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Everything posted by RobCRogers

  1. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome I've never been wild about this one. I think it focuses too much on realism and not enough on the superhero genre and game mechanics. For whatever reason, DEX is funky in the Hero system. A superhero with anything less than DEX 18 or so is looking for serious trouble. Part of the rationale for spending experience points is to correct character imbalances discovered during play. If, for whatever reason, you spend too few points on DEX for your character at the offset, this rule means you're basically hosed. You can't "correct" a perceived imbalance by spending your XPs on it. Plus, I'm not entirely convinced that people *can't* gain Dexterity through training. Aren't you supposed to improve hand-eye coordination and the like, after all?
  2. Re: End of an Era So what happened, already?!!?
  3. Re: Technomancer for review I'm working on a technomancer of my own right now. Any chance you could post the HDC file?
  4. Re: Looking for artist for Global Guardians PBEM game Thanks, Mangog! These are terrific! It took me a while to realize you'd updated this message--I kept looking for a new one. I appreciate the great work you did on these images. If you're interested in doing more, I'm sure that others in the Global Guardians community would love for you to help them out. Let me know if I can help in any way.
  5. Re: Superhero Images Ah. Thanks.
  6. Re: Superhero Images Umm, can you repeat that in English? Or some language we can run through Babel Fish?
  7. Re: Superhero Images Oh, wait. Was it this one: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15036&page=1&pp=15. If so, the flipping threw me off (I do the same thing sometimes). Good work!
  8. Re: Superhero Images Nice, Magmarock. What new template are you talking about?
  9. Re: Looking for artist for Global Guardians PBEM game Mangog, I hadn't heard back from you in a while on this, so I took a stab at coloring Nordkapp Man. What do you (and others) think? I'm happy with this version... I'm including your original for comparison.
  10. Re: Superhero Images LadyChaos, these are nice, but they're HUGE! I'd recommend posting much smaller versions here--say no more than 700 pixels tall.
  11. Re: Tornado Building Thanks, guys. I appreciate all the input. What I'm really looking at isn't anything goofy (transport characters to Oz), or with a mind of its own. Basically, I want, as closely as possible, to simulate a real tornado and its effects. Once I settle on something, I'll post it here. Thanks, and please keep the ideas flowing.
  12. Okay. I'm looking to build a tornado. Not a tornado demon, or a tornado superhero, or whatever, but just a tornado itself. I actually think it would be kind of cool to create it as a mindless "creature" (I have an NPC who I'd like to be able to Summon tornadoes), but I'm open to other ideas, too. Has anyone built a tornado before? Would anyone like to? My thought for building it as a character would be that it would an automaton with Damage Reduction that had a few limitations (maybe not working against wind powers, area of effect attacks, and maybe one or two other similar strategies), so that it would be possible, though difficult, to take it down. What would be the effect of the tornado? What would its "attacks" be? I'd appreciate any assistance I could get. Thanks.
  13. Re: Superhero Images Great image. I'd love to see it larger.
  14. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Nice work, Kroh. I particularly like the guy with the arrows going through him.
  15. Re: Starter Characters (Critique/Steal) I haven't had time to read these in full, but I'd swap the positions of the characteristics scores and their costs. That usage might be common in some PBEM universes. But it's actually counterintuitive and probably much harder for newbies to follow.
  16. Re: Superhero Images Understandable. Even one or two pictures would be one or two pictures more than we have right now, though. At any rate, if you have available time, you should check out the Global Guardians site. If you're at all interested in PBEM gaming, there are a lot of very cool campaigns running there right now, with several more getting ready to start up. We wouldn't force you to draw pictures for us.
  17. Re: Supervillain Images Very creepy. I like it.
  18. Re: Supervillain Images Yes, that's what I mean. Didn't the hairlines come from photographs? They certainly look like they're from a different medium.
  19. Re: Superhero Images I really enjoy your images, Blue. Did you by any chance see this post about the Global Guardians web site asking for help from artists? I think you'd be a great asset to the site. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293552#post293552
  20. Re: Looking for artist for Global Guardians PBEM game Mangog, these are incredible! I love both of them. I can't wait to see one in color. I guess my wish is to have the ice effect (like in the second picture), but without losing too much of the awesome detail from the first. This is great! Okay, now that I'm done gushing... Wait, I'm not done yet. I love it! ...Okay. If there was any way to show his long, braided hair, that would be terrific. Thanks again.
  21. Re: Supervillain Images Sorry, but to me, the combination of photograph and drawn art is pretty awkward here. In concept, the idea of visible hair is okay, but the current effect is jarring.
  22. Wow, Mangog! Terrific stuff as usual. Any chance you'd be willing to do some images for the Global Guardians? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15036
  23. This post might be of interest to people on this list. I belong to the Global Guardians and it's great. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15036
  24. As others have mentioned, a lot of people use something approximating the official CU. As for me (I use a hybrid CU/San Angelo universe with many of my own creations thrown in), it's not so much I hesitate to break from the official world when I want to. It's more that supplements are more useful to me when they require less work or don't invalidate things I've established or liked. It's annoying sometimes to see characters "retconned" out of existence (that's a comic book term short for retroactive continuity changes, like when it was established that Wonder Woman had never been one of the early members of the JLA). And it makes some pieces less useful. I like the classic Ultimates, for example. So when some of the characters were arbitrarily written out of the universe, it made the new version of the team less useful to me. I can use some of the characters and change the story to suit my needs, but it's more work than a straight "out of the box" approach. A lot of the things in the 5th edition CU are great. I'm just commenting on one aspect that sometimes bugs me a little.
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