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Chris Goodwin

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    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    BLM "riots" were people literally asking for cops to stop randomly killing Black people.  
    The "riot" in Washington was a literal attempt to overthrow the lawful government of the United States of America.  People died.  There is no both sides there.
    Which side are you on?
  2. Like
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from pinecone in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    There is no equivalency between the Black Lives Matter movement and a bunch of "patriots" rushing into the Capitol building threatening to kill members of Congress and the executive branch.  Anyone who feels that there is, I want them to publicly say so and stand behind their words.  
  3. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Dr.Device in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    BLM "riots" were people literally asking for cops to stop randomly killing Black people.  
    The "riot" in Washington was a literal attempt to overthrow the lawful government of the United States of America.  People died.  There is no both sides there.
    Which side are you on?
  4. Like
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I'm sorry, but no.  You don't get to minimize and "both-sides" a literal attempt to overthrow the US Government.  

    Which side are you on, exactly?  There is no middle ground with treason.
  5. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    BLM "riots" were people literally asking for cops to stop randomly killing Black people.  
    The "riot" in Washington was a literal attempt to overthrow the lawful government of the United States of America.  People died.  There is no both sides there.
    Which side are you on?
  6. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Dr.Device in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I'm sorry, but no.  You don't get to minimize and "both-sides" a literal attempt to overthrow the US Government.  

    Which side are you on, exactly?  There is no middle ground with treason.
  7. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin reacted to Starlord in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I hold the people who actually did the deed responsible in all instances.  However, the POTUS seems to have directly incited (ie., the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully) the proceedings right before they happened.  Also, there seems to be evidence that his administration also may have interfered with, or just ignored, efforts to defend the capitol.  He should bear some responsibility for that and should be punished accordingly.
  8. Downvote
    Chris Goodwin reacted to JmOz in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Just skimmed it, seems to go after the election tampering (Which is shady as shit, and defiantly something that should be tried in court).  Will read it when I have more time
    My issue however stands, with the core idea that standards should be standards.  IF party A does X and gets consequence Z, then when Party B does X is should not get consequence Y.   The hatred people feel for him should not change the consequences.  
  9. Downvote
    Chris Goodwin reacted to JmOz in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Nice personal Assualt.  I will not engage further with you on this issue.  
  10. Downvote
    Chris Goodwin reacted to JmOz in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Both sides.  How it is reported is very different....
    Glad I live in the middle of nowhere
  11. Downvote
    Chris Goodwin reacted to JmOz in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    My bringing the riots up was just an example of allowing the hatred people feel towards him modify their view of his actions.  
    However, having watched what he said, etc... He told people to do something constitutional (march and cheer on "Their people"), could a reasonable person see that it would lead to violence, debatable, but did he advocate for it, based on what he said, I think no.  If you can find where he told his followers to do anything outside of a constitutionally protected protest, please correct me.
    Taking the BLM riots, they lasted longer, cost more in lives and property, and literally took over city blocks, while I respect your opinion that the scale could be worse, a fair argument can be made that the actual consequences were a lot worse for the BLM riots.  As for the rhetoric, we both know how EASY it would be to find BLM comments as terrible.  
  12. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin reacted to TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Correct me if I'm wrong.  The means to accuse a sexual assaulter at a workplace has to do with pattern of behavior as much as anything else.
    His pattern of behavior is a required key to anything else.
    Patterns of behavior are highly important for stopping chronic criminal offenders.
    Which is another way to say, if people let him walk away from this, he will most certainly try again.
    So there is the approach for consequences.  A constant pattern of behavior suggesting and inciting violence.  Culminating in 
    Guilliani offered trial by combat at that last speech.  Before an armed crowd that was when literally pointed at congress.
    The chant of kill the traitors and hang mike pence was pretty clear by the people at the building.
    In 1923, he attempted to seize governmental power in a failed coup in Munich and was imprisoned with a sentence of five years
    We've, as a society, continuously and constantly accepted this behavior from major officials and our own government.  We should not be surprised at the consequences of ignoring it.
    I'm well for fair play.
    I'm not for pretending there are no limits to fair play.  (edited my last rant out)
  13. Like
    Chris Goodwin reacted to TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    People are emotional driven.
    But it's false equivalency from a pragmatic perspective.
    If the BLM riots and protests were about something like overthrowing our government to install a dictator, I might agree with you about equivalency.
    If the BLM riots and protests grew worse, they'd do further damage to buildings. (edit: and yes, there would be more casualties)
    If the Capitol Hill riot grew worse, much of Congress would be slaughtered and we wouldn't be in a democracy any more.
    If you don't believe me, watch the "KILL THE TRAITORS" chant as they enter the building.
    The comparison is the same as playing with a grenade a few times (when the bigwig leftist media is ever purely on the side of BLM, which was incredibly rare except for that one event) versus playing with a nuclear bomb (which the bigwig rightwing media pushes for, frequently)
    One of those will hurt those around you.  One of those will collapse the nation.
  14. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from aylwin13 in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Not until there have been meaningful consequences for the conspirators and the rioters.  
    They don't get to try to overthrow the government and then fall back on weak cries of "but unity!"  They wanted unity, they should have supported and defended the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, like they put up their right hands and swore to, not join those enemies.  
    No unity with traitors.
  15. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin reacted to unclevlad in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Second Iraq War, perhaps, but the Afghan War was forced on him by 9/11...as was much of the Patriot Act.  Even the 2nd Iraq War had *some* justification.  I didn't like Jr, don't get me wrong, but....
    Trump incited a movement that has a strong chance to turn into a full-on domestic terrorism movement.  He targeted the core principles of democracy throughout.  His irresponsible dismissal of the coronavirus from the start has probably cost a good 100,000 lives.  The aftermath of his actions will extend DECADES...admittedly, in part because the roots have been there, but he's responsible for feeding, watering, and transplanting all the noxious weeds to make sure they flourish.
    Trump is not merely the worst President;  he will go down as one of the worst freely chosen leaders ever.  He's not #1;  that's Hitler, hopefully forever;  that is, of course, Hitler.  For US Presidents, IMO he adjusted the scale, the gap between him and anyone else is that big.
  16. Like
    Chris Goodwin reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Yesterday, All Things Considered talked to an actual Capitol Police officer and asked why there was not more attempt to arrest the Capitol invaders. The officer replied that their first duty is to protect the members of Congress. So, they tried to get the people who threatened Congress out of the Capotol as quickly as possible. Trying to make arrests would have been slower, and increased the danger.
    Okay, that's fair. And given that so many of the people involved left social media trails a mile wide, possibly not a serious impediment to eventual arrest and prosecution.
    Dean Shomshak
  17. Like
    Chris Goodwin reacted to SCUBA Hero in Western Hero 6th edition   
    I'd use Presence vs. Ego for this.  Presence is intimidating the other party; Ego is keeping your cool and not drawing first.
  18. Like
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I was specifically calling out federal elected officials, including POTUS, but also people like the Air Force veteran who died when she was shot, storming the Capitol as well as other veteran and active duty personnel.  I am also an Air Force veteran, and that made me sick.
  19. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Not until there have been meaningful consequences for the conspirators and the rioters.  
    They don't get to try to overthrow the government and then fall back on weak cries of "but unity!"  They wanted unity, they should have supported and defended the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, like they put up their right hands and swore to, not join those enemies.  
    No unity with traitors.
  20. Like
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Anti-Trump conservatives need to be more bold in their criticism, and have needed to for the past four years.  
    For that matter, so do Democrats.  Passive aggressive, Twitter-sniping, media-litigating "resistance" hasn't done anything but given Trump more attention and allowed him to cast himself as the persecuted victim.
  21. Like
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Twilight in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I was specifically calling out federal elected officials, including POTUS, but also people like the Air Force veteran who died when she was shot, storming the Capitol as well as other veteran and active duty personnel.  I am also an Air Force veteran, and that made me sick.
  22. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I was specifically calling out federal elected officials, including POTUS, but also people like the Air Force veteran who died when she was shot, storming the Capitol as well as other veteran and active duty personnel.  I am also an Air Force veteran, and that made me sick.
  23. Thanks
  24. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Not until there have been meaningful consequences for the conspirators and the rioters.  
    They don't get to try to overthrow the government and then fall back on weak cries of "but unity!"  They wanted unity, they should have supported and defended the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, like they put up their right hands and swore to, not join those enemies.  
    No unity with traitors.
  25. Thanks
    Chris Goodwin got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    That certainly is a strongly worded press release.  
    From where I sit, it was a number of "nice" Republicans who managed to siphon off Democratic energy, activism, and dollars, to help "nice" Republicans win a number of down-ballot races   Including switching several state legislatures from Democratic to Republican.  In a census year.  When congressional redistricting is done.  By state legislatures.  
    How many Lincoln Project supported candidates won in Congress?  How many Lincoln Project supported candidates were part of the 100+ Congressional Republicans who attempted to overturn the will of the voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania?  I'm honestly curious.
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