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Everything posted by Tasha

  1. Yep on the cover of pretty much every 4e Champions supplement/Adventure has Seeker taking a hard shot and getting knocked around in a way that implies he's being KOed.
  2. BTW A Suicide Squad made up of Champions Universe Villains would make for an interesting group for standard CU Supers to Encounter. ie The PCs show up to stop Mechanon's new evil plan and meet up with Gremlin, Black Diamond, Green Dragon, etc who are there to destroy Mechanon's resurrection factory (also on the base).
  3. Skills, Perks and Talents that were only worthwhile in a Technological Setting were removed. Which really means that three skills were removed (Computer Programing, Electronics, Systems Operation). Perks: No Computer Link Talents are similar to Champions Complete, but have additional Fantasy Flavored ones that appeared in 6e FH first. So really really close. PS remember that the Hard Copy comes with the PDF for the same price.
  4. 6e It's easier for me to use. Fixed 80 Suppress Movement: Drain Running, Flight, Swinging, Leap, Tunneling. 2d6, Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2), Constant (+1/2), Expanded Effect (x5 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+2) (80 Active Points) 8end Way more complicated to write up in 5e. you have to suppress each movement separately and only have a 2" base AOE (assuming 2d6). It's really messy to write up.
  5. Heck in the first of the prequels, the lightsabers could cut though thick bulkhead, but it wasn't a fast process. I think that people forget that certain weapons take some time to do their devistating things. ie Star Trek Phasers are nearly as powerful as the Lightsaber, but some of the biggest effects (ie Disintegration) usually took a few seconds before they happened. With that in mind I tend to make Iconic weapons more balanced so they don't overpower other weapons that are included in that scifi world.
  6. I thought about adding them, but I was thinking that Teleport's mechanic is different enough that it doesn't make sense. Also, swimming is so rare that is is worth saving the extra points by not having either. BTW I used Hero Designer, so I am very sure that it is correct.
  7. sorry that you let little things ruin your experience. Never got the feeling that she was emulating Anne Rice at all. The first few books seemed to be a deconstruction of the whole Vampire Genre. It's what drew me to them at first. The fact that Anita was actually hunting the Vampires. Not a gun geek, so any mistakes she made in those early books didn't effect me at all. I have read the Faerie Series as well. I love that series as well. Basically both book series are a sub genre of Romance. In many ways the beginning of a new sub genre of Romance. These books are about the relationships between the characters and the Friendships and relationships they make. There are powerful foes that she and her friends must fight every book, but that's secondary. It's all about relationships. I think that the early Anita books fool guys into thinking they are going to be like the novels from a million other male authors which are about male power fantasies. Hamilton's books are female power fantasies. She's small, she's highly feminine, she's also the most powerful person in the books, she's always in charge and knows what needs to be done. I love her for it. I love the Character of Merry Gentry (lead of the Faerie Court Series). They are both very powerful characters.
  8. For nothing else, that last bit has me VERY VERY interested. It is something that I am interested in exploring myself.
  9. It is a VERY Expensive Effect 75pts Suppress Running, Flight, Swinging, Leap 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Constant (+1/2), Area Of Effect (10m Radius; +3/4), Expanded Effect (x4 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (Running, Flight, Swinging, Leap, Tunneling; +1 1/2) (75 Active Points) I should add a limit (effect ends after target(s) leave area effected).
  10. Power Defense would be the defense for the Suppress/Drain version. Other less straight forward solutions would have to define their defense.
  11. Exploding dice mechanics which IIRC started with Ars Magica. Savage Worlds is probably the most popular game that has Exploding Dice Mechanics. Exploding dice, is when you roll maximum you get to roll another die to add to the pool, as long as you can keep rolling max you can keep rolling more dice to add to the pool.
  12. Savage Worlds, Fate, the Gajillion games that are clones of or use a version fo the D&D rules, Numenera (AKA Cypher System), Cortex, Traveller (all versions), FFG Star Wars, FFG Warhammer 40k RPGs, Ars Magica, Shadowrun, Fuzion, Pretty much every other system ex Hero and GURPS. Also the original World of Darkness is Roll high on both dice and number of successes to succeed.
  13. I found that it was very consistant. I have read the whole series like 4-5 times. What may have been confusing is that there are different kinds of Vampires with slightly different powers depending on what line bit them. She was always Jean Claude's Love and she took awhile to get to where she could love him and love herself. Yes, some of the books in the middle were more Romance than Action Adventure novel, but that balance has changed. The Character of Richard the Werewolf was always kind of whiny and it was hard to believe that someone who hated himself so much could really be the leader of the Werewolves. He was pretty toxic and while he has gotten better, he still has his bad moments. I always loved Anita. I totally get the rage that tends to motivate her. She's incredibly loyal to her friends and will do anything for them (even someone like Richard that she found frustrating in the extreme). Sorry, that you don't like the character or series. I love each and every book in the series. I can't wait for the next one that will hit in late summer.
  14. Wasn't aware that it was taken the Official CU or in Bolo's world.
  15. Well I doubt they would call themselves the Secession Squad as alliterate as that sounds. They would see themselves as Heroes of the South there to unite the south again to bring freedom from the Northern Aggressors. Perhaps something like the Southern Knights. They would rob "Northern Corporations" and Banks owned by "Northerners" to equip themselves and to help white southerners. They would probably be seen as heroes by some white southerners. Perhaps Southern Belle is the Mentalist. Who charms her foes and who gets the enemy to see things like she does (ie idellic Antebellum South, to nighmares like Andersonville). Stonewall sounds like a brick/leader/Tactician to me. Super strength, Super Invulnerability. Change Southpaw into a Pugilist/Brawler Love that "Stars and Bars" is basically a flag suit.
  16. AoO's were a codifying of a rather common D&D house rule at least here on the West Coast. Which stated that you got a free attack on any fleeing foe. IMHO they really overcomplicated the thing, and mashed it together with the wargame concept of "Zone of Control". It's a huge mess and it's funny to watch how people work their way around the rule. It makes PC's move in combat in very odd ways. Which by itself tells you that the rule is kind of fracked.
  17. more specifically you would need the Suppress version of Drain for the Area.
  18. The TNM version of Seeker was pretty cool. He became much less generic in that game.
  19. Well Harn can be a bit of a moving target. It originally began life as a generic fantasy world where you could add your own stuff. That version is very gritty realistic with little to no magic. HarnMaster is the rules that were created for the Harn world. It's magic level is IMHO at the bottom of high fantasy or High magic, low fantasy. Kind of in between. Still a bit gritty and realistic in feel. I had a friend who was a Harn Fantatic and ran a game in the system. He was quite surprised at how much magic was in the Harn Master rules. http://www.columbiagames.com/cgi-bin/query/cfg/zoom.cfg?product_id=4001 http://www.kelestia.com Official Harn and HarnMaster Website Wow Look you can even get stuff on DriveThru RPG http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2182/Columbia-Games-Inc
  20. The Harn Expert is Andy Staples. He is a huge Harn Fantatic and a hero fan as well. He used to post pretty regularly here.
  21. Yes, but it does take some experience to be able to catch the abuse.
  22. Foci are balanced when GMs actually set things up for the PC's to not have the use of the focus for one reason or the other. BTW Ironman is more of a Only in Alternate ID, than a OIF because he really is never separated from it, ex when he has to be Tony. OAF is more like Thor's Hammer from the early days of the Thor Comic. When he would lose it at least once a fight and either nearly or fully transform back to his Normal ID. I would rule that an unbreakable focus is that. Unbreakable. That doesn't mean that one couldn't dispel or Drain the powers that the foci gives. Just that the focus become temporally inert once all of the powers are Drained or Dispelled. I believe that items with their powers dispelled can be turned back on the moment the PC has a phase. Drained powers come back at the rate of powerpoint fade as defined in the Drain.
  23. The problem IS that Hero is one of the most exploitable system on the market. It's part of it's being a huge tool kit. You can use those abilities to abuse a campaign, or you can go with the Campaign and help make fun play for everyone.
  24. One of the hardest parts of building characters in Hero is learning how to build abilities. You go to lengths to create a new mechanic that is already handled pretty well in the rules. You could make a "superskill" or a power that acts like a power (kind of how Talents work). Define what you want your character to do in plain english. Make sure that it all ties together into a theme. Take that definations and work out what abilities the PC should have to fulfill that vision (We call this a Character Concept) Take that list of abilities that are still a description and find the power(s) that mechanically do that thing. Try for simplicity. Repeat until you have the PC's abilities built. Balance against your point budget Play the PC.
  25. This isn't really much in the spirit of the game. It's kind of munchkinish, and looking for exploits. Like other's have said, if you start to destroy NPC foci. Fully expect that the opposition will start to do the same to your team. Also, if you get too obnoxious about doing it, the GM will just define those foci as Only in Alternate ID, which is what one does for Foci that never seems to be taken away or lost (ie Iron Man's Armor, Thor's Hammer, Falcon's Wings etc). That doesn't mean that I am against disarming OAF users and Restraining Restrainable powers, but you should be looking for fitting abilties for your character. Not looking for abilities that can exploit mechanics. YMMV.
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