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Everything posted by Bloodstone

  1. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Feature? Many. Starring? Don't know... would have to do some research. Certainly Black Panther, who has over 100 issues to his name. Power Man too, if we include the issues where it was Power Man & Iron Fist. However, no one has actually asked for starring roles here. Featured would be a step in the right direction... A step in the right direction, but somewhat irrelevant at the moment. He's brand new. We have no idea if the character will have any lasting value at this time. He could end up being written so poorly that he's he's totally offensive to (or just plain ignored by) African- and Mexican-Americans everywhere. Or he could end up being so perfect that they eventually move him from the Ultimate Universe to 616. Hopefully, we'll get a decent compromise where he and peter can both be awesome. That's pretty much Win/Win in my book. But plenty of fans are pissed that Ultimate Peter Parker died to make way for a new Ultimate Spidey, so Miles Morales has an uphill battle ahead of himself, just like Ryan Choi, Jamie Reyes or Jason Rusch did. It's THE WORST way to introduce a new character period, but ESPECIALLY a minority character. You get folks up in arms screaming about affirmative action and what not... Lets hope Bendis is up to the challenge. My money is on no, but his heart is in the right place and I really do respect him for trying. The things he said about Donald Glover were awesome and to do this is, IMO, a wonderful move. Of course, the Internet will troll the hell out of this. And speaking of trolls, Glen Beck, who knows about as much about comics as I do about being a high paid douchebag pundit, can rant and rave about it all he wants. For the most part, all he'll accomplish is making non-comic readers continue to not read comics while blaming Obama for the death of Peter Parker Champions books are generally fairly PG-13, but lets be honest here... We have an in canon fraternal twin brother/sister villain team that are involved in a long standing relationship involving sex magic, demons, bondage gear and, most importantly, EACH OTHER! We have it in print that they are having sex. If we're not afraid to offend the readership with something like THAT, I'm pretty sure we're going to be ok mentioning that someone like Cataran has a DNPC girlfriend or that Mayte Sanchez secretly has a crush on her gal pal, Sapphire...
  2. Re: How To Build: Gibbon The particular primate pictured in your PDF is a squirrel monkey, so styled simply because of their similarly small size. They have five fully functional fingers. Spider Monkeys look quite different and are much larger (around the same size as gibbons actually). They get their name from their long, spindly limbs and are lacking thumbs, as your write up indicates. They are amazingly agile, nearly as much as gibbons.
  3. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Damn, must spread rep
  4. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Are you actually saying that we should assume that someone like Defender might be/have been gay or bisexual, despite the fact there is no hint of it anywhere in his write up, despite the fact he's had dozens of girlfriends and despite the fact he's getting married to Witchcraft? Seriously? He's not asking for special treatment, he's asking for better representation. Not even even representation... Literally nobody in this thread has asked for anything even remotely resembling this remark and I have no idea why you would even wish to bring such an idea up. Yes, we all know we can do whatever we like in our own games...
  5. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  6. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Hey now... Starfire is an alien over in DC... Sapphire, by contrast, isn't just a mutant, she's also Latina. So she's actually one of the minority characters...
  7. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  8. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Yeah, I don't think it's intentional at all. I think you're pretty safe expecting to see primarily heterosexual white male supers and the smoking hot women that love them in. Ever notice that a significant number of plot hooks for the female villains involve them having the hots for one of the male PC's? Now, I have no numbers to back it up, but I'm pretty sure the target audience has historically been white heterosexual male gamers. I'm also presuming that most of the game supplements are also written by those same white heterosexual male gamers. And based on the age of those writers, they are also probably drawing inspiration from an era in comics where Northstar being gay was actually kind of big deal. I 'm not saying this is right or this is the way it should be mind you, just that I think there are a lot of factors to consider on why something like this might be overlooked. Frankly, it may all change with time... True, but it's only been in the last few years where virtually every new team to crop up in DC or Marvel will have at least one LGB team member... and they have a much larger and more diverse writing staff, a bigger stable of characters to begin with and a target audience several orders of magnitude wider. While I've seen plenty of LGB characters in White Wolf games, I can't personally think of too many other studios that are quite that diverse. Technically we are also all kind of making an awful lot of assumptions here. There are quite a few characters in the CU that don't have any information on their sexuality and we are just assuming they are hetero- by default. In the Champions, for example, we know Defender, Witchcraft, Sapphire and Nighthawk are all hetero. We have no information on Ironclad what-so-ever, but there is certainly a bad gladiator joke to be made here. Kinetic's only relationship angle is that he's "just friends" with Sapphire, so for all we know he's her gay BFF. Nightwind costume is fabulous, so he either needs a new tailor, is gay or is so far in the closet he can see Narnia We'll skip over Dr Silverback... (and I'm skipping the race issue for now...) Well, "realistic" numbers would probably be more like 3-4% wouldn't it? Or are my demographics wrong here? Ultimately, realism is probably a poor measure anyhow. I'd say it's more about intent. It's a fantastic world and if we want we can easily assume that mutants or various aliens/mystical creatures are genetically or culturally predisposed to alternate sexualities. Or we can have our laboratory accidents and radioactive insect bites tend to happen in places with higher than average populations of homosexuals if we want. But again, all depends on what you want to do...
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures According to the linked article:
  10. Re: Fearless, 5e 4d6 EB boomerang is pretty unimpressive on it's own, but even more so considering her hurled club is a 6d6 EB Did you mean to purchase 10" of swinging three separate times? CV's seems a bit low side for a character with only 19/18 DEF.
  11. Re: The Seven Sisters Susano; I wasn't clear from your write up if you knew who these characters actually are or if you were just inspired by a random picture of them?
  12. Re: How To Build: Gibbon ... Gibbons are lesser apes, not new world monkeys. . They don't have tails at all, let alone prehensile ones. If the player wants a primate with a tail, he's not talking about a gibbon. On that note, you have purchased extra limbs twice, one of which notes 3 extra limbs, for a total of 4 extra limbs. I presume two of those limbs are for the gibbons feet.... They don't know that I would consider their finger nails claws, even if they let them grow quite long. They might be able to scratch something, but I still wouldn't actually call it an HKA myself. On that note, I'd probably make the bite a 1 pip HKA instead. You have no power to represent brachiation. Climbing won't cut it, as it's based off ground movement, which you have as very slow. With a SPD of 2 and a 4m of running, your Gibbon has a top land speed of about 3 mph. I'll be honest, I don't know exactly how fast they can actually run on the ground, but they aren't zombie slow. They outrun children regularly. You may want to go with some type of limited Flight or Swinging Build to accomplish their brachiation. Assuming a SPD of 2, you need about 48m of movement to attain a speed of 35mph (that's assuming that speed is attained with an NCM of 2). Obviously less meters of moment would be required if the gibbon were built with ahighers SPD or larger NCM, though in a heroic setting this may not be wise as the player will likely not want the animal to be completely vulnerable while swinging about... As I mentioned, Gibbons leap distances of 30' or more, so you want to have at least 9m of leaping. You only need 5m if you are going to assume any big leaps are NCM leaps though. As far as I know, they can't swim at all. I would probably give it more STR, DEX, INT and PRE, but again how much depends on species. Right now, this gibbon is only as strong as a house cat, is less agile and less intelligent. This strikes me as quite wrong, as they are very agile and highly intelligent. I would probably give it at least a 3 SPD myself, but that's probably quite campaign dependent. Here's a fun little clip of a Lar Gibbon that may give you some heroic inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3CI8I5Si_U
  13. Re: How To Build: Gibbon What species is this gibbon? They come in a variety of sizes and have some very different physical characteristics. For example, the Siamang is the largest in the family. It has a gular sac that, when inflated, lets them make very loud howling calls that can be heard for over a mile. Overall, gibbons excel at brachaition, more so than any other primate. They can reach speeds of up to 35mph amid the branches and can easily leap/swing across gaps 30' wide. Compared to chimps, they may lack in STR, but they have more DEX and very likely deserve additional levels in skills like Acrobatics, Climbing and Breakfall. They are also incredibly limber, so you could justify the Double Jointed Talent and possibly the Contortionist skill. They tend to have slightly less manual dexterity, as their long digits are designed for gripping and swinging, not as much for fine motor skills, though I'm not sure if it's sufficient to warrant a higher Limited Manipulation Physical Complication. They also only live about half as long as chimps, though that may not be at all relevant to the game.
  14. Re: What If? Fertility Control None taken But that ultimately has no real bearing on my attempts to woo her... only on the likelihood of the desired outcome...
  15. Re: What If? Fertility Control
  16. Re: What If? Fertility Control At that point we are essentially talking about sex without consequences. Speaking for myself, the only checks I have on attempting to bang every moderately attractive female I meet are: - risk of unwanted pregnancy - risk of STD's - cost (be it in time, money or the trade of services) - society's pressure towards serial monogamy However, I don't know that that last item would exist without either of the previously mentioned risks though... This changes the structure of marriage in particular, relationships in general and societies attitudes towards sex on the whole.
  17. Re: What If? Fertility Control Can most STDs be cured by magic?
  18. Re: Captain Cambodia Why's that? He's taking soft, safe falls on mats. He's not actually being hit with any force He's playing along to make the techniques look good (screaming, kicking his feet to make being dragged around easier). He's plenty flexible to deal with some of the contortions and he's not even being seriously strangled by any of the wraps ...not that being strangled or choked is a big deal once your used to it. A big part of training in almost any martial art is learning how not to get injured during practice... and then trusting your teachers and fellow students to hurt you without actually injuring you. There's a big difference there. Plus, if the teacher is using him for a demonstration, there's a good chance he's an experienced student, knows what's coming and is both ready and willing to deal with it.
  19. Re: OIF "Weapon of Opportunity"
  20. Re: Bigger on the inside than on the out Shrinking, Usable as Attack on everything that enters through a door or window Though usually bags of holding and other pocket dimensions are done with EDM.
  21. Re: Captain Cambodia If you're curious, you can see many similar techniques performed with the sarong in various styles of Silat.
  22. Re: OIF "Weapon of Opportunity" Getting hung up on terminology. It's not really an OAF, even though obviously the individual swords, bows, what-have-you are. But a collection of OAF's are generally considered an OIF because they are collectively harder to take away than any single object. We could easily rename this particular limitation FOO (Focus of Opportunity) and be done with it.
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