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Everything posted by Vondy

  1. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? But, gaming-wise, my go to setting for science fiction has always been DP9's Jovian Chronicles without the Mechs.
  2. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? Hands down: Firefly. Runner up: Enterprise. I know that second one is strange, but the concept had huge potential and it would be easy to run an original crew of player characters in lieu of Archer and Co. Of course, most gamers would want to keep hottie vulcan in spandex and Hoshi as NPCs, but otherwise....
  3. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... "Lean" and "pantherish" both stick out in my memory.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Did not do the research. AMC has this Seattle based detective drama entitled "The Killing." The writers wanted to have a "mobbed up" character so they inferred he's ex-muscle for a Polish crime group (decades ago)... They said what? Seattle has a long history of political corruption. The SPD was notorious for shakedowns going into the 1970's, which is why they have a centralized detective bureau today instead of precinct squads. To their credit they really cleaned house. The city's historical organized crime is mostly Asian. The Tongs and Yakuza are entrenched going back a century. I still rememeber the Wah-Mee Massacre. And the Swedes, long ago, did have a strongarm lock on labor at Fisherman's Wharf and the Port of Seattle, but they didn't spread into traditional organized crime ventures. The Colacurcio family is the closest thing it has to "Mafia." Jack Sr. was grilled by Bobby Kennedy in his racketeering probes and has been the focus on ongoing federal and local investigations. He's done time for petty corruption. So has his son Frank Jr. He's basically a strip club, "talent agency," and vending machine king. Frank Sr. been under investigation for murder, shady land development deals, and bootlegging. He's long been thought to be connected, but is definately not made. His long, oft questioned friendship with Washington State DNC fixer and former Governor Rosellini is notorious for those who are tuned into the Seattle pulse. But Seattle isn't an "East Coast Mafia Town." In the last twenty years African American and Southeast Asian gangs have become promiment - and the Russian and Mexican Mafia's have moved in. You've also got the BC Bud crowd. Puget Sound... biggest Marijuana busts ever! But... Polish gangsters? Let alone established, well-known, and going way back? In Seattle? Are they kidding? There were real world choices (or amalgams) the writer's could have pulled from... If they'd done the reasearch.
  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I had forgotten why I never finished Dune as a kid and decided to give it another go. Now I remember why I put it aside - Frank Herbert is boring. This is not to say Herbert isn't a brilliant, clever, sophisticated milieu-world buildier. He had a wonderful grasp of the possibilities. The first fifty pages leaves you in awe of it as a creation - as a line by line vision - and carries you on in sheer amazement. But the problem is that it goes on like that. Line by line. Building new worlds, social orders, political systems, ecologies... and doesn't do much else. The plot is drearily paced and the characters are wholly unsympathetic. Its a grandiose tapesty lacking any reader-investing humanity and drama.. Obviously the book's enduring popularity and legion of fans means people have enjoyed them, but I find them too technically clever by half and too difficult to persevere through from a narrative perspective. Other writers in speculative genres break you in gently and explain their creations bit by bit - but Herbert starts by smashing you with it and never lets up. My wife tells me his son did a better job on a story-level. I just don't have the patience to slog through the quagmire of Arakis the father created before getting into the son's books. I find Herbert much the way I do JRR Tolkein - a visionary world-builder, but not much of a STORY teller. Heresy, I know. And fans (more power to them) will likely be offended. But I just can't force myself through it. Yech.
  6. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... There you have it.
  7. Re: Nazi Dog Troopers Ah, yes. The Woofen SS.
  8. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... In one of those creepy teenage experiences that amount to "more than I need to know" I overheard my mother and her friends discussing men in the kitchen. They all seemed to like men with "a good rug"... on his chest. Its generational, I think. Our generation tends to prefer the depilatory look (for whatever reason). But the generations before us considered hair a sign of manliness. In other words, I agree REH probably felt the same way. But is there an actual reference in a story - an actual quote? Its not in the one you provided. If not, then its open to the reader's imagination.
  9. Re: Sawed Off Shotguns Composition and ballistics is also important. Shot tends to be made out of round lead or other soft metals. It loses velocity faster and has less penetrating power (than regular bullets). Its very scary due to multiple shot hitting a target, especially close in, but given range or an interposition it quickly loses its edge. It is highly ineffective against kevlar. Even protective clothing like a thick leather jacket or a fireman's coat can stop it depending on shot weight and range. Or dry wall. A bullet will often rip through what shot will not. Which is not to diminish the effectiveness of a shotgun, which is an optimal weapon for many scenarios.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My predecessor at Israel National Radio did some very annoying things. He specifically recruited hosts with their own non-profits to do shows in order to build alliances for his own non-profit. As a result, we frequently have competing agendas and fundraising efforts with our own radio hosts. Also, his notion of building a radio schedule was "more is better" as opposed to making sure things were branded. As a result, our lineup is... wonky. On top of it, he just let the hosts do whatever they wanted without discussing format, tone, and what we want out of the show. As a result, the radio has descended into rank Athenian democracy. In truth, it might as well be minimalist libertarianism or open anarchy. This, with a linup of volunteers who think, even though they don't actually work for the organization, that everything is done by committee. I've been given the green light to "totally tear it down and rebuild it, if need be." The result: I am now in the middle of reviewing our schedule and lineup with "who lives and who dies" being the bottom line. I've locked in five core hosts who have agreed to ride it out. But aside from them... mass firings may be necessary. The next few weeks are going to be... unpleasant.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings In my experience, people quote what they heard and not what was said.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Strangely - and perhaps you were simply unaware of it - Israel is not the 51st state. Nor is it a "Christian nation." Shocking tidbits, I know. But important. References to the US constitution and new testament are immaterial to our lives. I know many Americans find this hard to believe, yet its true. After all. The vast majority of Israelis are not Americans. And of late many of those who are prefer not to advertise. And yet, we have protected speech and press, and officially recognize Islam (and several other faiths) and do not interfere with Imams even when they call for a second holocaust and the destruction of our state and the rape of our women and the burning of our texts (Israelis consistently poll more tolerant of Islam than your 1st and 15th Amendment Americans), and we have Arab MKs and Ministers. Indeed, there is nothing barring them from becoming Prime Minister or President. So, your apartheid screed is immaterial as well. I admit we - much like you Americans - are not perfect and have our faults. But your attention on us - rather than the anti-semitic, extremist, racist, terror funding, human rights black hole you are funding, arming, and hoping to give a part of our ancestral heartland - is misplaced. Indeed, they are far more oppressive of their own people than we are - it just doesn't get reported. There's a reason Israeli Arabs in overwhelming numbers want to remain Israeli when your PA monster state is created. I can tell you think Israel does not live up to your high-falutin sense of ethnocentrism, but have you looked at what you are paying to create alongside us? Does the PA even come close? They openly admit they intend to create an Islam-only state. They kidnap and torture their own people. They execute them for selling land to Jews. They imprison them for working for Jews. Or for being gay. And for blogging unpopular opinions - atheism, pacifism, and just about any verboten ism. There are daily calls for the murder of me and mine in their mosques, schools, and television. Calls for war. Calls for genocide. Calls for our nation's destruction. And calls for YOUR nation's destruction. All of which you are underwriting with your enlightened aid and populist race to support poor oppressed Palestinians. You reap what you sow. The problem is. We're reaping it too. Which brings me back to my original point: what's good for the goose is good for the gander - and since you opened the door - if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Perhaps you noticed? The Arab world was, with few exceptions, as underwhelmed with your Great Leader's speech as we were. You see, they'll take your money without loving you the way we do - and we do - but they found Obama's speech just as avuncular, cavalier, meddlesome, paternalistic, and worrying as we did. Which is why your comments are amusing and disturbing all at one time. Your response - even as your great leader admitted other cultures would have to be democracies in their own way, which was one of the few things he said that I agreed with, was to start quoting from your American Scriptures with the implication we were wrong because. Why should we even begin to consider putting your way over our own? We're allies, colleagues, and friends - not spouses. At the end of the day, even as we work together on common goals and share many (but not all) values, we go home to SEPARATE houses. We don't tell you how to put your house in order. And I noticed you reacted badly when - as parody - I outline my policy for your house. Which means I made my point. What planet are you living on where friendship isn't founded on reciprocation?
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I call on the United States to make a full and phased withdrawal to the pre-1776 borders. The dream of a home of the free and land of the brave cannot be fulfilled through occupation. Not the occupation of the native american man, mexican man, french man, spanish man, or hawaiian man. Let alone the Filipino man, Peurto Rican man, Guam Man, Samoan man, or assorted other men. I see the only solution as being six states for six peoples in the formal fifty and a withdrawal from the territories. Other difficult questions, like the resettlement of hundreds of millions of Americans, the status of Washington DC, and the status of British refugees living in commonwealth nations will sort themselves out given time. I say this because the deep, strong bonds of friendship between our two nations require me to "speak the truth."
  14. Re: Deep Thinker I did something similar. Slow and strong-minded, but accurate given time to reflect: Deduction 20-, Extra Time (1 Hour), Concentration (1/2 DCV throughout)
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Let's just say, when you mention customers calling for assistance, I really don't want to know what they needed assistance with!
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings The talking-heads he'd put one would be a lot more interesting... "I'm here with Dr. Adam Boor, an archeologist specializing in the advanced technology of ancient cultures. Dr. Boor is the author of Lizard People Among us, which asserts the ancient cultures of the Near East were livestock breeding grounds by reptillian space aliens. Dr. Boor...." "Yes, well, its well known that Barak Hussein Obama and Osama Bin Laden were both lizard men in human form - kind of like a V and SG-1 mash-up - and that the elimination of Bin Laden was the result of a five thousand year fued between warring factions among the lizard aliens..." "Dr. Boor..." "...you see the aliens who founded the United States - you can see their spaceport symbology, we call it free-mason symbology but the masons are really a cult dedicated to venerating our alien overlords, much like the bavarian illuminati, and thomas jefferson... built into the Washington DC plan - are actively trying to turn mankind into porn-obsessed, drug-addled breeding stock and food stuffs..." "Dr. Boor! Are you saying President Obama is an alien Quisling?" "I am... And Thomas Jefferson. Most of the founding fathers were. The civil war was a war between the aliens who want to enslave us, led by lincoln, and the alien resistance that's joined mankind to help us Fight the Future - led by Robert E Lee..." "And you say you can document this?" "Its right there in the book. Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda, was really trying to liberate mankind from aliens who want to orgasm us before grilling us..." "You're saying orgasms are bad, Dr. Boor?" "Well, yes and no, but grilling certainly is. You see, it was the alien quisling overlords - first W and then Obama - who..." "Are you really saying both the GOP and Democrats are trying to enslave America?" "Rebublicrats! And its not just America. Humanity. Through America's export of commercialism, porn, oil politics, porn, bad television, porn, mutual funds, porn, advanced arms, porn.... Contrails are really a special drug making you susceptible to porn. That's why the internet was invested after all. Too spread porn. Porn is an alien brainwashing technology..." "Dr. Boor, I have to say this sounds a little far fetched." "The twin towers were a sub-space radio array in the shape of two giant phalluses - symbols of the keistering we're taking from our alien overlords - and Al Qaeda was sending a message..." "No sex?" "Exactly!"
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Maybe they should dub themselves the "talk news network." And then offer Art Bell a contract.... "All right, taking your calls, if you believe the Illuminati is behind flooding and tornadoes we have a special line, just dial..."
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My work email is listed on our staff page with the title "news writer." Because of this journalistic cachet I get emails about stories people think I should write. Kook mail of the day.... HUMUS SOIL FROM COWS NOW PRODUCE BY HUMAN IN REPLACING GOD PRODUCE THOUSAND OF YEARS AGO. THANKS. The Fact of GENESIS 27 : 27 - 29. Prosperity and Peace in Israel Today Turn to reality Today HUMUS SOILS FROM COWS rebuild Israel to be an ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURAL Industrial Country THE FACT IS IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES Please see enclose information for the above . Hope to hear your comments.Thanks Yours, ESD There was also a power point presentation attached. I will not be turning this into a news item. I will not be responding to the mail. Headline: WTF?!
  19. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? While its probably not APG material - and not something I'd want added to the rules - a free supplemental download of a few pages explaining how to implement a "power level" system ala M&M would probably be useful for new game-masters and players.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings So, by this logic, I'm an optimistic cynic.
  21. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? Action Survivor Rules For campaigns that don't focus on the traditional combat guru characters gamer's traditionally make and systems traditionally cater too. This would be helpful for people who make non-traditional protagonists, genres like horror where protagonists are often "ordinary folk forced to survive and overcome), and more character driven games. Reality Distortion Rules Similar to the above... but more for cinematic characters. WOO (Weapons Out of Ordinance) Factor. Sometimes guns only go empty at dramatically appropriate moments. A progressive activation roll could be implemented. Existential Angst. Essentially, the character gets bonuses/boosts related to fufilling a specific, goal-oriented task. Both the psychological limitation and abilities are temporary. Example: Must Have Revenge on X and Overall Levels vs. X. I'm sure you can think of others. These are more genre tropes than things characters should pay for with points, IMO.
  22. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? Foating Contacts (A universal for people who know people) This may be conceptually covered under the extant "Universal" explanation in HSS and APG1.
  23. Re: ...If I End Up In an Urban Fantasy Novel
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