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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. HeroGM

    Fifth week!!

    This year's fifth week will take place in Wonderland. I have four players who are playing and figured that would be perfect for them to play with. More later
  2. Hudson City came out on 2004, 12 years (or so) ago. When do you run your game? 2004 or more modern times? While locked up we had one guy who ran DC (HI Dave!) who ran it in 2004. I personally ran mine in 2013. With the internet you can run a game in almost any year with all the information at your finger-tips Recenetly I printed out about 30 pages for Dave. Listings of movies, books, and events for last 2003- to mid 2006. Enough material for him to run a 2004 game for awhile.
  3. http://www.modus-operandi.co.uk I spoke to the owner. He will be putting up a section for danger international, espionage!, and Dark Champions in the next week or so.
  4. Drivethrurpg has this and great super villan contest as pdfs Good memories after scanning it today and a few comments (Loki called. He wants his head piece back)
  5. HeroGM

    Fifth week!!

    We did two one year where we played in in another gms style. His mine and me his. there was an episode of two and a half men and csi where they traded writers.
  6. HeroGM

    Fifth week!!

    DC and Marvel used to do miniseries that would come out on months with 5th weeks such as sins of youth or JL?. One year I did a week long game as a 5th week based on DCs Tangent. The characters had the same name but completely different power sets
  7. HeroGM

    Fifth week!!

    Remember folks April is a 5th week. Time to plan those special sessions that take you away from a normal game. Who here has done 5th week style games?
  8. Oh. And remember Age of Apocalypse came out in the 90s along with DCs 1 million.
  9. Xeno.... It's actually a real thing now. Artificial DNA. And I was playing on J Scott Campbell's Gen13 and Jim Lee's (?) Team 7. Now if you can figure out where homaged the Gardener concept I'll give a gold star. And I mean the series/version not just the character
  10. Centuries before mankind the Gardener planted techno-seeds on Earth. When the time was right he would return to harvest earth's energy and start over -replanting a New crop All but one seed has been dormant until the 1960s. As the others have slowly activated its given rise to the heroic population. The gardener is approaching with his minions the harvesters. Are the heroes ready? And what about the seed that's been active And the hidden society of supers that is protecting it? Do they see the Gardender as a threat? Or as their God?
  11. Using experimental XNA the military takes a mixed forces teams and tries to further the 2ndGen program. Giving the team low level abilities their children are born with natural abilites causing the government to instute both the 3rdGen program along with the "nannies" a squad assigned to capture runaway subjects and return them to the facility in Arizona.
  12. Is there one for vehicles? Would love to see info about "the bus" from agents of shield
  13. http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Main_Page Ran across this last week. Database of firearms in movies and tv shows.
  14. Did the $100 level come withe the original off or did I misread somewhere?
  15. Office depot wants to give me issues about printing off my copies of 6e 1. & 2...grrr
  16. Hero Designer will allow it though you'll have to change the export template.
  17. Leaving Meaopolis is better than Excorcist

  18. Hero(on date with ex-model turned reporter): you ever feel like your in a movie and the director really sucks? (Should've seen the gm's face)
  19. Dark champs game set in 2004: Damian (African American): I was racially profiled! Cop: seriously?? In CHINA TOWN???
  20. Went for the $100. There goes rent for next month
  21. Ok..next dumb question...when are you actually charged? When you pool in or at the end? I have $50 but could pull $100 by the end of the month
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