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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. On 2/4/2019 at 4:13 AM, Duke Bushido said:

    That wonderful for you, Christopher.   Does tha coexist with warrantless siezure of any assets deemed appropriatable without proof of crime in your area


    Because it feels an awful lot different when it does. 

    The banks reporting large transactions is absolutely normal in every democracy on the planet.


    On 2/4/2019 at 5:39 PM, Hermit said:

    I believe part of it is that it got lower in the last 10 or so years? From 10000, to 5000


    I lean with the Duke on this myself. However old, it's a bit disturbing that choosing to use 'good and legal' cash  falls more into the 'guilty until you prove yourself innocent' line of thought. 

    Asset forfeiture in turn is absolutely broken, and almost unique to the USA. And maybe some 3rd world countries.


    In germany we seize ill gotten gains the same way we seize evidence. Regulated on Federal level, rather then per state.


    On 2/4/2019 at 1:53 AM, Cygnia said:

    And that is one of the big downsides of Cryptocurrencies: Nobody that could restore/change your password if you forget it (or you die).

    It was only a mater of time, before that shoe dropped.

    In fact it already had dropped: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/bitcoin-lost-newport-landfill


    Granted it was propably gross neglegience on the Founder/Worker part. You do not store such a importnat piece of information with only a single person. That is just basic sanity.

  2. 3 hours ago, BoloOfEarth said:

    Though I've got to say that I believe death tribble's Mick the Mauler is going to show up in my Champions world.  I think he's going to challenge the PC brick to a fight, just for fun.  Do you think it would be over-the-top for Mick to have "1-800-EAT-FIST" writ large across his back?  :rofl:

    Why would it be?

    All small businesses have to take every upportunity to advertise themself. Especially while on Duty.

    Of course he might want to put it on the car he uses to get around, asuming that does not put the police on his trail too quickly.


    Just because you are a brick, does not mean you can not be businesss savy!

  3. On 2/2/2019 at 6:39 PM, Hugh Neilson said:

    What is your concept that absolutely requires a 30 DEX?

    While it was largely Hypothetical, a "really desxtrous guy"?

    Someone that is so dextrous that I worked it into the backstory?


    My SOP of design is to make a Character to a concept. Then develop the backstory to fit that concept.

    If I have NCM, I can do that.

    If we have "maybe the GM will allow it", I can not.


    On 2/2/2019 at 6:54 PM, Lucius said:

    Nor is there much point to anyone interacting with you at all if you are going to look right at words you actually said and deny having ever said them. 

    I look at the words I said. And can not find your interpretation actively looking for it.


    While I have my fair share of issues in communication, therapy got me beyond passively asuming I am that bad.

  4. On 2/4/2019 at 3:18 PM, Toxxus said:

    Absolute effects, imo, are one of the big failings of D&D.  That being said - even in D&D getting decapitated is a big deal.  You cannot be Revived or even Raised since you are missing a head unless your DM is feeling generous and lets your party plunk your severed skull back on your neck stump.

    That is a mater of perspective.



    As I read it:
    As long as you have the head (in the proper place) when casting the spell, it should just count the "cut neck" as a mortal wound.

    If the enemy stole the head, then you have to retrieve it or use a higher level spell. Same way if the target was dead for more then 10 days or had been turned into an undead.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Doc Democracy said:


    I think Christopher (the OP Christopher) would point out that they are the same AP.  If each of them individually would be OK, having them randomly occur should not be an issue for anyone but the spellcaster...

    As the spellcast is the person that has to Spend Character points to buy this power, it being unuseably swingy is very important.

    There is no point in designing a power that breaks all design rules of Hero and will never be taken by a player or even NPC, because it is unuseably swingy.


    Not everything that can be done, needs to be done :)

    And with Hero games we in part have to think like Game Designers ourself.

  6. There are two ways to get resistant defenses:

    a) buying Resistant PD/ED

    b) buying PD/ED, then buying the resistant advantage for those points


    Your case is B. You tried to math it like a case A.

    But if you add the cost of hte Defenses themself to it, you should get the same result.

    On 2/4/2019 at 4:42 PM, PamelaIsley said:

    Super-Tough Body: Resistant (+½) for 25 PD/ 25 ED.  

    This is actually 25 PD, 25 ED and Resistant (+1/2) for 50 points of defenses. 3x25 or 75 Active Points.

    And it should be 50x1.5 = 75 Active Points for Resistant Protection as well (no idea where you got the 90 from).



    Note however:

    - both builds are viable.

    - both builds are similar but not quite the same. For example, they react differently to Drain or Aid rD/D.

    - there is no clear consesnsus when you should use one or the other. Vanilla books tend towards using "Resistant Defenses" for Armors you wear and "Defenses, Resistant (+1/2)" for things like skin. But even those books are not consistent in that regard.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Doc Democracy said:

    I do think having spell effects that are not in D&D is an actively good thing!!  ?

    D&D has some pretty extreme effects, that incldue stuff like "Instant Death". It already comes with a high delta of Randomness.


    If D&D does not have a thing, it is likely too swingy to ever be used by a player or GM. It is too unpredictable for a game that has "you die, no saving throw" effects!


    22 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Chaos Bomb

    Effects: varies in an 8m radius

    Has 6 different effects that can take place, randomly, to each target in an area (all at once)

    1) Flash 8d6 sight

    2) Blast 5d6 double knockback only to throw upward, deals no damage

    3) Cosmetic Transformation 10½d6 turns blue for 3d6 days (improved results: same as before, but blue)

    4) Drain 2d6 Dexterity, recover per minute (drunk)

    5) Entangle 4d6 4 PD 4 ED (wrapped in silly string)

    6) Teleport as an attack 14 m random direction 


    8 minutes ago, Christopher said:

    I can not even think of a D&D spell that has that spread of effects. Such a degree of Randomness is just not manageable.

    I want to stress this a bit more: This chaos bomb is propably unuseably swingy.

    One the one hand, it turns the enemy blue.

    On the other it teleports an enemy off the tower the final fight takes place in, instantly killing him/taking him out of the fight or nessisating a rescue.

    Even the Teleport power itself is highly swingy, as the fight might happen on the ground, the teleport might move it more to the center or the enemy might have flight, wich would make it more like turning someone blue.


    That delta of Randomness is the size of the Grand Canyon:


  9. 21 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Effects: 6d6 blast or 3d6 Heal Body

    Against friendly targets heals 3d6 Body, against undead, deals 6d6 damage 

    What you try to model here is a campaign rule. D&D campaign rules say:
    "Negative Energy hurts living and heals undead"

    "Positive Energy hurts undead and heals living"


    You do not model campaign rules with power builds. As a GM, you declare them. Same way you declare the Starting points and Attribute caps. You just say "X AP of Positive Energy Healing does Y DC of damage to undead".


    21 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Chaos Bomb

    Effects: varies in an 8m radius

    Has 6 different effects that can take place, randomly, to each target in an area (all at once)

    1) Flash 8d6 sight

    2) Blast 5d6 double knockback only to throw upward, deals no damage

    3) Cosmetic Transformation 10½d6 turns blue for 3d6 days (improved results: same as before, but blue)

    4) Drain 2d6 Dexterity, recover per minute (drunk)

    5) Entangle 4d6 4 PD 4 ED (wrapped in silly string)

    6) Teleport as an attack 14 m random direction 

    I can not even think of a D&D spell that has that spread of effects. Such a degree of Randomness is just not manageable.


    The closest thing is Prismatic Spray:
    https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Prismatic Spray#h-Prismatic Spray

    The first 5 results are the same damage with randomized special effects. Wich can trigger specialist defenses or weaknesses.

    6 is Paralysis/turn to stone

    7 is a banishment effect

    8 is only there because we do not have D7's outside of Star Trek.


    21 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Touch of Nature

    Effects: Aid 2d6, recover per hour, are effect radius 4m

    Increases a stat based on the character's needs (Strength for warriors, INT for mages, etc)

    So multiple aided Characteristics and even picking hte right Characteristic automagically? Maybe a UBO Multipower of wich only one option can be picked?
    Again, not a spell I know even D&D of having due to balancing issues.


    21 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Ghost Bolt

    Effects: 6d6 blast

    Has no effect on -- passes through -- targets that aren't undead.

    An attack that treats certain kinds of barriers as transparent?

    Indirect would work to hit a undead enemy behind an ally and got past most other cover/barriers.

    "Only affects undead" is a clear limitation.

    Maybe you could even combine them into a +0 advantage, similar to "only does STUN" attacks?



  10. 7 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

    Then, just a few years later, the government decided that any "large" cash transaction had to be reported by banks, making it just flat dangerous to do business at all.

    That is just SOP for banking and finances.


    15.000 € per Customer and day is the legal hard cap, after wich the Finance Ministery of Germany has to be informed.

    Below that it is up to each bank. 500€ seems to be my banks limit.

    And the "severity" of it is, that I have to show my ID when depositing, so they got a solid paper trail if it ever turns out there was something illegal happening.

  11. 1 hour ago, Tech said:

    So Christopher, in other words, trying to provide a link as Bolo suggested won't work.

    Providing a link as actuall link works.


    Howeer there are automatics in place to recognize Image and Video Links and hand the job over to the "Insert other media" code.

  12. 16 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:



    uhgng.... Ugh....  Oh, wow.  This is.... this is a lot heavier than I thought it would be....


    Be a real shame, though, if I accidentally dropped it right here..... 























    His Bat'leth also makes Klingon Chancelors.

  13. 4 hours ago, Tech said:

    I'm testing posting the link on postimage.org




    Here's the villain. A small version of the villain is below:


    Looking at the Image Details, I found this as the source:


    At the very least the Forum Software will try to cache the image via a HTTP handler. At worst it just downloads it.

  14. 1 hour ago, Jayzon said:

    Took a pic of character sheet in case someone wants to see but doesn't have the character designer: 49454786_Mr.SuitV1.thumb.PNG.3293f3b69d67a59f100ef81fb6e214b9.PNG 

    Rather then +200 END and +11 REC, maybe take a look at the endurance Reserve Mechanic? That one is usually used for "reactor" like abilities.


    I think @Cassandra was it that had this rule aiming for "2 turns worth of Endurance + Recovery" in your End/rec buying.

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