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Everything posted by JJR

  1. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it? Sure, unless he is fighting a brick, a hero with flight, or someone with martial throw. It’s called spreading 1d6 to hit an area’s 3 dcv. The point was to list heroes which can be beaten by 350 point heroes, as you think there are not enough of them. You forget that the standard guidelines you keep toting list up to 14d6 attacks as allowed by starting characters. He is not tougher than any other 14d6 character, especially a starting brick. Outside of the 6 master villains in the book none of the villains are untouchable by a standard superhero team. That is a far cry from your 30 untouchable.
  2. Re: FH Grimoire Index The standard index is just as useful to me. I would not bother to look in the back of the book to see what the range or magic roll minus of a spell is. I would expect the players to have that on their sheets.
  3. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it? Here are 39 of them from ckc that an average 350 point hero can beat one on one: Warbird Warcry Warhead Warmonger Warpath Bloodstone Black Diamond Blue Jay Cheshire Cat Hummingbird Psimon Hypnos Lancer Medusa Torment Radium Armadillo Black Harlequin Blowtorch Brainchild Bulldozer Cybermind Esper Fenris Foxbat Herculan Hornet Lady Blue Lazer Leech Menagerie Morningstar Ogre Riptide Stormfront Thorn Thunderbolt Vibron Zigzag That is nearly half of the book. Not including the big guns the other 35-40 villains in the book can easily be beaten by 2-6 players in a team. I really think too many people do not read ckc past the master villains section in the front. Most of the villains in the book have been too weak to stand up to two or more heroes, not too powerful.
  4. Re: Upon Further Review: The Champions
  5. Re: Upon Further Review: The Champions I understand but I was not using combat techniques for the heroes too. Martial artist throws Mechanon to get him prone so brick can put him into a half-nelson and everyone else can pummel him at the lower dcv. There are a lot of team techniques which can be used to defeat Mechanon. I was just using brute force to brute force.
  6. Re: Villains, Vandals, and Vermin: Who should be in it? I would like to see all new villains. The best parts of ckc for me were the new villains added to champions. I can always redo which ever older villains I want in my world myself. The campaign would also benefit from some additional villain groups too.
  7. Re: Upon Further Review: The Champions I certain understand from your pervious thread that you think the master villains are over powered but that is really not the case. Dr. Destroyer is the only one. Most others are not. Just running basic numbers we can see that a 6 man team will take out Mechanon in less than a turn. Mechanon: 7 speed, 30 defense, 18d6 attack, 90 stun 6 heroes: 5 speed, 25 defense, 12d6 attack, 35 stun. Phase 12: Mechanon hits, stuns and knocks out 1 hero to -3 stun, who loses his attack, but the character will get his free recovery and is at 5 stun. The other 5 heroes attack, and since Mechanon is not defending with his levels he gets hit by 4 of them for a total of 48 stun. Mechanon takes his recovery and is now at 72 stun. Phase 2: Mechanon hits, stuns, and knocks out a second hero to -3 stun. The hero will be stunned on phase 3 and will recover on phase 5. Phase 3: First knocked out hero recovers and is at 12 stun. Second knocked out her recovers from being stunned. 4 heroes attack and 3 hit for 36 stun. Mechanon is now to 36 stun. Phase 4: mechanon hits, stuns, and knocks out a third hero to -3 stun. The hero will be stunned on phase 5 and will recover on phase 8. Phase 5: First knocked out hero attacks. Second knocked out hero recovers and is at 5 stun. Third knocked out hero recovers from being stunned. 4 heroes attack and 3 hit for a total of 36 stun. Mechanon is at 0 stun. Phase 6: Mechanon recovers and is at 20 stun. Phase 7: Mechanon recovers and is at 40 stun. Phase 8: First knocked out hero burns stun for end to get in a final attack. Second knocked out hero recovers and is at 12 stun. Third knocked out hero recovers and is at 5 stun. 4 heroes attack, 3 hit doing 36 stun. Mechanon is now at 4 stun. Phase 9: I think you see the writing on the wall. Most of the master villains cannot withstand some 30 attacks per turn when they are only dishing out 7-8 attacks themselves. The numbers just do not give with that. And the 12d6, 25 defense, 5 speed were 4th edition starting character numbers too. If anything it seems like many villains have gotten weaker, not stronger.
  8. Re: What am I missing, Instant Stand? The rule on page 33 states the character can make a roll to land on his feet after knockback or knockdown. If he succeeds he takes no damage and does not waste a half-phase getting up. Because skill rolls can fail and adders can put included with the power inside of power frameworks, basically making them free.
  9. Re: Is this Munchkinish? I would just use the stretching myself. You gain the velocity damage from it too. Buying strength with indirect and ranged is just easier than trying to buy it on each martial arts maneuver.
  10. Re: Is this Munchkinish? I would buy the ranged and indirect on the characters strength not on the martial arts themselves. It would cost more endurance but would make for an interesting special effect.
  11. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  12. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  13. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  14. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  15. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm The characters are combat support. Maybe Slipstream can't fight Iron Duke but he can fight Alice or Janus or other people within in the conflict. Mother Raven is not too powerful but she does have a 30 ego and her mental illusions will almost always go first. I would also hate to be caught by her sun's kiss. Slipstream can dish out 8d6 of damage but he does have a 9 speed. You can't really compare everyone to Sentinel. He is like Superman. Red Phoenix only dishes out 12d6 of damage. It is not like she will be using her major killing attack on every thug that wanders into her path. The power levels are diverse but with the exception of Sentinel most of the guard are in the 8d6 to 12d6 range. I personally find groups like the Champions boring. What is the point of diversity when everyone does the same damage and has the same defense level? In combat they all become interchangeable.
  16. Re: EC Concerns... what is legal? You can bypass hero designer's rules by either turning off 'modifier intelligence' or by using a custom power slot to build the life support side of the power. Those are the only two ways that I know of.
  17. Re: EC Concerns... what is legal? You can combine 2 powers in one slot and link them. You cannot combine 2 powers in 2 different slots with linked. In hero designer you need to build this composite power by using the 'compound power' power in the powers section. The problem you are having is that life support is not a legal power for an elemental control. Only powers which cost endurance can be put into an elemental control. If you buy the life support as costs end to activate then it will be accepted by the elemental control.
  18. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  19. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm
  20. JJR

    Alien Wars?

    Re: Alien Wars? There is a hero universe timeline pdf available for download in the free stuff section. It discusses how all the genres fit together.
  21. Re: Standard 1st level Star Hero Character? There are two sample star hero characters in the free genre by genre pdf in the free stuff section of the website. It gives examples for different characters per genre.
  22. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm There really are not that many high point villains in champions. I believe there are only 7 published villains over 1,000 points. The other 120+ are all in the 350-800 point range. With heroes starting at 350 points a 500 point villain is really not much of a challenge for 2-3 heroes in combat. I don't really see the overshadowing you speak of.
  23. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm I believe he means crowded in the sense that there are so many listed heroes in the champions universe. It seems like there are over 150 listed in the pdf. Millenium city alone has 22 listed heroes in it, not including the ravenswood cadets. It does seem like hero games goes out of its way to not give us hero write ups. Even the mystic world has no mystic superhero write ups in it. You would think they would have included one or two. IMO, we really need more concrete information on the universe and its heroes.
  24. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm SAS does not have many villains for its game yet. There are only about 40 villains published in 3 roll calls and 1 criminal intent book. There are not a great deal of choices for a champions game. The villains from the SAS book are the most interesting characters in the SAS world. Kreuzritter, Janus, Iron Duke, Bloody Mary, and Jade Naga are the characters I would uses from SAS.
  25. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm I cannot speak for Britain but I have had a copy since last Friday, so it is out there.
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