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Everything posted by Legendsmiths

  1. Re: Thinking About DARK CHAMPIONS BATTLEGROUNDS I would love to see such a book. Absolutely. One of the things I would really like to see is the option of purchasing digital versions of the maps (FHB and CB included). I would make this suggestion as well. You have already indicated the poor sales associated with the Battlegrounds books. If you sold them as JPEGs you could eliminate the cost of the book, allow people to print out the maps as they need them, also allow them to print out 1" full scale maps as necessary, or allow them to use them digitally (as I do with Klooge). I recognize there are IP issues associated with this, but that can be addressed in a couple of ways and it isn't all that different than selling HD packs of crunch books (Grimoire, USPD, etc.). Cut out the middle man, provide the material we are all clamoring for in a format that is far more ideal than book form. As for price, I don't know as I'd change it all that much. I'd be much happier if I had spent my money on FHB and gotten a digital version than the print version. So, PDF with all the adventure text and then Hi-Res jpegs of all the maps.
  2. Re: Hrm.... The sense would have to be targeting. 5ER 349. If the sense isn't targeting he can make a PER roll with a nontargeting sense (half phase action). If successful he is at -1 DCV 1/2 OCV in HTH and full DCV 1/2 OCV in Ranged. So, since he doesn't have a targeting sense he is at best at 1/2 OCV.
  3. Re: Fate systems Hmmm, I'm not sure I would offer such sympathy. One thing I do tell my players to to have a set of 3d6 for all skill rolls and a set of d6 for damage. If they're different size or colors, all the better. The 3d6 are always used for "roll low". The others are damage and are for high rolls. problem solved.
  4. Re: NND Defenses Not a bad idea Phil. Unfortunately that's a construct you cannot do in HD directly, although you can create a list and build it like a multipower (using cost multipliers). I definitely think that's the way to go.
  5. Re: Fate systems Frankly, I think you give too many action points. 10 points per session is a lot. In the abstract, I would suggest that you use a system that rewards those players who both use and don't use the points. If you reduce the opportunity to use the points, but increase the effectiveness by a lesser amount you end up with fewer points that mean a little more. Additionally, there needs to be some XP correlation for those who do not wish to spend them. The fate system that I use encourages the use of fate in play, dramatically, but also rewards those who do not use them by giving them more XP. The concept was essentially a limited form of Luck that is single use, non-recoverable (with some handwaving). The values we settled on work very well. The feedback we also got in playtesting was that by removing the crunchiness of the fate system (i.e. direct point modifications), it made the fate system seem more fateful and easier to play. I have used fate systems in the past that were more point oriented and they did start to feel like the players were invincible. We don't get that at all with our current system. This is also a good mechanic for power stunts - 1 chip allows 1 stunt. Here's a link: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=467621#post467621
  6. Re: If you could add one more... I have to agree with Nexus on this one. The write-up in GURPS 4e is actually quite elegant and useful. I could easily model that in a HERO context but I'd like to remain closer to the rules as is. The flavor of such powers would be significant, IMHO, and would add value to the game.
  7. Re: If you could add one more... I'd like to see all of the character states statted out as separate powers or as adders to CE. This would include stunned, suffocating, etc. An example of this would be GURPS 4ed Affliction power - it is used to apply character states or events to a target (such as heart attack, dazed, etc.). I realize for many of the offensive states (e.g. heart attack) you can probably represent this easy enough with existing powers ans SFX, but things like a suffocating environment and so on would be nice. This is similar to pointing out that normal sight is worth 35 points (is it?), so you have a target to suppress or dispel. Also, which DH are the object construction rules in and Mattingly's AoE rules? Thanks.
  8. Re: NND Defenses It's not about point-hounding, it's about the system modeling the "reality". This attack has less utility than other attacks in most cases. Classically, this would mean apply a limitation to it. However, the power framework makes that irrelevant. The reason that is an issue since the SFX are such that the GM can't say, "In order to take NND you have to take the limitation - all NNDs in this world must have a mandatory -1/2 limited power", which would actually be a cool guideline for a Heroic game, I can easily create the power without the limitation and have it fit the story just fine. So, it's not an issue that creating the power without the limitation wouldn't fit - in fact it would fit very well - what I'm searching for is a reason to have a limited NND when there is no reason for me to do so. The only reason left would be a cost savings, but I also see this in larger terms that there are many powers that would work great like this but how do you address them. As another example, poison. Poison costs an amazing number of points, so much as to make it impractical from an Alchemist's point of view. When your average poison is 180 active points, even if you say it takes 1 month to craft it he still can't fit it into a reasonable power framework or campaign guidline, even though poison is possibly the easiest thing for him to craft. I suppose another way to address it is to simply eliminate the power framework altogether, but that removes the story element reward for good related power design (such as an archer's multipower). Maybe use a more reasonable cost multiplier (like .2 or .33).
  9. Re: D20 style character sheet Doc, I agree with what you are saying as long as you do not hide they system entirely. My point was that making a 13- roll a +2 vs. DC 10 has little value to learning the game, and if anything confuses the issue because if players learn that way and then decide to read even the Intro pdf, it won't make any sense. Keep the numbers light, hide the system as much as possible sure. But don't start calling half-actions partial actions or move-equivalent, or call DCV AC and stuff like that. For a session or two to learn the game that's fine, but I don't think it has much value in the long run. That's why I created the light charactersheet I use (see option 2 above). That really helps people learn the game without making it non-Hero. When we run Hero at cons, over half the players have never played Hero before. By the end of the session their making Haymakers, Called Shots, Presence Attacks, and Move Throughs. I think we agree that it's all about presentation, but I disagree when you want to alter the basics, even if probability isn't affected, just to make things 'easier' when in reality things aren't any more difficult to begin with.
  10. Re: Fantasy Web Resources For maps & mapping utilities you need: MapX A great free mapping tool. The author is currently putting out a new version called DewMap, but the current version of MapX can still be downloaded. Dundjinni Not only a great mapping tool, but the user forums have tons of maps/adventures posted. OpenOffice.org This great office sweet has a drawing program that is very adept at making maps. Layering, transparency, and clip-art are all supported.
  11. Re: D20 style character sheet I think this is more of an issue of perception than actual complexity. d20 is actually quite complex, but it is a complexity that is familiar to many. This past weekend I played a Soulknife/Pyrokineticist with the ability to do 1d8 + 2d6 Fire Damage + 2d8 Psychic Damage + 1d4 Psychokinetic Damage (ignore DR) + STR as a light weapon with Weapon Finesse. If that's not convoluted I don't know what is. Sure skills are listed as +X, but that +X comes from stat bonus, skill ranks, synergy bonus (i.e. more than 5 ranks in complimentary skill), plus items. My suggestion is to sit down and just learn the basic rules of HERO (as presented in Sidekick) or http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/freedocs.htm (Intro and 2 page combat sheet). I teach HERO to players all the time and I find it is better to present the system as is rather than make it look like something it isn't. Rolling 3d6 or less vs. a target number isn't any more complicated than anything else. As for presenting information, I'm all about simplicity. I can offer you 2 solutions: 1. A number of templates have been crafted for HD to present minimal information, mine included. These sheets do not include point - only the gameable values (skill rolls, damage, etc.). My template is here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=462939#post462939 2. Use a spreadsheet that presents minimal information (look at any of these characters: http://www.narosia.com/forums/showthread.php?t=570&page=1&pp=10)
  12. Re: NND Defenses I agree with all of you. I also recognise that NND (defense is X), Only vs. Undead -1 is the most elegant way to do it. 100%. That's how I built the power originally. But, when the power is in a power framework, like a multipower, that has a reasonable number of limitations on it already (e.g. a weapon), the Only vs. Undead as a limitation doesn't do anything to the cost. Therefore, if the cost is unaffected by that limitation, why not remove it and just have an NND attack (defense is magical defenses)? Accounting-wise, that make sense but story-wise it doesn't. I'm trying to get the system to justify the limitation, and building it this way does not. 40-point reserve with -2 limitations (OAF + others). Real Cost: 13 Slot cost (ultra) = 40/3 = 13/10 = 1. If I add a -1 limitation to that slot it becomes 40/4 = 10/10 = 1. Why bother? That's why I'm trying to roll it into the advantage. NND is normally +1, but if the defense is very common (e.g. Having a soul) it would only be +1/2. My thought is that I would blend it with AVLD and essentially say that for +1/2 the attack only affects the target of the Bane and that the Bane target gets an appropriate exotic defense (e.g. Mystic Defense, Power Defense, Flash Defense, Mental Defense, Hardened PD or ED, etc.) applied normally. In the undead case, a zombie probably wouldn't have the exotic defense, but a mummy or a wight would. Hardened ED might be appropriate for Undead.
  13. Re: NND Defenses Thanks guys. I agree with everything you have going here. I think I will go with the two-pronged option of NND and consider it a "bane" type attack. Undead Bane would be NND, with the defense being either not being the target of the bane, or some special defense & being a baned creature. The core of the idea is to create an attack that is devastating to the target, but either a reduced effect or no effect to other targets, and then to fit it in as a multipower slot. The multipower is what makes it kinda screwy. Example: 40-pt Reserve with -2 limitations. All slots are ultra. Therefore, each slot will cost 1 point pretty much regardless of what additional limitations are applied to it. So, applying Undead Only -1/2 really doesn't help. The campaign level is such that attacks of more than 40 pts are uncommon, so having a reserve much higher than 40 pts doesn't make sense. In that case, why have a limited (Undead Only) slot, when you can have a regular slot that is just as effective. Enter NND. NND does cost more, to be sure, but it comes with a built in balance of advantage and limitation, making it ideally suited to this. So, making an NND slot (defense is being "alive") does add value to the power selection. Since the defense is so common, that qualifies NND as only +1/2. Assuming the character has just a basic EB slot and a "Bane" slot, he could do 8d6N or 5d6NND (Undead Only). The 8d6 may not be enough to harm a particular undead, but the NND would. Even at +1 the slot would still have value. An alternative might be to say NND (Hardened Defenses) and Undead Only -1/2. But this goes back to the reality of the slot cost in that the -1/2 doesn't do anything positive (i.e. save even 1 point), so there is no incentive beyond story to do it. I'm all for story, but I like to at least get marginally rewarded for doing so. So, how best to build this and give value in the MP context? The special effect of the attacks is chemical, so power defense doesn't really cut it. Hardened defenses? It doesn't affect people at all.
  14. Thinking of some specific NND type powers. For example, an RKA that is NND (Defense is being not made of metal). Or a undead killing power that is NND (Defense is not being undead). These defenses are common enough to provide the requisite defense for NND without providing 2 others, no? However, the "targets" of the defense have no way of defending against it so that doesn't seem right. Would it then make sense to provide an additional, conditional defense such as NND (Defese is not being undead, or being undead with hardened defenses). Thoughts?
  15. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange Some staggered square maps. These are offset 1" squares that simulate a hexmap but using squares. It works really well, and makes drawing maps very easy. I've posted them on my site, but they are very small so I'm listing them here as well. The -1m has 1/2" subdivisions, but some people find the maps too busy.
  16. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange So I was thinking, "Man, if I only had a webserver, I could post these... wait a minute... I do!" Please head on over to http://www.narosia.com, and follow the download link.
  17. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange Cobblestone & Grass The other sizes are too large to post (500k limit?). Sorry guys.
  18. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange I'll follow up mantis with some others. There are some posted on Herogames (http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/charactersheets/grids.zip) and probably some over at SJGames, but here are some. -sm is 1/4" hexes on 8.5x11 -lg is 1" hexes on 8.5x11 -xlg is 1" hexes on 11x17 -xxlg is 1" hexes on 24x36 cobblestone and grass use textures from Dundjinni, so you probably cannot post them officially (but I can here). The blank ones are freely postable. I don't really need any credit for them since anyone with Dundjinni could print them out (i.e. no rocket science involved). All maps here made with Dundjinni. I won't post the larger cobblestone or grass ones here, but I can send them to you (send me a private message). They are large (-xlg is 1.5MB, and -xxlg is >4MB).
  19. Re: Eberron Hero Very nicely done. I just dropped out of a d20 Eberron game because I'd rather be playing Hero. Liked the setting pretty well though, and I think you captured the Dragonmarks very well. Any plan to do up the Abberrant Dragonmarks (which my character had)? Not that I plan on doing anything with it soon, but it is interesting none the less.
  20. Re: Rookie Champions rules question(s) I just thought of something, Tempest could have done a Grab By to grab the Civilian and hold onto her. Then when badguy showed up he would have to forcefully remove the civilian from Tempest's hold.
  21. Re: Rookie Champions rules question(s) Situation One: Grab & Throw is executed in a single phase, but only if you are trying to damage the target. If you are trying to throw the target at another target, that requires a second attack action, and is covered under the normal throwing rules (-2 is a little light since a character is inherently unbalanced and not aerodynamic which is -4, I think). So, he would have to grab and do X, as long as X isn't a follow-up attack or a throw (which releases the grab); Grab & Squeeze would be good for this phase and he could throw him in the next. As an option, you could interpret this as a Sweep maneuver. Essentially he is making 2 attacks, starting with the grab. If they were adjacent, I might not apply any penalty to the throw, but still require the attack roll. If you read the rule on Sweep, he would be -2 to both attacks (due to the hurried nature of making multiple attacks), and if he succeeds on the grab he can then make a second attack on the other goon (again at -2). The only other thing would be the Sweep maneuver puts you at 1/2 DCV. So, if you look back at your original assessment, you were so close to the rules as to give yourself a pat on the back. Sweep is also a full phase action, so the hero couldn't move an perform it (although there are certainly ways to handle this if you want). Situation Two: You played it correctly, but there is something that Tempest could have done. If the bad guy did not act in the same segment Tempest moved to protect the Civilian, Tempest could have either: A) Abort to Dive for Cover to intercept the bad guy (like a football block). If she made here DfC roll (DEX - 1/1" of diving needed), you could allow (this is an option not an official rule) her to make an attack against the bad guy. If she succeeds, she has interposed herself and bad buy must now maneuver around her after making a DEX roll (possibly penalized by the success of the attack roll) to avoid slamming into her. Abort to Block Adjacent. This is a more official rule than option A. Blocking for another is a -2 penalty to the block roll. Essentially as the badguy moves in to perform the Grab maneuver she Blocks for the civilian (who also technically could be dodging or diving for cover as well - unless the civilian is just so awestruck as to have no abortable action). Hopefully the badguy had enough move to do a 1/2 move and grab maneuver or a grab by (you can't just run up and grab someone for free), and then had enough move to get away before Tempest could react (because unless the badguy did a Grab By the Grab ended his move). As for the AoO functionality in Hero, it exists defensively without question (i.e. Abort to..., particularly Block Adjacent). Offensively, you either need a held action, or need to Hurry an action (+1d6 initiative for -2 to all actions) in a given phase.
  22. Re: hit location That's why we removed the random hit location from the majority of fights. It's just not appropriate for our style of games to have a SCRUB take out a Hero in that fashion. The SCRUB can do a called shot if appropriate, but as a random effect I don't like it. Now a key NPC is a different story. We roll for both the players and the NPC. Then it adds good flavor. There is a cascade effect to not rolling for most of the bad guys - Armor selection. this feeds into the norm that most people would wear heavier armor just on their chest/vitals and not on their limbs. Heavy armor all over was worn only when battle was assured and immediate, not for traveling, etc. By having most opponents not roll location, it is easier for a player to just put armor on key areas (chest/head).
  23. Re: hit location HEROIC: For PCs vs. Signature NPCs I use it in full. vs. SCABs, all shots are to the chest unless called or placed. Critical hits by SCABs are rolled randomly. Keeps things moving, especially when fighting 10-15 orcs. SUPERS: Use 3d6 count the BODY for the STUNx. I also allow called shots (not placed), but only for STUNx not BODYx.
  24. Re: Natural Powers VS equipment question I think you are on the right track but maybe need to approach it differently. Anything bought as a focus, you pay cash for. Anything else, pay points for. If the point based power can be acquired by anyone at anytime, it costs cash as well. If it can only be acquired with certain prereqs (e.g. Magic Skill), then it only costs points and maybe time as well. Guns, flashlights, armor, etc. all cost $ Cyberware cost points and cash. Wuxia abilities cost points, but require a talent as a prereq. Spells cost points, but require magic skill and maybe a talent as well. All things that cost points should be purchased with a cost divisor of 1/3 or 1/5 to represent their actual value in a setting where equipment can often rival those abilities directly (e.g. guns vs. fireball) or offer solutions to a challenge the result in success either way (e.g. gun vs. mind control). This is suggested in FH (e.g. Chaos Blades), and works pretty well. Since everyone can get equipment, that becomes a constant. Most abilities should focus on things that can't be handled by equipment, but even if they do there is value to having something that isn't focus based. I tried out the resource pool in a cpunk game and while it works, it fails a number of reality checks (e.g. 7 pts for a flashlight vs. $2 from WalMart). Yes, offsetting darkness penalties has a measurable game value, but in reality everyone would have a flashlight and would not have spent 7 points for it.
  25. Re: Brick in a Forcewall Well, you could always "Hurry". That adds 1d6 to your DEX and while it does give you a -2 to your action, if you have to punch a wall you will probably stil hit. I would hurry every phase until I got to go and then I'd throw a car at the guy. Put him on the defensive. I don't really see it as a problem. Or, pick up a bus. If he doesn't have enough inches to englobe the bus, you are free... TO THROW THE BUS AT HIM!!! MR. BRICK SMASH!!! AAAGGGHHH!!!
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