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Black Omega

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Everything posted by Black Omega

  1. Re: Dr. Hannibal Lector (Preliminary write up) I'm done with background, powers, ect. Now comes the fun part. Editing it into something usable. I expect to be done this weekend. So I'll possibly post it after watching Hannibal Rising.
  2. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series I'm up to ep 19 of Black Lagoon. Very interesting stuff. The first season was more about the team with Rock trying to fit in and gradually become much more about Rock and Revy. In the second season it's more about Revy, though Rock is having his moments as well. At times the other members of the time fade far into the background. I think Eda has more screen time then Dutch or Benny in season 2. Hansel and Gretel were truly creepy. Once you start finding out about them, it stays creepy but very sad as well. As Hannibal Lecter might say, they were not born killers. Roanapra sounds like a fun place. I definitely have to find a way to use it in my game sometime.
  3. Re: Dr. Hannibal Lector (Preliminary write up) Random thought. How did I leave out positive reputation with serial killers and people who idolize them?? That's so clearly represented in Red Dragon. Detecting Psychers/Socials will be added, you are right. As indicated above at the very least he needs a positive rep with freaks. and clearly in Hannibal when he's interrogating the detective he's using his hideous reputation to frighten Pazzi. Ir's unlikely he ever intended to eat the man's wife. This is pretty much why I gave him criminology and forensics. Optional powers and campaign use will cover this. But yes, villains tend to die when they run into PCs. And Hannibal is not great in a straight up fight. Though if you want a Lecter with more muscle, Riddick from Pitch Black would work. It's basically Vin Diesel doing Hannibal Lecter except he's more bad ass and less refined. But the same calmness, the same sharp senses and mind games. Hmm..so adding Mind control as well. I'll start refining the sheet.
  4. Re: Dr. Hannibal Lector (Preliminary write up) I tried to keep his physical stats reasonable. He's not a killing machine, he's someone who takes people out by ambush and surprise. The books describe him as having a wiry strength out of place for his age. During the attack on the nurse it took several orderlies to pull him off. Presumably he was pushing at this time. He's also shown beating policemen with his bare hands, though the initial attack probably stunned the officer, and the cell door might have given a bonus on that attack. I considered the speed questionable as well, but speed is not just physical speed. It's how fast someone thinks and acts. Assuming the officers in Silence of the Lambs were 3 speed, Hannibal was clearly a 4. It's also tempting to add a Change Environment scary aura against ego, DCV and Dex based on that same battle, but that might be overboard.
  5. Re: Dr. Hannibal Lector (Preliminary write up) The Observation power is almost straight from Dark Champions. Invisbility would not prevent someone from knowing there mind was being read, anymore than somoene would not notice they were getting hit by an energy blast. Though it would mean other people with awareness would not see it in action. For games with real psychic abilties, it's worth adding. I can add a skill roll, probably linking it to Psychology.
  6. Feel free to look it over and see if I've missed anything. The character is an amalgam of the movies and books, mostly using the books to fill in the blanks left by the movies. I'll post the full write up with background and other notes once this is debugged. Comments welcome. Murray: Is it true what they're sayin', he's some kinda vampire? Clarice Starling: They don't have a name for what he is. Dr. Hannibal Lecter (AKA Hannibal the Cannibal) Str: 15 - 5 Dex: 15 - 15 Con: 13 - 6 Body: 15 - 10 Int: 23 - 13 Ego: 20 - 20 Pre: 25 - 15 Com: 12 - 1 PD: 5 - 2 ED: 3 - 0 Spd: 4 - 15 Rec: 6 - 0 End: 26 - 0 Stun: 30 - 0 Powers/Talents: Hannibal Lecter: You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? Acute Observation: 8d6 Telepathy, 0 end (+1/2), Concentration (0 DCV –1), Does not provide mental awareness (-1/4), Extra Time 1 Minute (-1), Can only tell surface thoughts and general facts (-1/4), Must Observe subject during activation (-1/2), Limited Range 5” (-1/2), Plus +6d6 Telepathy, 0 End (+1/2), Same other limitations as above plus Only To achieve Target Cannot Detect Telepathy modifier (-1/2) 23 pts total. Deadly Blow: +1d6 HKA (OIF: Blades of opportunity -1/2, Only v. targets with known physiology –1/2) 7 pts. Eidetic Memory: 5pts. Light Sleep 16- 3pts. Resistance: +10 10pts. Smell/Hearing: Discriminatory 10pts. Terrifying Presence: +15 to Presence, only to intimidate and inspire fear (-1). 7pts. Lloyd Bowman: What about sweating Lecter? Will Graham: We tried sodium amatol on him three years ago to find where he buried a Princeton student; he gave us a recipe for dip. Unbreakable Will: Mental Defense (19pts) Only v. Mind-Affecting Drugs (-1) 7pts. WF: Blades 1pt. +3 with Bladed Weapons 9pts. +4 to hit locations w/ Bladed weapons 6pts. +2 to All Perception Rolls 6pts. Perks: Deep Cover (Dr. Fell, or current identity) 2pt. Reputation 14-, Med. Group (Medical Community), Brilliant Psychiatrist. 2pts. Wealth: Well Off 5pts. (Maybe more) Skills: 3 Acting 14- 3 Concealment 14- 3 Conversation 14- 3 Criminology (?) 14- 1 Cryptography 8- 3 Deduction 14- 1 Demolitions 8- 3 Forensics (?) 14- 3 High Society 14- 3 Interrogation 14- 3 Lock Picking 12- 3 Oratory 14- 3 Persuasion 14- 3 Seduction 14- 9 Shadowing 15- 3 Sleight of Hand 12- 11 Stealth 16- 3 Streetwise 14- 1 AK: Baltimore 11- 1 AK: Paris 11- 1 AK: Florence 11- 2 KS: Classic Art and Literature 14- 2 KS: Cuisine 14- 2 KS: Connoisseur 14- 4 KS: Criminal Psychology 16- 2 KS: Scents 14- 2 KS: Philosophy 14- - LS: Lithuanian (native) 3 LS: Italian (Idiomatic) 2 LS: German (Fluent) 1 LS: Russian (Fluent) 1 LS: Polish (Fluent) 3 LS: French (Idiomatic) 3 LS: English (Idiomatic) 2 LS: Spanish (Fluent) 2 LS: Japanese (Conversational) 2 PS: Artist 14- 2 PS: Psychiatrist 14- 2 PS: Chef 14- 2 SS: Criminology 14- 4 SS: Psychology 16- 2 SS: Medicine 14- 2 SS: Pharmacology 14- Skill Enhancers: 3 Linguist 3 Scholar 3 Scientist 3 Traveller Skills with a ? I’m not sure about. Forensics I think makes sense with his medical and criminal knowledge. “There, see this stab wound? This is very precise. I killed a man in Paris once with a wound very much like this. The blade scraped the rib ever so slightly. There is a saying in Japan that sometimes a very minor flaw can be used to call attention to the perfection of the rest of a whole. I don’t think the Paris coroner understood it, though.” His knowledge of Criminology would mostly be for cleaning up crime scenes. He seems to have left very little physical evidence at crime scenes. Hannibal Lecter: Mason Verger doesn't want to kill me any more than I want to kill him. He just wants to see me suffer in some unimaginable way. He is rather twisted, you know. Disadvantages: Reputation: Hannibal the Cannibal (14-) Extreme Reaction, 20pts. Hunted: Police, AsPow, Harshly Punish, 11-, NCI, 20pts. Hunted: Past Victims, AsPow, Harshly Torture/Kill, NCI 15pts. (?) Psych: Casual killer. 15pts. Psych: Despises rude, bullying, and corrupt people. 15pts. Psych: Intellectual Arrogance 10pts. Phys: Age 40+ 5pts. Phys: Criminally Insane 10pts. Dist Features: Evil Aura: Not Concealable, Causes Extreme Reaction, Only Detectable by people with special senses. Psychic sensitive, aura readers, ect. 15pts. Most of these should be pretty obvious. Lecter’s insanity means he has a few things he can’t make an ego roll to resist. Playing mind games, for example. He likes to get into the minds of people. Find out what makes them tick. Hannibal would not have been caught if he could have resisted the temptation to work with Will Graham in trying to catch himself. He would have had a better chance of escaping from the asylum sooner if he had not attacked the nurse. I’ll get into the mind of Lecter more in the full write up. Addition: And of course I mistyped the name in the subject line. Doh!
  7. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series Hm, is the Black Lagoon manga available in stores? I tried checking out online stores without much luck. Nice to see the first vol of the anime getting a release date.
  8. Re: Hannibal Lechter LOL. Ok, that would be worth a shiver. I've never heard that before. I plan to post the prelim write up tommorrow. Alot of it is deciding how much detail to go into with skills, his fighting ability is fairly specific and limited.
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I loved these books right up to the end, when it seemed like he got writers block, panicked and the whole thing fell apart. Aside from the ending it was great fun.
  10. Re: Hannibal Lechter I did a search but I'm not finding much. Might be worth taking a crack at. Though he'd be tricky. Basically normal physical ability, but fairly tough. Seems to have that maniacal strength thing going at times. Excellent with blade weapons but doesn't use guns. Excellent with stealth and ambush ability. People tend to underestimate him. Almost superhuman sense of smell and maybe other perceptions. Some knowledge of improvised explosives. Brilliant perception, medical and psychological knowledge. He's evidently still publishing scholarly papers while he was still in the asylum. Holmesian ability to tell things about people based on a minute of observation. Exceptional resistence and willpower. I'd give him a killing attack buff to his use of edged weapons to simulate the way he uses his medical knowledge in killing people. He has basic breaking and entering skills. I'll play around with a real write up after work. I just finished Hannibal Rising recently and want to check that again.
  11. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series And here I am just downloading the first 12 now. It's tough playing catch up.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A couple from last night's session. Two of the group are sent into a trap and completely mindcontrolled/mental illusioned. the rest of the group showed up. The two of us rush up to attack them (seeing them as bad guys) and I'm waiting for a "What are you doing, it's us, snap out of it." What we get is our huge brick saying "I'll take care of these two, the rest of you take our target." Later in the battle various bystanders in the battle drop their illusions, so the 1 bad guy turns out to be sextuplets (well, duplication) and out computer wiz says "I think these guys may be connected."
  13. Re: We've Got the Missiles peace to determine... "Once all the Germans were warlike and mean, but that couldn't happen again. We taught them a lesson in 1918, and they've hardly bothered us since then."
  14. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series Time to catch up on my anime and Black Lagoon is at the top of the list. I can watch Blood Trinity while trying to find these eps.
  15. Re: Supervillain Monologues I've always found I have fun with monologues when I have a clear idea in mind what they are trying to do. A few monologues, like Lt. Van Winkle explaining to the group was New Orleans was being destroyed, I partially scripted. Other's like Max waxing eloquent about the benefits of weaponizing the supernatural, were simply off the cuff based on the character's ideas. Pro wrestler Mick Foley wrote in his book that he tries to avoid memorizing a monologue word for word, he just created a few phrases to use and got it clear in his mind what he was trying to accomplish.
  16. Re: Life Support: Longevity? Fu Manchu would definitely fit. As would Tarzen, really. My current character is an artificially intelligence, semi-autonomous, limited nano-function mecha construct. No aging at all.
  17. Re: Length of Background/Origin For the Runaways game I'm currently in the GM started by asking for a background for the kids parents. That went 5 pages. The actual background of the PC was only a page and a half. But how much can you have happen in the life of a 15 year old.
  18. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! I had alot of fun with: Psych: Overconfidence in Teammates The character was a young hero joining a famous supers team. She was very (over)confident they were the best and could handle anything.
  19. Re: Ultimate Scrapper? And that's not even counting all the threads I've seen on it elsewhere.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The PC's are taping a mind control induced confession from a bad guy they captured. Bad Guy: And then the sniper will shoot one of the lycanthropes, triggering a berzerk rage that will kill the bystanders. PC: Man, if that happens we'll be screwed! Wait, turn the tape off! That can be edited out, right?
  21. I was working on a character for a new game recently and while reading over my books I realized in the books I'm finding almost no archtypes for a set of powers like Wolverine has. Basically a tank, someone who stands there and takes a ton of damage in a fight but isn't a brick. Can do a good amount of damage but not bring buildings down on people. The character type is so popular, I'm surprised it's not mentioned more in the books.
  22. Don't have my new revised rulebook yet, so I'm just wondering. In the revised rules is Drain still an open ended power that can drain without any limits? Or does it have a maximum in the new rules like most adjustment powers? Thanks.
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