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The Nexus

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Everything posted by The Nexus

  1. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? See and if you do want, Hero gives you the option (as you've shown) They may, and depending on how they want to do it (wrestle for it, knowledge of "manly" movies etc.), there is a mechanic that can be used to do it. The only mechanic for granular attractiveness has been taken away.
  2. Re: Old Marvel Super Heroes to Champions conversion. Wow Ultimate Powers book, I hadn't heard that in years. I used to have all the OHOTMU with the character stats in them. Wish I knew what happened to all that.
  3. Re: Superman 350 Points with VPP That's a really neat take. I've never considered doing things that way. I usually just go with a 60 STR and call it good.
  4. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald I hear you, a few years ago I took a look at a Dragon magazine (or was it Dungeon?) it was like 12 pages and 11 of them were advertisments.
  5. Re: 6th Edition Brick Wow reading this thread makes me realize how much I have to learn about making a character and I've been playing since 3rd ed. I hadn't even considered that a 7 DCV could be all but useless (depending on norms of course) and might as well go with a 4 and up defenses. I need to hone up some math skills.
  6. Re: The Capes of Vibora Bay Nice interesting run so for. I always like to see the characters players use in actual games.
  7. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? But here's the thing, to use your example, there isn't some one that can be MORE male than your character. There is no one that has STRONGER XY chromosomes, they are just male. With COM players will sometimes want to quantify how attractive their characters are in comparison to other characters. This goes beyond just a physical description of skin color or ethnic background. There are varying degrees of attractiveness. Now of course you can fall back on "Well that's not realistic, some people find Brad Pitt attractive others don't blah blah blah" however you have to remember that we're talking about a game where people can shoot lighting bolts out of their nose hair or survive a fall from terminal velocity with a little tuck and roll, are we really concerned about realism? This made me laugh. It brings me back to the time that Bruce Harlick (back when he was in charge) answered the "Great Link Debate" and yet it still continued for years afterwards. The COM debate seems to be following in its footsteps. Those that like it, always will, those that don't, never will. Not much point in arguing about it anymore... Not that that will stop us
  8. Re: Tactile Metal Control powers When I make a Magneto type character I usually use a Range Killing Attack vs metal. This only works if you just want to damage the metal. If you envision a reshaping of the metal then you have to go with a transform. I personally don't like Drain because most drains heal back in 12 Seconds and it doesn't really fit, how does broken metal repair itself?
  9. Re: American Dream character, getting out from dust Okay that's just mean. You can't just throw a picture like that out there without some warning to little kids. Spoiler tags man, Spoiler tags.
  10. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) Makes me wish I did make up and submit a character for the idea I had for Silverfist II. Ah well I can live vicariously through everyone playing
  11. Re: What sort of technology do you use in yiour games? I really like a netbook for gaming. It's small enough that I can get around it when I need to. PDF's are a gift from God when GM'ing. The search feature is incredible. A fellow poster on here, is also a good friend of mine, kept harping on how awesome Hero Designer was. It took me awhile but I finally gave in and got it, and I have to say, it is probably the best investment I've ever made in my gaming career.
  12. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald Oh really mature... You big boogie head
  13. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald Wow I remember that issue. Had over the top super women for all the different super hero games.
  14. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? Right, except the point of this thread is that the pre-made characters USED to spend those points, and now they don't. The game is also encourages against this type of behavoir by giving players free skills something to the effect that: If your character should know how to read a map, and it won't come up often, they don't need to buy Navigation, they just get it for free. I believe a lot of people felt this way. I think for a lot of people COM did have an effect, it was just a Role-Playing, and this gets into one of my larger issues. I used to be VERY involved with Hero. I started in 3rd Ed, played 4th for years and years, and when 5th came out, I didn't like the direction it was going and left (eventually I broke down and bought some of the books). My problem was that Hero was become way too power game-y. In 4th ed. If you wanted a character that could attack a lot you bought up your SPD or bought Autofire. That's what it was for. In 5th and beyond, you have Sweep, and Multiple Power Attacks (which I absolutely despise by the way) to make people feel more powerful so they can attack more in a phase. It's gotten worse now with encouraging giving away free skills. Now I got over my... Tiff, I guess you'd call it, when I decided I didn't care how the management wanted me to play, I was going to continue to do it my way. Wow, sorry rant over.
  15. Re: So how does Champions compare to Mutants and Masterminds? I agree with what the others have said, so I'll just tackle this question. In Hero you absolutely have to keep a tight leash on players. Since the system is so flexible, there are tons of ways to "beat the system". There will be times in your game, where you go "Wow, I had no idea how effective that would be", expecially when you're first starting out. I recommend you tell players that they made need to make changes to their characters once the game starts and you see how things are.
  16. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? I agree. I've always been a huge supporter of people who paid points on basically useless things that were basically just for flavor. I was sorry to see COM go.
  17. Re: The Incredible Hulk I'm with you until here. Now I've stopped reading comics, so maybe things have changed, but I would put Petey on the same if not slightly below Thing.
  18. Re: The Incredible Hulk Oh okay, so you used a different game as a sort of baseline and converted it. I tend to make mine like SleepyDrug, make them more usable in a 350 point (or 400 point) game, keeping the DC's around 14. This doesn't reflect the comics as well, but it makes it easier to determin where to put the stats.
  19. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? Good call on the Amanda Waller replacement.
  20. Re: Legends of Marvel & DC Universes, redux While a minor nit, Tony Stark should proably have a higher COM than 10. Also on Iron Man, I haven't read him in a long time, but I thought he had to use his Stealth Armor to go invisible? I don't think your Damage Shield is built correctly. Don't you have to add persistent or constant to it? I think I would also go with a VPP instead of trying to fit all those minor powers (and allow Enhanced Senses in a VPP). Other than that, wow great write up!
  21. Re: The Incredible Hulk The question I have, is without some sort of baseline, how do you know where to put the stats? For example why a 75 CON and not a 60 or 90? What do you use to gage where they should be?
  22. Re: American Dream character, getting out from dust The things you're talking about are 6th ed. Opale's character is 5th ed. As far as the build, I like the way you did her kiss, it's not as powerful as the Enchantress' would be, but she's only half Enchantress, so it works. The rest of the build is solid, nothing wrong with it.
  23. Re: Armor from x-men type of brick. No I don't think you'd need the Proportionate disadvantage. You can (I believe) always choose to do less damage. Taking that just means that you couldn't use your full STR unless you had full power in your Force Field.
  24. Re: Using a D20 I hadn't really considered that the game was designed around the Bell Curve when they determined what the bonuses should be. That would be a much larger change than I was looking for, thanks for the help all.
  25. Re: Using a D20 I think that randomness is more (dare I use this word when talking about role-playing games?) realistic. I like the possibility of anyone having the chance to hit anyone. I don't typically do fumbles because of how often they'll effect the PC's versus how often NPC's get nailed with it.
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