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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: PAH Destinations WWYD Yeah, that's why I didn't extend this past the "Where are you, how did you get there, and what do you grab to help you survive" It's a super bleak setting, but the apocalyptic premise is such that I realized that most folk have at most one or two places they'd likely be when they survived, tus making for a nice experiment. Now, lets see... The single place underground I spend the majority of my time is in the prop basement under the theater I work at. I have my props workbench down there and frequently work down there after everyone else has gone home. The theater is part of a city community center built back in the 30's and is of a sort of construction as to probably partially survive. OK, so what resources could I get? Well, right in the prop shop itself I've got quite a plethora to choose from. Most of which is fairly old but I should be able to put some usable kit together. Weapons/Tools: we have a few weapon props that would serve with a bit of work. A couple of the best stage combat swords and parrying daggers could have edges added and become serviceable. We have two broken old .40 cal muzzle loading cap lock pistols I could fix into functioning, and I think I could cobble together a firelock musket out of the dozen busted up Les Mis props. No percussion caps, power, or shot though. I've got casting supplies and stuff I can melt into shot, so that's easy. Percussion caps take some work, but there are a lot of high power red plastic caps with the prop capguns. They'll work, if not very well (probably give around a 12- activation). We have several boxes of strike anywhere matches which I can harvest for additional primer material and a potential propellant. We have stashes of flash power and charcoal power, so I can probably mix enough powder for a couple of dozen shots. All our bows suck. We have a donated LARP crossbow which would be useless as a weapon as it stands, but could be modified into an actual light crossbow for hunting, or could function as a launcher for small homemade munitions. My actual preferred sidearm will be my trusty short crowbar. It terms of total lifetime hours spent destroying things this is my most familiar weapon. It's also damn near indestructible and very useful. Additional tools depend of the shape the topside of the theater is in. In the pro basement itself I only have a limited selection available... A Gerber Multi-tool, a propane torch head, a selection of small files, a bit index, an electrical repair kit with the usual small screwdrivers, wire-cutters/strippers, soldering irons, wirenuts, fuses and the like, and a box of antique hand tools in the handprops storage. Some of those could be useful... Yankee screwdriver, sickle, and drawknife come to mind. Koran war surplus military pack & parachute from the soft goods wall, as well as all the silk. Respirator, goggles, gloves, filter cartridges, iodine, bandages, chem-ice, hearing protectors, eyewash bottles, vetwrap and protective coveralls from the OSHA supply closet. Paramedic Jumpkit and hand cranked radio/light/dc power supply from our post 9/11 refit (city government regs, yo). Speaking of which, we have a couple of city owned fully equipped mountain bikes stored. One of those will come in handy. We have several sleds, lots of various wheels, metal casters and materials, so I could likely cobble together a trailer as well. Oh, yeah, fill as many of the prop canteens as I can. If I can get into the costume shop, there is a old manual sewing machine that might be handy, at least to make stuff before heading out. There's obviously also sewing supplies. Needles and thread, heavy woolens, furs, chainmail, leather... lots of good stuff. If I can get to the kitchen, I can dig up a few supplies, but not much. A fair amount of instant stuff. The cider, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and oatmeal packs will all be handy. We have pounds of Vitamin C enriched instant lemonade, so I'll be able to stave off scurvy for a while, and I think enough powdered milk type products to stave off rickets for a while. We have cases of chocolate brownie mix and chocolate chips as well (can you tell what our intermission snacks are?). I bet there's a few more dry supplies I might be able to use, like rice and beans, as well as quite a few useful chemicals in the cleaning and laundry supplies. Storage next to the kitchen... Grab the boxes of nitrile gloves, the ziplock bags and all the foil. Loot all the rechargeable batteries and a couple of the chargers (I might be able to fix 'em up and get them to work with the crank genny). The shop in the back is unfortunately one of the weak points on the building, being a later retrofit, but if it's navigable there's a generator, compressor, and every bloody tool I could desire subject to weight requirements. I'd leave most of it, but for a few more hand tools. Would probably use any remaining facilities to cobble together a few cut down survival tools from parts. If either of the armored flammables cabinets are intact I grab anything that burns and all the propane bottles that survived. If I can dig out the ruins of the outside shed I grab the iceaxe and a prybar and head to the other underground storage sections of the community center to see what survived. The new section of the Children's Library has a geothermal heating well in the basement. Would make a good starting point. I'd eventually be heading for the coast, looking for a boat I could manage. See about taking Alcatraz.
  2. Re: My Elves Are Different! I like elves and use them in most of my fantasy games, but I'm a little sick of how the culture drift has altered perceptions of them, so I tend to either pull a Tolkien and derive my elf races from original mythological sources, or go kinda Julian May and make them a survivor remnant of an earlier civilization like Atlantis. Someday I'm going to run a game with Diskworld style elves tho
  3. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I's think the classic mercury filled hollow-point would be the best all around "poison" round, because the toxic nature of the mercury is secondary to the function of the liquid metal core allowing the bullet to dump all its kinetic energy right after impact
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Man's got a good throwing arm... http://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks#p/u/0/o9n2wia7bN4
  5. I was idly rereading Post Apocalypse Hero and thought it might be a fun thought experiment to toss out a What Would YOU Do? for The Destinations setting (BTW, Steve, love the homage to The Road). So, to recap and set the questions, a massive Solar Flare kills anything that's not at least 3 meters below ground and burns everything. The huge EMP fries anything that can be fried by an EMP. so How did you survive? Where are you most likely to "just happen" to be safe? and Presumably, this place is somewhat familiar to you, even if it's just "the tunnel I commute through". So, how do you kit yourself out? I'm pondering my own answers, I'll get back to you
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just watched Wristcutters: A Love Story took me a bit by surprise. Very clever.
  7. Re: Lostorum - "Steampunk Fantasy in a Savage World" I find myself gradually pulling away from most Magic-in-Steampunk ideas beyond the usual "Victorian/Lovecraftian magic is actually advance science" approach. The idea of having dragons, wizards, and elves in my steampunk makes me cringe most of the time. Maybe with a Fable/Stardust type fairy tale approach
  8. Re: Off-world crops? I tremble to consider what bamboo and kudzu would be like in low gravity conditions
  9. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Man I've gotta put in more time at the range, especially shooting scoped rifles in a standing or kneeling stance. My arm's killing me, and I "scoped" myself in the eyewear a half dozen times
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Presidents- Jonathon Coulton
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm beginning to get my Post-Apoc Lovecraftian Steampunk setting out of my head and in writing, and you'll be pleased to hear that Down Under is the new first world. The Great Race cleared out most of the leftover Great Old One junk in the area (and the Nazis found R'yleth and dragged away sleeping Cthulhu), so when "the Stars were right", The South Pacific and Australasia escape most of the GOO related chaos, and the subsequent asteroid counter-strikes by the Mi-go. Leaving that region to evolve into, essentially, the "Girl Genius" setting.
  12. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... hmmm... in the younger Conan REH stories, he uses a lot of adjectives like "gaunt" "rangy" and "feral" He does lots of very twisty dodging In Xuthal of the Dusk, yeah, that's totally a spawn of Tsathoggua edit: Oh, and the promo shot is dead on... the head hunched forward and down, eyes blazing from beneath his hair. He hits that pose about once a story. Probably for the extra +4d6 on his PRE attack...
  13. Re: Banish Demon with Extradimensional Movement (6E) I like the EDM option for the reasons GA noted, but in my FH game I decided, in the interest of keeping points down, that all "unnatural" critters (Demons & Undead, mainly) were effected by Dispel Summon regardless of the flavor text point of origin.
  14. Re: Orion Drive space battleship Yeah the problem with finally deciding to put the idea on paper at 2 AM is you occasionally leave out notes about obvious things Ice makes for a decent back up particle sheild, hence wrapping it around the main crew module helps increase its "Storm shelter" aspect
  15. Re: Orion Drive space battleship So I decided to resurrect this thread to post this, as it was inspired by the "Mars by 65, Saturn by 70" thread but the design, which has been building in my head for quite a while, is using 21st C tech, so I thought it'd fit better here. Anyway I give you one hastily assembled first draft of an Orion drive ship designed to head for the Asteroid Belt dropping off linear accelerator stations along its flight path to help "throw" rocks home.[ATTACH=CONFIG]38729[/ATTACH]
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures OK, so we've found the location for Minecraft:The Movie
  17. Re: 'Mars by 1965, Saturn by 1970' Best low tech suggestions I've seen for a functional Orion lift phase have involved using a large underground bunker detonation with an exhaust tube to channel the blast while sealing itself up in the process. Put the facilities in Antarctica and you significantly reduce the functional side effects of the program
  18. Re: Off-world crops? I actually think NASA got the idea from the potheads
  19. Re: Off-world crops? Bumping an old thread... as a foot note: They now make directional LED grow lights that are tuned specifically to the exact wavelengths needed for photosynthesis at a low overhead in both power costs and heat buildup, making them damn near perfect for space applications. Wiki Link Pic of the NASA prototype [ATTACH=CONFIG]38724[/ATTACH]
  20. Re: Ideas For A Magical Quill Thanks! I had to get good at non-combat magic items in my old FH campaign, because my PC's got tough enough I needed to curtail their power creep.
  21. Re: Ideas For A Magical Quill How about a Universal Translator power, like automatic writing, where sitting down to write with the pen allows the writer to hear something being spoken and transcribe it into their native language. Useful for Border disputes, interrogating prisoners and the like
  22. Re: Sawed Off Shotguns yeah, as I've been following this I keep thinking that if the Spreading rules work for KA's in 6th, the best approach might be just extra DC's, only to spread, that get reduced by range same as the rest of the attack. taking down the barrel would add additional "spread only" DC's while adding Negative Range PSL's to match, while cutting down the stock drops -1 OCV and removes the ability to Brace
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