight. WWYCD?
  7. Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...
  8. Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...
  9. Re: WWYCD: The Jack-In-Th-Box Senerio Okay, if the box pops open, the "Jack" springs up and...
  10. The state prison just recently carried out the execution of a man convicted of multiple counts of murder and assorted other heinous crimes. A doctor pronounced him dead after the execution and the body was transported to the city morgue. A couple of hours later though, the body is now missing from the morgue and the door to the freezer drawer it was in has been torn from its hinges! A review of surveillance camera footage shows the freezer being forced open from the inside and the supposedly disceased man climbing out under his own power! After stealing some scrubs from a supply closet, he makes a run for it and disappears into the night! WWYCD?
  11. Re: Need Perjoratives! I went back and made corrections to Fork-Thrower/Shoveler in my post, you may want to edit list accordingly.
  12. One morning, as your character is his/her daily routine, he/she turns on the TV or the Radio to news of a HUGE red box with a big handcrank on one side sitting right in the middle of main street downtown! Assuming they go to investigate, the crank suddenly starts turning the instant they arrive, acompanied by the obligatory jiggling Pop-Goes-The-Weasel music. With no way of knowing what's about to pop up out of the box, WWYCD?
  13. Re: Need Perjoratives! Fork-Thrower: A clueless wannabe super who isn't anywhere near ready for the "big leagues" (obviously a Mystery Men reference) Shoveler: See Fork-Thrower above.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, are you going to vote for in '08? A: Nice try, but unfortunately for you my head features paradox-resistant crumple zones.
  15. Re: Errata for King Cobra Well, that minor oversight not withstanding, Serpent's Tooth is still tops on my list of favorites. BTW, thanks for the laugh, Hermit. I needed that.
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How could one little sentence put us all in Jeopardy? A: "That's for years of humiliation, b*tch!"
  17. Re: WWYCD: The Ghost Car Devilfire: (Demon half) Smiles wickedly and licks his chops at opportuinty to gorge himself on essense from some freshly damned souls, provided he can get to them before any of the other demons in the area catch their scent. (Human half) Greg would try to stay off the streets as much as possible until the Wraith is through with that gang and went back to Limbo or wherever.
  18. Re: WWYCD? Women City Savers Only Ezekiel Blackthorne: Assuming he didn't have strong enough wards of his own in place to counter this, Zeke is going to be REALLY pissed off at being so suddenly and rudely evicted from his own office/penthouse! Oh, and if the sorceress and her cohorts haven't all been killed when the force bubble comes down, they can be sure they just secured themselves a spot on his hit list.
  19. Re: Darkness help Some staple disadvantages for darkness based characters: Susceptibility: 1d6 from daylight and/or other bright lights Vulnerability: x2 BODY from Light-based attacks Vulnerability: x2 STUN from Light-based attacks Vulnerability: x2 Effect from Light-based Flash attacks As for the disad where he can't use his powers where there's absolutely no darkness/shadows at all, that would be an extremely rare occurance in most campaigns and would probably be more of a special effects thing. By the way, here's a power or two you might consider adding: Shadow Puppetry: Mind Control, Telepathic (+1/4), Visible (a pair of eyes appear in target's shadow; -1/4) Dark Phantasms: Mental Illusions, Only versus targets in darkness/shadows (-1/4) Hope that helps.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey Popeye, you how would you like to date Paris Hilton? A: Well, it was either this or work for the Internal Revenue Service.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So how are things on the set of the new "Animal Farm" movie? A: The preceding was a test of the emergency alert system. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been advised to drop to your knees, grab your ankles, and kiss your @$$ goodbye.
  22. Re: Jokes Did I tell you the one about the guy who didn't pay his exorcisism bill? Me and the other demons just repossessed his soul...mah ha ha!!!!
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: We caught the guy who robbed you, what do you say about tossing him feet first into a wood chipper? A: Nice little town, but the night life around here leaves much to be desired.
  24. Re: The Grand List Of Overuse Science Fiction Cliches
  25. Re: WWYD: Those Who Cannot Remember The Past Ah, it would seem Kansas is going bye-bye...
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