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Everything posted by lapsedgamer

  1. Re: Mega Knockback in 6th The scenario that is causing the disagreement is more like something out of the Authority, which is incidentally sort of like the Super Friends played using Watchmen's rules: awesome power applied with no real squeamishness about seriously hurting or killing someone.
  2. Re: Mega Knockback in 6th If I were the GM, I would make you make the player buy that Naked Advantage on up to the full cost of your STR, including what you could push to potentially, so Mr. 60 STR would have to take that modifier on 70 AP. This option should be expensive. I don't like taking it on that 20 AP and then applying it to a much more powerful attack, even though it is technically rules legal. Stop signs on entries mean something in this game sytem.
  3. Re: Mega Knockback in 6th I didn't like that build when I saw it the first time. I would be more inclined to model this as multiple purchases of Double Knockback as a Naked Advantage. I'd even allow it as a Brick Trick with a Power Skill roll. That would strike the right dramatic tone, every once in a while. I can't see this as being desirable beyond a certain point. This is potentially abusive and it should cost dearly. I would be as leery about this as I would be about an Extra Dimensional or Megascale Teleport UAA with an area effect on it.
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore They had maple bacon ice cream on sale here at a local handmade ice cream place, but I wasn't even interested. I once tried their salted caramel, and I hated it. The other flavors I've tried there rock, though. For Seattleites it's called Molly Moon's. A little pricey, but they give you a lot, and they make the waffle cones right there. http://www.mollymoonicecream.com/ I suppose this only belongs in this thread as in you don't care how big you're going to get eating ice cream all the time.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I was at Denny's this morning, and they are having a bacon promotion this month. They have all kinds of great stuff for baconophiles, but they have one apparent train wreck on the menu: a bacon sundae. That's right, it has vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, maple syrup and bacon sprinkled on top. Here is someone talking about it, just so you can see what it looks like: http://www.sodahead.com/living/dennys-bacon-sundae-tasty-or-nasty/question-1632323/ I don't have the balls to order it.
  6. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" Yeah, but I 'd be surprised to see it come back again. They really started to ramp up the drama in the last couple of episodes. I had stopped watching, but I caught the last three episodes on Hulu, and I have to say they were starting to get somewhere. Nice comic book fight between Dad and the animal guy, and the last episode was positively right out of the pages of a 1980s X-Men book. Too little, too late apparently.
  7. Re: First edition Champions I won't be here for 7th, if there is such a thing. 6th has maxed out my patience for learning or relearning complex rules just to play a game every once in a while. 5th came close, but 6th has just done me in. Whch is saying something considering I've been here since 2nd edition. I am growing to like or understand some of the changes between 5th and 6th edition, but the version I truly loved was 4th. Might be a nostalgia thing, but I loved the BBB, except for the poor binding on my original copy.
  8. Re: Looking for thugs I know you are kind of leaning toward 6th edition, but don't sleep on 5th stuff. If you mind a little conversion, Scourges of the Galaxy has just the droids you are looking for. All that old stuff is on sale now, so a PDF is like $15. It would be easier to convert to Hero 6 than any other RPG material out there, and it's not a bad deal, so it might be worth the effort.
  9. Re: Bimbo style Martial Art I was thinking Martial Grab for pulling hair, but same difference really.
  10. Re: In Progress From Blackwyrm Games: Mythic America Yeah, but we had Pinkertons and Texas Rangers. I think that should count for something.
  11. Re: Ward to keep out vampires Buffy had an actual physical force that prevented entry. At last it appeared to work that way. It could have been the excellent mime skills of the actors involved, but I remember at east two occasions when vampires stopped as if they hit a brick wall at the threshold.
  12. Re: Would you marry a near-human alien? I probably should have taken a look at the other thread. Sorry to harsh your mellow. I was basically just looking at the question head on and trying to have some fun with it.
  13. Re: Would you marry a near-human alien? Look, polling people this forum is not really going to provide you with a representative sample of average folk. Most of us fanboys have spent our lives lusting after green chicks, Borg hotties, cat girls, and vampire seductresses. Clearly, if such beings existed, and it was possible to mate with them, many of us would, if only for the wish fulfilment factor. In fact, if they are ever really able to make that sort of genetic alteration, there would be a certain sector of sex worker that would get those modifications just to make more money in certain markets. In the same way that a lot of adult entertainers get implants. Yes, and some guys would marry them. Now, we have to do a lot of handwaving to make this about an actual alien. So there's some ridges-on-the-nose alien species like on Star Trek that we can mate with. Yes, I was into Nana Visitor on DS9. Leave me alone. Anyway, we are culturally compatible enough that is feasible and desirable for both parties. Hmm? OK. Since we are in the land of pure fantasy, I would say yes.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine As in the Three Faces of..." Funny.
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ouch! Poor gremlin!
  16. Re: Trick Shooting for my Archer Yeah, I did the plugging the barrel as a Dispel, which seems neat enough system wise and gets the job done most of the time. The Entangle I did needs a rework, as one of the earlier posters pointed out, but I also think it gets the job done. I can also see using the Power Skill for this. In fact, I really like the idea. I would probably add that skill to any of the published super archer templates for use in my own game if I were the GM. It's sort of an assumption that they would have it. It's also part of the whole starting character thing. You always sort of know what you want the guy to be able to do, but you can't afford it all. If I went to build this guy with fifty or so more points, I think I would probably set up two separate multiplexers, with one for trick arrows and one for trick shots using bows of opportunity. I would say that the charges are shared between them, or something similar to that.
  17. Re: Trick Shooting for my Archer Wow, I thought this thread was long dead. That game never happened anyway, so it's all moot. Anyway, I specifically didn't want Ranged Martial Arts, as it felt like too many points into something that was just there for cool. I might try that build in future if the GM just hates my kludged-together work around. Technically, he would have super skills that require any bow to work, but that's also way to expensive for a starting character, again especially for something that's just there for cool. If I didn't bother with it at all, would the average GM still allow stuff like that and just require hefty negatives? The average super archer built for Champions in the published material doesn't have any super skills of this nature, or even ranged martial arts. You can't tell me that the German archer from Champs Worldwide, or the new Scarlet Archer, wouldn't be able to shoot an apple off of someone's head. So, what's the solution? Give them a called shot on a -9, then have then take extra time, set, brace, and use their copious amount of level to bring it back down? I would say yeah in a fantasy game, but it's not very superheroic.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Didn't see that. Yeah, really won't be trying that.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore How permeable is the shell of an egg? For example, when I hard boil and egg, I don't notice any water inside when I open it, except when it drop the egg into the pot too hard and crack it accidentally. I never notice any of the salt from the water in the egg when I eat it. When I used to color eggs at Easter, I didn't see any of the color coming through the shell until a day or two later. Off course, I'm not really in a rush to try this, but I don't see how this would be any different than boiling in egg in salt water. It seems like one of those gross, completely ineffective, yet basically harmless folk remedies. Am I missing something?
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings I once dated a redhead, and she was kind of weird about being freckled. I thought it was sort of cute. It went with her overall looks. However, if I said that, she thought i was making fun of her. I would say that it's just another aspect of the whole you-must-look-like-a-Barbie-doll-to-be-attractive thing women have foisted on them.
  21. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? You just gave me an idea for a villain. A truly super-intelligent bada#$ brick, not the normal shmopes who just happen to be really strong or half-strong smart guys that you generally see.
  22. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! Wasn't Lobo at one point kind of a parody of Wolverine? IIRC the fanboys didn't get the joke and took it seriously. They demanded more and more appearances until he became the thing that he was originally meant to ridicule. I remember something like that with The Elite. Originally, they were meant to be a stand-in for The Authority so that Joe Kelly could take the piss out of the whole over-the-top-ultra-violent-hero-god vibe on that book by putting them up against Superman. A great issue by the way (Action Comics #775), probably one of the great single issues of the last twenty years. Anyway, the fans lapped it up, missing the joke, and DC ended up bringing them back, and even starting a Justice League title that included some of the characters. The did make some effort to reform them form the random killings and what not, but still.
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