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L. Marcus

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Everything posted by L. Marcus

  1. Oh yes, by all means, do that! If you want to say something nasty about someone, at least make sure that they understand it! By the way, Angaros, apparently the FAQ (I think) has some suggestions for the Dimension Adders and regular Senses. I think it was +5 for just one Sense and +10 for a Sense Group. This is how I nowadays deal with a parallell world in my Fantasy HERO game.
  2. Anybody remember Lexx? Wouldn't blame you if you don't . . .
  3. L. Marcus

    2300 AD Kafers?!

    Yes, that's the reason I went with Aid; I don't know how to do that bit with Char as Power. I think I'll go easy on myself and not do this as a straight, mathematically precise conversion from 2300AD to HERO, but instead as an "yeah, that sounds about right"-interpretation. The math path leads to an even thinner hair line, methinks . . .
  4. Angaros, jag skulle göra som Lord Liaden . . . Alltid skönt att se en svenne härikring! Välkommen!
  5. L. Marcus

    2300 AD Kafers?!

    I've been thinking, and the preliminary result of this cogitationary practice looks like thus: Emergency Smarts: 3d6 Aid INT, Delayed Return Rate (5 points per 20 minutes; +3/4); 52 APts; Standard Effect (-0), Extra Time (One Turn; -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), No Concious Control (Only When Exposed To Danger; -2); 11 RPts. Plus PhysLim: Near-Human Intelligence (infrequently, slightly). This last one is a variation of the PhysLim found in the Bestiary, and only comes into play when the Kafer's not INT boosted. I think this is the most accurate -- and easy -- way to portray the abilities of the Kafer as written; one could do it as a Multiform, but that is just too clumsy, IMO . . . Edit: Edited a math problem . . .
  6. L. Marcus

    2300 AD Kafers?!

    My God, it's full of Nothing! Stoopid board ate the post, and I didn't notice until now . . . Anywho, I just wondered if anyone had seen any conversions on these creepy critters around the board or on the rest of the web. I'm thinking of doing my own, and want to see how others have gone about the task; their dual intelligence is giving me trouble . . .
  7. In that case, just use flexible slots instead of ultra slots in the Multipower Pool. Then you can vary the APs between the EB and RKA and use a Multiple-Power Attack. Something like that, mebbe?
  8. I'm so proud! My brothers's band's latest demo EP came in the mail today. Damn, it's fine music! Don't know how to tag it, but it's some kinda rock . . . They've got a homepage: Johnny Rocket & The Broncos. The long-haired freak on vocals and the blond basist -- the Stenbergs -- are me bros . . . They even made a video! Jeebus, it's ugly! But there ain't nothing wrong with the song . . .
  9. OK, Mr AndyStaples . . . Mind if I worship you a bit? I got a little space left in the house shrine, next to the statuettes of Ben Seeman and Stevie Long . . . Seriously, though, I've been looking for this kind of info for I don't know how long! It is going straight into my campaign, I tell you . . .
  10. Well, if Grant has the same staying power as Gaiman, I'm not at all worried.
  11. devlin1 has the gist of it. Except for the page count.
  12. Here's the product info: http://http://herogames.com/Products/SK.htm
  13. The cover did say something about a coyote, yes . . . I hope they'll still have it after pay day, because then it will be . . . Mine . . . !
  14. Hmmm . . . Saw the first collection of Animal Man at the local book shop today . . . Do you recommend it?
  15. There's always Transform . . .
  16. Grant Morrison? Who he? Did he draw any episodes of Sandman?
  17. I like stars. Stars are pretty. I'd like to go visit one, but I might prick myself on one of the rays.That would be bad.
  18. Fascinating, isn't it?
  19. What are these places? Do they have their own cuisine? If so, any good restaurants in Scandinavia?
  20. You bastard, you! You'll have your comeuppance, be sure! Seriously, though, I think I've gotta start selling me blud . . . Or other excess body parts. What would they give for a fully functional appendix, you think?
  21. See it as not paying for the Disads, but paying for the point the creature actually gets for them. The Disads themselves are "just" there for "flavour". Right? I think that's right . . . Hey, nice new avatar, by the way!
  22. Latvia, you mean? Yep, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, from north to south.
  23. Where is .ee, anyway . . . ?
  24. L. Marcus


    Why not aim higher? Go for Martha Stewart!
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