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Everything posted by Bloodstone

  1. Re: Night vision goggles And I want to stress that we have folks posting here that have most likely used newer tech than I have and could thus offer better insights.... (probably Teflon Billy for one)
  2. Re: Night vision goggles Not quite. NVG's not only enhance existing light, they also let you see infrared light, which is why my NVG's have in illuminator (IR flashlight) built into them. That way, I have an active source of light that people without NVG's can't see. Of course, the disadvantage of that is that someone that can perceive IR light can see the illuminator, so if I turn it on I'm giving away my position just as surly as if I were waving around a normal flashlight. Now, that said, being able to perceive IR is not the same as thermal imaging (which is what Infrared Vision is in game terms) Here's a video to compare and contrast: Do you have access to Dark Champions? There's a pretty decent write up for standard NVG's on pg 276. It doesn't cover all the disadvantages of the things though: limited field of vision, reduced range/sharpness of vision, problems with depth perception, over saturation... and I have no idea what the technical term for the puddle mirage thing is (puddles sometimes look like holes in the ground) Not that I've ever seen. Thermal imaging strictly reads background heat AFAIK. My NVG's can't. The screen blacks out if they are exposed to too much light. Come back pretty quickly once the light source fades though. Not sure how it works on newer models. A device that's relying purely on thermal imaging should not have any problems during daylight operation though. Sorta. This is something I'd really have to test out to be sure. I've had a flashlight shined in my eyes while I was using mine. It was rather blinding, but it would have blinded my without the NVG's on too. As such, I'm not sure how much worse the NVG's made it. However, as I said, the NVG's will black out in the presence of too much light and won't come back until the light fades. For example, if I try to look up in the sky on an overcast day, they will turn off, even though I can look around at the ground just fine. Like a regular flashlight, the illuminator also isn't doing anything in high light conditions as there's so much IR light that it just fades into the background. Also, keep in mind that using NVG's temporarily kills your natural night vision because you are essentially staring at a bright green monitor while using them. Your eyes need time to readjust to the darkness if you take them off or if they shut off. This is something the players could probably take advantage of.
  3. Re: Night vision goggles I know. That's what the illuminator is for... Assuming said agents are operating at that tech level. ENVG's are very expensive and relatively recent tech. Of course, the agents could be carrying around separate devices for thermal and low-light, which would still be an expensive option and would require lugging around extra equipment. Of course, if this is supposed to be for a comic book tech based game, this is probably a non-issue as you can fit all this stuff into the lenses of a standard superhero mask
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore http://heraldnews.suntimes.com/business/8181582-420/maple-bacon-doughnut-an-unexpected-delight.html
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Wonder where "ketchup" and "girlfriends" ranked in the survey...
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abBjXMNFHPY& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enxmJWPgffY&
  7. Re: Creepy Pics. That's because the governments and corporations are keeping it under wraps....
  8. Re: Useful memory flashes hmmm... how about: Past Life Memories - Contact has very useful Skills, Spirit Contact Then, as they become more and more integrated, they will get a better relationship with Contact, which reflects how often they get these flashes of insight ("advice"). Once fully integrated, they can roll the points from the contact into various skills or skill levels.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos You look so young in that pic Michael Speaking of loyalty and heroism... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t0kYUNZj20&
  10. Bloodstone

    The Tick

    Re: The Tick I've got an old, half finished 5E writeup of him somewhere... I gave him slightly lower end Brick STR (45 or 50 if I recall), but he had either limited STR or a self only Aid to boost it when he needed to rise to the occasion. Can't remember what I capped him at... He had pretty decent defenses, but I gave a bunch of extra hardened x2 rPD/rED. That had the limitation that it only worked against BODY. The Tick can't really be injured (never takes BODY from anything), but he clearly feels plenty of pain (STUN). He also remember he had Self-Contained breathing. For his Leaping (and I think his Running) I gave him the typical Brick Tricks style destructive to the environment Side Effect. I also gave him a physical limitation for his inconvenient size/weight (7' tall, 400 lbs)
  11. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Once again, haven't had much time to work on this, but here's some stuff from Simian Says and Greetings From Techadon: Ben: Still too trusting for his own good! Ultimatrix - Repair Genetic Damage ability has been removed from his sheet, though I need to add a Matrix Core Detection (with Tracking) for it's ability to home in on the Unitrix/Eunice. Based on the "You make everything look so easy" line of thought, I may consider converting some of his CSL's to Overall Levels. And maybe add some more dice of the good ol' Tennyson Family Luck. Gwen: Has more than an Everywoman level of Acting/Persuasion it seems... Kev: While his write up has ample skills relating to his vast knowledge of alien tech, alien cultures and (the wrong side of) galactic law, I don't think I ever wrote up his apparently considerable knowledge of Astronomy Argit: At the point where Gwen is dealing with him, I'd say he's probably a Contact for the whole team now (but obviously a higher roll for Kevin). Eunice: Still thinking on what I want to do with her. Probably just a Contact for Ben for the time being. I'm also contemplating if I should write up the One Way Upload Link that prevented Ben from accessing the Codon Stream. It's rather plot devicey, but could be used offensively if the two of them ever got in a fight... er, again. Then again, Ben's ability to reboot her is similar... Brainstorm: His computer like ability to make that trick shot will need to be designed. Probably some CSL's with Extra Time and/or Requires a Roll. Lightning Calculator was already on the sheet, but Absolute Range Sense was not, so I'll add that. Rath: MORE GALACTIC WRESTLING MOVES!!!! I'm debating on if I will make his flying armbar (Reticulum Armbar!) a Flying Grab, a Joint Break or both... Flipping the car for cover was slick, but I'm probably going to chalk it up as casual strength/power skill roll. Big Chill - Intangibility doesn't work on... um... assorted gold/silver Techadon metals... Echo Echo - Can fly (or at least hover) on sound waves now... Ultimate Echo Echo - The Sonic Disk are already written up as Summons, but this confirms that they stay active even after Ben changes/reverts. Since the Techadon easily destroyed all of them, I'll probably reduce their defenses and body somewhat (though it was obviously a pretty powerful Techadon by that point)
  12. Re: Bird Vision As far as I am aware, penguins and I believe the various ratites (ostrich, rhea, emu, kiwi) all lack hallow bones. They are all considered birds still.... or technically, avian-dionsaurs these days
  13. Re: Bird Vision Ok, well... how near human are they? Do they have working hands or do they use their feet for fine manipulation? Loss of flight means reduced muscle mass in the chest and loss of the keel, but increased muscle mass in legs. Also, many flightless birds do not have any hollow bones at all. Do they still have beaks?
  14. Re: Bird Vision Many birds have some degree of binocular overlap with their vision, but overall stereoscopic vision is poor. They can focus better with their monocular vision, which is why they often orient their heads/bodies sideways to the things they are examining. However, birds that bob their heads when moving are doing so to gauge distance using motion parallax instead of normal stereoscopic vision. The Golden Pheasant is such a bird. So yes, their vision works differently from human vision, but they compensate in such a way that it's probably not worth a limitation/complication...
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures I love how Gamma World is sitting between Faerun and Kara-tur, which are both part of the Forgotten Realms game world...
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos OOPS! Very scooped
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