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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. As interesting an exercise as writing up a smartphone might be, perhaps it should only be necessary if the phone in question has capabilities/features a normal smartphone doesn't typically have. That said, I'd include Cramming and/or a VPP with the special effect of There's An App For That.
  2. Q: Who would make a vastly superior candidate to any of the dolts currently running for POTUS? A: The Master would not approve.
  3. Long ago, an evil man with dark magical powers and aspirations of world domination was sealed away in an oil painting by a portrait artist who also had some hidden talent as a mage. In present day Campaign City, the painting has been stored away in a basement storage room of the Campaign City Museum Of Classical Arts. Unfortunately, the would-be tyrant has been unwittingly released from his prison within the layers of oil paint when an overzealous staff member attempted to "touch up" the painting. Based on information one of your character's colleagues was able to gather about the painting and its occupant, he can only be sealed away again if a person with a respectable amount of artistic talent paints him back into the portrait. Thus far, attempts to defeat him by more conventional means haven't worked out so well. WWYCD?
  4. Minor Transform 2d6 (meat into meat with that smokey flavor); Limited Target (meat; -1/2)
  5. This one's about a week old, but it merits mention here anyway: Dumb Criminal Steals Neighbor's PS4, Busted When He Leaves It Connected To Neighbor's Wi-Fi...
  6. Q: Who are you guys and what are you doing with those mine carts full of rubies? A: Captain Picard bought an Android phone, and got an unlimited Data plan.
  7. ...And a man will wash up on shore anyway.
  8. Closest thing I've seen in published Hero books is on page 179 of UNTIL Superpowers Database, the fifth option under the Microsize power.
  9. Warning: Creepy and disgusting. Open spoiler tag at your own risk.
  10. Q: What is the Ultimate Question that goes with the Ultimate Answer of 42? A: I am Torgo, I take care of the place while The Master is away.
  11. Your character's team recently acquired a new base (either via government sponsorship, a wealthier member of the team paying for it all, or the team simply taking over the base of a villain or villain group they recently defeated, whatever works for your group). The new base is big enough for each member of the team to have their own private living quarters and an office if they want it. Living quarters and offices may be furnished and decorated according to the new occupant's tastes. What would your character's new quarters/office be like?
  12. After reviewing all the suggestions, the winner is: Setmoses
  13. I prefer the dignified black and green of 5th over the smurf puke color scheme of 6th.
  14. True, though even the good gods sometimes have that one worshiper or group of worshipers who didn't get the "try not to be a douchebag" memo.
  15. Some bullet points on his back story if anyone finds them helpful: He became Pharaoh by usurping the throne from his own twin brother. Many suspected him of having his brother assassinated, but no one ever had sufficient evidence to prove it. He was part of a fanatical cult that worshiped Set, and was well versed in the black magic of his patron deity. During his short reign, he made worship of Set the official religion in Egypt and mercilessly persecuted anyone who dared worship any other deities. The other Egyptian gods--Anubis and Osiris in particular--were (understandably) incensed by this and were more than happy to support the rebellion against him. In general, he was rapacious to an extreme few rulers in history could match. Not only did he seek to become the wealthiest, most powerful, and most feared Pharaoh of all time, but he also felt he was entitled to have the largest harem of any Pharaoh ever.
  17. I am looking over the suggestions and giving them some thought. I'll be sure to let everyone know when I've made the final decision.
  18. Yeap. I keep a copy of HDv3 on a USB stick and I've had no problem using it from any computer I might sit down at, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux. Speaking of Linux, I wasn't able start the process of switching over to LinuxMint before New Years because life always laughs at you when you make a plan. However, I'll have plenty of free time to get it done soon, so expect me to post a screen shot of my minty fresh new operating system within the next month.
  19. Ouch. This why you have to be very careful working with or around industrial machinery of any kind.
  20. Q: Why are you living on boat in the middle of the Atlantic? A: Because you made a phone call.
  21. #9: Training Purposes. Adding some realism to academy training exercises is great, provided cadets don't get killed off for real...
  22. The back story on this guy can be summed up as follows: Centuries ago, he was one of the wealthiest, most powerful, and most feared rulers of Ancient Egypt. Unfortunately for him, his cruelties and excesses ultimately lead to a (surprisingly successful) rebellion against him and he went to his tomb a little earlier than he was expecting. He was reanimated in modern times when a group archaeologists made the mistake of opening his sarcophagus.
  23. Advantage #1: Easily taking someone alive for interrogation. Because questioning a corpse wouldn't be very fruitful.
  24. Not surprising, unfortunately. There are cities these days where the cops will hassle you for handing out sandwiches and chips to the homeless, as members of a church charity group in my area found out the hard way. That's right, feeding the homeless could land you in the back of a squad car.
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