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Posts posted by steph

  1. How you manage the damage for surprise attacks. I have never been a fan of the deadly blow that I find close to dnd or pathfinder. A friend suggested that I use Haymaker. What seems to me a good use of the maneuver. The damage is not Limited. A rogue with a dagger, 1d6 Will do 2d6+1 with is haymaker.


    What do you Think ?








  2. 11 hours ago, LoneWolf said:

    To me this is about the most annoying thing a GM can do.  The first problem is that every Gm I have encountered lacks the narrative skill to properly describe what is happening without becoming repetitious.  I am sure that a lot of people are thinking that they have better skills than those I game with.  The fact is that one of the GM’s for my group is a published author.  His ability to describe a situation is quite good, but coming up with different ways to describe basically the same thing without using game terms is difficult and time consuming.  Which brings us to the second problem is that this slows down the game to a crawl.  Combat takes long enough without having to add the time for a round of twenty questions to figure out the effect of your attacks. 


    Another problem with this approach is that most heroes are supposed to be skilled combatants.  Part of being a skilled fighter is being able to judge the effectiveness of your attacks.  Without this your character is kind of just swinging in the dark.  Mystery damage denies this ability to the characters. 


    The last reason that I dislike this is that it makes it so that everything in the game is from the point of the GM.  Often people will have different perspectives of the same event.  The 1950 Japanese movie Rashomon is classic example of this phenomenon.  By  having the GM as the only viewpoint it actually diminishes the story and roleplaying. 


  3. hello everyone, I would like to know if GM here have tried for their fantasy campaign the mystery damage rule. That is, the GM calculates the Stun and Body damage but does not tell the players. Rather, it is a narrative description of what the player is going through. If you tried it how did it go?



  4. Hello everyone, I do not have my books with me right now and I would need a quick answer to a rule question. If a power built with trigger is a attack power, like for example: entangle with a specific condition connected to a trigger, if the condition is triggered by an enemy, I need to roll the attack of the entangle? Or my entangle automatically success.


    I hope my question is clear and thank you very much for the time.



  5. Hi, yesterday in our Fantasy session, we had a rules discussion. I present the situation: One of the players plays a ranger who in a fight used his bow. An enemy who plays before him decides to attack him '' head shot '' with his mass. The ranger decides to abort to dodge and use his CSL with the sword to improve his DCV. We have the rule of not opening books during a session. But my question is this, with his bow in his hand, the ranger could use his CSL with the sword to help his DCV? I hope my question is clear
  6. Hello to all, A question for GM, I'm going to start a campaign this summer and I'm working on it. For the sake of history one of the players will play a considerably powerful noble, a viscount. When players decide to play noblemen, how do you manage their possessions? For the currency and the titles, the players pay in charaters points but for its castle for example, how do you proceed? The player pays with his character points the castle ? Or castle enter in the category of equipment?



  7. Hello everyone, I would like for the month of October to start a Fantasy Hero campaign in the world of my creation. 
    I would like to make this game via the internet. No platforms only googlehangout and the theater of the mind. 
    I would trust the players for the dice but I will sometimes ask your  result on the camera (so cheater be aware  ...... 
    What matters to me is the construction of a good story, the role play and the necessary action (a good fight). I prefer to discuss my universe  in a first hangout meeting. But you must know that I use the rules of hero system that make the fight realistic (Hit location, bleeding, long time casting etc etc ..... I love the epic and realism) 
    I love a long and good background for the characters. 
    I am from Montreal and I would like to do these sessions once a week (4 hours around 8:30 to 12:30) Take contact with me and let talk of your character and a good glass of red wine ...... I am a French Canadian and it happens that my English is fragile. Just tell me I'm too old to get angry.



  8. Hello guys this question are for people who or have played rolemaster. I am reading the compagnon 2 with the big list of skills. Most of the skills are associated with 2 characteristic.

    EX: Ventriloquism is (SD\IN) self-disciple and intuition. So my question is, when I want to make my total bonus for the skill I have to add the bonus of the two characteristics in question or I have to make an average ?


    Hope I am Clear English not my first language.



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