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Posts posted by BNakagawa

  1. Is your turn mod based on inches moved or inches expended? IOW, if you are moving vertically, is your turn mod based on how many inches your character moves or how many inches of flight your character has expended, given that it will be different based on if they are moving upwards or downwards (while in a gravity well)

  2. As long as the theme is open ended enough to encompass all needed roles, you should be fine. Mutants or Mystic themed characters can be nearly any type of character, so you could still have a balanced mix of types.

  3. I was so far back in the line that I didn't get a visit by Wonder Woman with flyers. I did get to talk to JD Ward, the guy who drew the Fineous Fingers strip in Dragon Magazine though. It boggled me that someone like him was stuck in line like a nobody like me, but the registration process for that con was awful.

  4. 4 hours ago, unclevlad said:


    Ok, I see those...but again, look at the differences between home and road.  And what bugs me is the brutally low batting average on the road...with the 80 point gap.  That looks like the batters are being tentative to me, on the road.

    They're probably just being intimidated by seeing what breaking balls are supposed to look like.

  5. 4 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    What I don't get is *why* the Rocks are so utterly, disastrously AWFUL on the road.


    Ohh.  I see.


    Rockies' slash lines: (BA / OBP / Slug / OPS) 

    home:  .280 / .339 / .471 / .810  (#3 in OPS in MLB, which is what I swapped to for sorting)

    road:  .196 / .270 / .296 / .566  (dead last in OPS)


    Stats are from MLB.com;  they let you split team stats in many different ways, including home or away only.  This extreme difference is crazy.  My first take is, on the road they're simply not aggressive enough.  On base percentage 70 points higher than batting average?  That's pretty weird these days.  The slugging percentage...ok, to a point that's tied t the batting average, but still, 175 points lower is crazy.  Not only are they barely getting hits, they're heavily weighted to singles.


    So...well, hey, I get the complaint that they're burning down their own houses in these moves, but how much do they have that's worth keeping?  How much of this is a terrible front office, how much a poor coaching staff that can't break these *extreme* home/road discrepancies?  

    the Dodgers have an OBP nearly 100 points higher than their BA. Giants are over 80 points higher. Some teams just don't chase bad pitches.

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