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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. I can't actually take that article entirely at face value given the immense amount of music that the Roland T303 (and successors) has made in the last 36 years (from today, 31 years as of the article date). The 303 is literally the instrument behind the entire creation of the Electronic Body Music genre, which alongside Industrial, and their much lauded Turntable go on to define a literal explosion of genres and subgenres in the 90s. Sure, the marketing barrier might be the largest hurdle - but mostly I wager that none of these instruments are making new Music (versus just a way to make the same music with a new sound) is a large contributing factor. Maybe what we need with these futuristic instruments is futuristic musical genres to go with them...
  2. I know what the Navy does. The Navy also doesn't have vessels as large as most starships and I was trying to give suggestions on how you keep a civilian crew busy as well as a military crew on a giant space frisbee in a shoddily put together universe with poor continuity and counter-acting ideas of what society looks like any given story arc.
  3. Absolutely, Third Spaces are the most important part of human social interaction.
  4. Given the Star Trek world is effectively a post-economic society, and that Starfleet obviously fills a number roles that we would relegate is either Civilian or Military in our current frame of reference... I'd say they are neither type of organization but both types. The organization has a very military like structure, and a separate academy that is not the kind you choose a degree but very specifically do to Serve in a military capacity. The ships are both heavily armed, and respond to hostile situations, but also contain a number of purely research role ships and stations - it's a sum totality of a Government Force that acts to whatever capacity the Federation needs. That said, since we know a ship like the Enterprise does contain civilians, there are probably a number of logistic and administrative roles that a ship that size could use a small workforce to accomplish. Even if you relegate a replicator to the day-to-day food services, the bar clearly showed bottles of actual liquids as well, I'm sure a ship that size may actually have a small mess hall/onboard restaurant in conjunction with the 10-Forward deck. Indeed, it would be prudent to have one assuming a diplomatic mission required certain foods and drinks - someone has to learn how to program the new items into the replicator. With children on board educators (beyond the single one shown in TNG) and caretakers would be a welcome addition. We never saw how all those decks remained clean, janitorial staff could easily be employed in less sensitive sections of the ship (with Starfleet Military personnel in the more sensitive ones). Other supplies could also be regulated by basically a civilian warehouse staff, possibly as working under a Starfleet Quartermaster. Likewise a maintenance crew could be a divided force of Starfleet and Civilian personnel. Scientific crews could also come with administrative staff to assist, as well as the noted just plain civilian scientists alongside Starfleet trained scientists.
  5. There's also buying Line Of Site as a Naked Modifier for Thrown Weapons On Hand.
  6. Invisible Power Effects (Hearing) for all Powers that are appropriate (since you get to choose which Senses a Power is visible to, some Powers may readily make themselves more appropriate to 3 Senses that don't include Sound - but this is mostly dictated by SFX as much as Game Balance, anything you don't by IPE:Hearing for, make sure your GM approves the other choices made). Invisibility: Sonar (you wouldn't really need to buy the entire hearing group, especially if someone being clever tries to by 'Mental Sonar' or some other nonsense, buying vs Sonar specifically narrows the range but also covers all SFX of Sonar Perception). would legally cover everything you put forth in the original request.
  7. Right, technically they have a Trademark on that specific iteration of Thor. But the Character himself is still Public Domain. I tried to figure that out with a short lived google search where the answer seems to be: possibly a bunch of people, possibly no one at all. DC at one point had rights to a comic book, but lost those, and various lawsuits over various media presentations have popped up...
  8. So if you look in the Appendix of 6E1 it tells you how the 20point Cost came about: Animal Friendship: All Categories PRE +3 If you buy that Talent, you don't need to buy the associated Skill - you already have it in the Talent. And that's why it's expensive.
  9. Why Champions Complete? Why not Fantasy Complete? Why choose that one over the other?
  10. My 'Get All The Important Stuff' list of Hero Books: 6E1 and 6E2 - main core books with all the options, explanations, and concepts. Advanced Players Guide 1 & 2 - lots of extra pieces to help with some of the more esoteric and/or complex ideas. Martial Arts - expanding and adding onto the combat aspect, creating even more variety. Equipment Guide, Grimoire, and Bestiary - these are just time savers, really. Find the following Genre Books as they are some of the best guides to tropes, archetypes, and story telling you can find: Fantasy & Star Hero (either 5th or 6th Edition, it's not the builds that matter, but the advice) Pulp Hero - this is just too comprehensive a guide not to have it. (5E Book, advice still goes, builds still work) Post-Apocalyptic Hero - just an all around good guide on how to run a game after the world ends. Teem Champions (5E book, but still some good stuff in here) Some books I just really enjoyed as resources: Worlds Of Empire (time saver on planets) Lucha Libre Hero Ultimate Base (for when you really need more information on buildings and Very Large Vehicles) Tuala Morn (great setting) Book Of The Empress (I just think she's the best villain Hero Games has created)
  11. The way Steve answered - I was correct, a Haymaker with 50STR costs 6END by the book.
  12. Suppress isn't eliminated from 6E, it's reconfigured as a type of Drain.
  13. Technically - Thor is in the public domain. So, yeah, there's a notable superhero.
  14. Aside from the aforementioned addition to Change Environment in the Advanced Players Guide; Sounds like you want a Target to spend half their phase 'shaking off' some attack/effect before they can act, that isn't really a 'and you've been Stunned' mechanic (i.e. no actual STUN Loss). Within the current ruleset, PRE Attack could actually achieve this effect, oddly enough. With a "can only achieve +10 Level of Effect, Target loses 1/2 Phase Action" Limitation and a Special Effect of that could boggle someone, like "solid punch to the ear" or "small flash bang" or something. Otherwise, you are probably looking at making a whole new set of mechanics or attack/defense to deal with a new situation, which seems like it might actually cause more problems than it solves.
  15. Obviously, even with attempts to clarify, and the fact that rules are just really poorly written - the whole thing has convoluted itself in its own attempts to prevent... something, "gaming the system" perhaps, or just trying to prevent a situation where 'firing a weapon' has to cost something... for Reasons™ At this point, it'd just be best to tear the whole section out and rewrite it. "Powers cost 1 END per 10 AP." (include the Heroic 1END/5STR here if this inconsistent legacy is even needed); If really needed "Making an Attack Action costs 1END minimum, unless the players have purchased Costs No END on their STR/Powers." But honestly, I see no reason why this section should be so complicated that half a dozen of us have a multitude of interpretations and have come up with multiple situations that they can't even consistently apply themselves to. (And this isn't even just a 5E/6E 'bloat' thing, going at least back to 4E the END rules have been overly complex for no good reason.)
  16. Well, the rules don't mention a "Minimum Endurance" anywhere, just that Maneuvers that don't use STR cost 1 END. So I would say the interpretation is if the Maneuver uses STR, but you've bought 0END for your STR then the cost is still 0 END. But the Block will still cost 1 END as it's not a STR Based Maneuver.
  17. Here's how the rules read out: I use the Block Maneuver: 1 END I use my Martial Block Maneuver: 0 END I use a Haymaker Maneuver with my 50 STR: 6 END I use a Martial Strike Maneuver with my 50 STR: 5 END Though I honestly doubt most groups ever play it out this way, and don't count the 1 END from Block, and have the 50 STR Haymaker cost 5 END. But that's how the rules actually read.
  18. So there's a few arguments going on here... All of this is from 6E2 p131 First, if you're using a Standard Maneuver (Dodge, Strike, Block, or firing a weapon) it costs 1 END to use. Martial Maneuvers cost No END to use (with the exception noted on 6E2 p91 - the base STR used for DMG costs END; discuss with your GM if you can do a 0STR Martial Maneuver, but it's book legal) Using Powers costs END at 1 END per 10 Active Points (with the noted exception that in most Heroic Campaigns STR costs 1 END per 5 STR used). Notice how it's very explicit on the "or firing a weapon" - picking up a gun and shooting it costs 1END. Powers that do not cost Endurance to begin with, cost no Endurance ever. You could theoretically use Clinging to hold onto a ceiling indefinitely as long as you use no Movement Powers to go anywhere. A GM and Player can haggle over wether Mighty Eye-Beam's one-shot, one-charge, Overblast Eyebeam counts as 'firing a weapon' all day long, however. That may or may not count as needing 1END to use. But Billy The Kid firing off the last shot of his six-shooter is clearly 'firing a weapon', and thus he'll need to spend 1 END in one way or another. [These rules are the same in 5E] Now, 4E, Hero System Rulebook (not the BBB) notes on p168: "Some actions don't have a STR listed. In such cases are Character will spend 1 END" and does not explicitly exclude Martial Maneuvers (that was a 5E addition); thus the concept of "1 Action = 1 END" as noted by Greywind. In 6E this sentence is mostly unchanged, though it adds "unless the GM decides" to the end, and then at the end adds the Martial Maneuver Exception. So, over all you can assume 1 Action = 1 END" to be a good rule of thumb to go by, adjust for situational issues as needed.
  19. Everything about that movie makes it sound crushingly horrible.... And yes, I still want to see it. Apparently I have done something wrong and feel the need to punish myself. (though, thankfully I have not sunk to such depths as to feel the need to see SvB)
  20. Alton Sterling; restrained, tasered, and finally executed by Baton Rouge police. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/la-cops-shoot-kill-man-selling-music-baton-rouge-store-article-1.2700548 And to add to the list: Delrawn Small - shot and killed by off-duty cop during a road-rage incident between the two men. Time lines and details are unclear and contradictory, about all that is clear on this incident is a shout match escalated to the point where a cop shot an unarmed man. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/off-duty-shoots-man-dead-road-rage-incident-brooklyn-article-1.2698074
  21. I think we have to take away your New Englander Card now... (speaking on syrups, I do love me syrups from various fruits for sure - Colorado I've noticed manages some amazing choke cherry, but anyone who puts that grocery-store quality 'pancake syrup' made from corn syrup on their pancakes deservers a lake of fire.) Also, what do we really mean by pancakes - the flour based things you get at IHOP, or proper flapjacks made from corn flower?
  22. The only probably I see with trying to use Flight is that it adds a Turn Mode, and parkour most definitely does not have that as a restriction. You would either need to add "No Turn Mode" to the build, or just go with Skills & actual Running (No Gravity Penalty may also be appropriate).
  23. This is the proper forum.... general Hero System discussion and idea hashing.
  24. Cryptolocker and variants is usually the unwanted excuse admins have for wiping a drive clean and starting over....
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