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L. Marcus

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Everything posted by L. Marcus

  1. L. Marcus

    Please delete

    Re: Please delete Whaddoyamean? Mightybec hasn't even shown his face 'round here!
  2. Re: Spell Durations As far as Uncontrolled goes, you can set the ending condition to a specific time -- like "At Dawn", or "In Two Weeks". A Continuing Charge is used when you have a finite "supply" of spell charges, while Uncontrolled -- given the circumstances -- can be cast as many times as you want.
  3. Re: Why do folks that dislike Hero hang out here?
  4. Re: RPG.net Oh yes! Those'll come in handy! Moahahahah!
  5. Re: RPG.net Same here. But I got this feeling that you were talking at cross-purouses (or whatever the expression. Not actually talking about the same thing?)
  6. Re: Plague Challenge! Thanks Marcdoc, Sociotard, everyone! You've helped heaps! Can't believe I didn't look in the Bestiary . . . Incidentally, I saw a documentary that stated that the Black Death probably wasn't carried by the fleas and the black rat, and probably was something entirely else than the modern bubonic plague . . .
  7. True. But as I read the Transform rules, it doesn't matter if you're half dead or as perky as ever; you roll the dice and compare with your base BODY. What I'm wondering now is how do you mimic a disease in general in rules terms? Independent? Sticky? Extra time (but that may be a given . . .)
  8. Roight! A challenge for youse peoples! In my Undermount Reaches campaign, I have a pretty standard huge-empire-obliviated-by-scary-ass-demon-induced-plague background (well, standard for me, at least . . . ) The thing is, I've planned on letting the plague itself -- the Maddening -- be a pure plot device, but I just felt the need to see how it could be statted out. Now, the disease. It starts as a really nasty Ebola-esque bleeding disease, followed by a transformation of some of the survivors into Man-beast hybrids. I'm thinking of something like a Drain Body, with a Major Transform somehow linked to it . . . ? Any takers? BTW, I didn't see disease covered in FREd, Fantasy or Space. Any ideas why? Or am I just not looking that hard?
  9. All good things, and all that . . . *sigh* Time to start marking days again.
  10. By the way, who's writing CH? You?
  11. L. Marcus

    star wars

    Found this: Star Wars for HERO 4th Ed. No pdf:s, but hey . . .
  12. Nothing like a brief stroll before Getting Serious.
  13. Bah! Bah, say I! You young'uns of to-day, not knowing what it was like to walk five complete blocks to school -- both ways! Nothing to worry about, the slang comes naturally after a while. I don't think there's that much of it, anyway . . .
  14. Flame you, sir! Foundation rocks!
  15. What Categories did she have for Animal Handler? I'd suggest Small Circus Ursines, Bullfrogs, ManHogs and Tortoids.
  16. I reeeally don't wanna know what happened to Taa I . . . Thanks for an interesting link, Solomon!
  17. Nihm revisited . . . I think this is the origin of lemming!
  18. Now Uplift Engineers have something to work with . . . Why we have large brains!
  19. Hey, maybe you could give the character a rebate on the second language? Say, treat it as a four- or three-point similarity to the first language and call the spec effect a bi-lingual home.
  20. . . . I just can't help it; every time I see Korvar's handle I just want to laugh out loud: In Swedish korvar means "sausages" . . . Sorry, Korvar! I'll try to keep the snickering to a minimum . . .
  21. I'd make the character pay for one of the languages, the reason being that no matter if you learned Fluent Conversation at home or by travelling far and wide, it's still as useful as if you learned it in school. Reason from Effect.
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