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Everything posted by Gadodel

  1. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 11: Lincoln approached the 'visitor' that sat upon the throne and was about to say something, when he was interrupted. Scottsbluff reported that the alarm to the RV was going off and Niobrara reported numerous infantry were making their way over the outer wall. The 'visitor' simply sat there..... Lincoln: Check every side, see if there is a way out of here. The Team scrambled around the Great Hall and everyone reported the bleak news: The Team was surrounded. Lincoln: Can you get us out of here? Lincoln asked the 'visitor' The Visitor: You've three choices: First, I can simply leave you here and await what fate has in store for you. Second, in exchange for safe passage; you will embark upon a quest of my choosing. Third, you can hand over the bracelets and face whatever consequences that await you, your people and your land. Hastings: Blue, no green! The Visitor looked at Hastings with a confused look. Lincoln's serious visage nearly broke with a smile. Niobrara warned that the attacking infantry was starting to scale the next wall. However, Hastings' remark gave Lincoln just a bit more time to think about the options. Omaha: Who are you? Ainsworth: What are the bracelets for? Scottsbluff: Lincoln, can I open up on the attackers with my minigun? Niobrara: I'm ready to fire too... Chadron: And I!!! Lincoln: Damn! Votes? To a man, the Team voted for Option 2. Option 1 seemed foolhardy since they were outnumbered and not in a position of dominance or surprise. Option 3 implied something worse was to follow, plus everyone wanted to know what the bracelets meant. They had to keep them for the time being...
  2. Re: Pretty Sailor Bulldozer Excellent! Have some Rep!
  3. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans In context, the Castle didn't belong in Nebraska. It might well as been in any other country that was once dotted with such structures. Platte got on the internet to try match the Castle in Nebraska with any other style found in history. In the end of the search, the Team concluded that the Castle had a style akin to 14th century England. Though, no one was for sure. The Team carefully approached the drawbridge, which was already down. Three at the foot of the bridge and three on either side. Lincoln, Niobrara and Omaha crossed first. Then, Ainsworth, Platte and Scottsbluff. Followed by Chadron, Dodge and Hastings. The drawbridge rose and the gate dropped-seemingly on their own once the Team was inside. Only cobwebs and eerie noises greeted the Team. Noises of calls, shuffling and in one case-laughter echoed through the courtyard and bounced off of the walls. Yet, no one was to be seen. The noises appeared to simply come out of abandoned places and dark windows. There was no sign of life, except for the weeds; which were knee high. The Team made its way up a large stairway that presumably led to the Great Hall. The doors to the Great Hall had been battered down, long ago; but there wasn't anything left of the alleged battle. The Team entered the Great Hall and spread out in their previous groups of threes. The Great Hall was littered with old chairs, tables and tapestries. Though, one thing stood out; plain as day. It was a white marble chair. Throne really. Like something one would find in an ancient Greek court or temple. At least, that's what Platte found on the internet. It was highly polished and for a moment...empty. In the blink of an eye, the throne suddenly had an occupant....
  4. Re: FREELancer organization campaign roster Well done!
  5. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans The Team drove past Lake McConaughy, up Highway 61 towards Arthur, Nebraska. This part of Nebraska was flat, but scenic. The Ogallala Aquifer has created many creeks, lakes, ponds and rivers. These in turn created many lush green lines that have interrupted the rolling brown sandhills in many different places. Arthur was a quiet little town of about 300 people. In a blink of an eye, one might drive right through it! The Team did not have to look for clues for very long. It stood out and was in plain view. An enormous juxtoposition to say the least. Exactly why the castle had never been discussed in either gossip or history was a mystery. Exactly who built the castle and why, was as well. Platte: I'm rereading what has been written about the castle...and well, it appears that even the Brotherhood thought that it wasn't actually a place, but rather a codename for a person or a safehouse. Lincoln: Did they ever look for it? I mean, we found it on our first trip!? Platte: There were many expeditions and the area has been thoroughly explored time and again. They have been puzzled by this since 1864. Chadron: How is it that we can see the castle, but no one else can or was not able to in the past? Hastings: Apparently the same laws that govern a Fairy Tale, are governing this situation as well. Pixie Dust! You know? Scottsbluff: Father Murphy said none of that applied to this story! Hastings: That joke went so far over your head it's a danger to the space station. Omaha: and UFOs!!! Lincoln: Hold off on the jokes for now. Let's figure out what we do know. So, how did the Brotherhood learn about the 'castle' in the first place, if has never been associated with them? Platte: In 1864, a member of the Barrabas Guild was captured and questioned. That member said that he was trying to find the Castle Estate. Which was located somewhere 'two days ride northeast of Lake McConaughy'. Lincoln: OKaay...so, The Brotherhood essentially wants us to find what they can't and maybe deal with what they can't? Why? Dodge: The map that was etched in the gold bars didn't lead this location, it lead to an area southwest of Lake McConaughy. Ainsworth: The misinformation trail so far hasn't stumped us. I am guessing that someone in the Brotherhood isn't whom they claim to be. I'm guessing that the even the Barrabas Guild member waaay back in 1864 was lied to. Niobrara: So, whoever is behind this; wanted people that not only were not interested in gold, but also could do what we do...fight? Lincoln: Sounds like we just need to go the castle and find out for ourselves. Whomever is behind all of this essentially doesn't want either side to find it..... This segment required rolls if the players couldn't remember what I had told them their characters had learned thus far. Only a couple of players bothered to mention that their characters studied the map closely. The computer was easier to work through because 'Platte' would ask what something was, cram a little and move on. 'Platte' was more interested in anything related to politics or technology...
  6. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 10: The Team studied the contents of the computer and pondered the utility of the bracelets. The former was simple to decipher, the latter was not. The Nebraskans found themselves in the middle of something old and terrible. Dodge: So, on side we have the Brotherhood of Joseph and the other the Barrabas Guild? Platte: Correct. Niobrara: Help me out here: so who are the 'good guys' and who are the 'bad guys'? I like my targets to be as simple as possible. Hastings: The Barrabas Guild appears to be the bad guys, they are lawyers after all. Chadron: Cliche'! Getting desperate? Niobrara: Criminal defense attorneys with lots of shading contacts and dealings, ok got my targets. Hastings: Now, that's cliche! Wasn't there a movie out like that, Al Pacino...Tom Cruise...several different movies. Platte: Sounds like the Brotherhood are interested in technology whereas the Guild are interested in drugs. Dodge: Both of which, society has a demand for. Ainsworth: There's gotta be a lot more than that to each organization, I just don't see it being that simple. Scottsbluff: So what do we do about it? Lincoln: We investigate it further and make sure that Nebraska doesn't become a quiet little battleground...again. In the meantime, let's head up to Arthur and find out exactly what or who the 'Castle' is that the file constantly mentioned.
  7. Re: Shadowcats Vault of Insanity: Adult Red Dragon
  8. Re: Shadowcats Vault of Insanity: Adult Red Dragon Maybe I missed it, but what does it do to accomplish the age old dragon ability to generate fear? PRE attack or something else?
  9. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Platte: 100 years? The Monk: (smiling) Less time if the world cooperated 100%. Moments later, the craft landed. The Team and their vehicle were placed on a road just outside of Father Murphy's safehouse. Father Murphy and The Monk had a conversation while the Team waited. After, Father Murphy joined the Team. Lincoln: They may have their gold back. Father Murphy: (smiling) I knew you would say that. In return, they offer each of you a gift. Father Murphy handed each Team member a bracelet. The bracelet was a simple copper with engravings etched on both the inside and outside of the loop. The engravings seemed to be a language, akin to what was observed on the gold bars; but no one knew how to interpret it. Platte: Interesting. Father Murphy: I'm told that you will know what to do with them, eventually; when the time is right. Hastings: Why so cryptic? Father Murphy: It is what the Brotherhood of Joseph wants. Father Murphy gave Lincoln a laptop. Father Murphy: Study the contents of this computer, then destroy it. I must go. I'll be in touch. The Team watched as Father Murphy and the Monk returned to the aircraft. The aircraft left at a rate of speed that left even Scottsbluff in awe. The Team proceeded back to the main headquarters of the Nebraskans.
  10. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 9: The Team was already on Highway 2 headed northwest when Father Murphy got the text message. 'Procede to Antioch and we shall meet there-The Brotherhood'. It was an interesting, though not entirely surprising lead. Father Murphy: Is Antioch even a town anymore? Omaha: The railroad probably doesn't need a stop a there anymore, so I doubt it. Platte: Hell, I can't even bring it up on a map. Zooming in leads to an empty space Hastings: An empty space? In Nebraska? No way?! Niobrara: Are we there yet? Scottsbluff: Two hours out. Lincoln: Why doesn't everyone eat and try to get a nap in. Obviously, except Scottsbluff. Hastings: You've just robbed me of a chance to make a witty remark! Dodge: I wonder if I'll dream of gold again...? The Team got some rest. Antioch was a few abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere. Scottsbluff parked the RV and the Team waited. Platte: We've got company. He literally just appeared... The Team saw a man outfitted like a monk standing on the old dirt road that went north. The Monk: Please, leave all your weapons and your vehicle and follow me. No harm shall come to you. Lincoln: All of us? The Monk: Yes. The Team, though reluctant; saw no reason not to follow the Monk. The Monk led them up the road and over a small hill. Lincoln: Dear Lord! What the hell is that??? The Team spotted an aircraft of some sort. It was disc shaped and silver. Perfectly round and had no visible doors or windows. It was atleast 300 feet across and about 50 feet thick at its center. Hastings: A UFO, I'm guessing. The Team burst out in nervous laughter.... The Monk: The Brotherhood of Joseph is atleast 100 years ahead of the rest of the world because we've always used our wealth wisely. At this point, the Team saw their RV being driven up and towards the craft. The Monk: Don't worry. You'll be taken too. The Team followed the monk into the aircraft, not really believing the whole situation at hand was happening; yet not overly worried about how they would come out of it.
  11. Re: Begining of an idea Someone places a statue of a rival god in the center of the village. Fear, suspicion etc might keep them from acting right away. Some might want to flee. Others might want to wait for a priest to come to their aid. And so on.
  12. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! AFT!!! Another fine thread!
  13. Re: Se7en Write-ups Very well done!!!
  14. Re: Help with Game Stats for a Big Gun? Surbrook has a write up of the A-10 on his site in the Vehicles section.
  15. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 8: The Brotherhood of Joseph treasure in Nebraska? Lincoln: Father Murphy, we need to decide what we're going to do with the gold. Since we're 'Court' or government-technically and you're 'Temple' or religion-technically, neither of us should have or claim it. Father Murphy: True. And I am only a researcher. I'd have no idea whom to turn it over to, but I can find out. It will take some digging. Omaha: And this is something we don't want to publicize anymore than it already is. Niobrara: That vapor cloud will be hard for the Feds to explain. Lincoln: I need to alert command and let them know we're going into hiding for a time. Chadron: My park is quite nice this time of year! Platte: Sir, I am picking up on the radio that the vapor cloud is being described as a gas that had leaked from an overturned railroad car. Command has also sent out a ton of custodians to start cleaning up the mess we've left behind. Lincoln: Still, command will want to know what is going on. Omaha: I'll start working on a story.
  16. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 7: The Faceoff: The big, hopping object attracted the gunship crew, they left to investigate. As expected, all hell broke loose. The base was taking fire from all sides. Someone went through a lot of trouble to bring a fair amount of firepower into the middle of the United States. That took a lot of planning, skill and wealth. A lot!!! Platte: I am focusing the drone's minigun on the transports. Chadron: I've got plenty of mortar shells ready to go. Ainsworth: Platte, let me know which side I should start snapping claymores towards. Niobrara: Finally, I get to test my new rifle out. Lincoln: You other four, go load up the RV with the cargo and gear. Get ready for a fast paced pull out if our outer defenses collapse. Platte: Chadron, fire away and Ainsworth-start north and go clockwise NOW!!! Lincoln: Platte, what's going on with the gunship and big, hopping thing? Platte: Neither are on radar anymore!!! Niobrara: Everyone throw on a gasmask, there's a huge vapor of something coming our way! Lincoln: Dear Lord! If the Feds weren't already on their way, they will be soon. Hastings: Niobrara, can you estimate the size of the vapor cloud? Niobrara: A country mile wide and about a football field high. Hastings: OK, it might be a good idea to warn the neighboring police departments and get everyone indoors...just to be safe. Lincoln: Platte, forget about the visiting vehicles and get on that. Scottsbluff: I'm already working on it, Platte; keep those vehicles busy! Lincoln: Good. Niobrara: If we're going to boogie out here, we'd better do it soon; I don't see any reinforcements on the horizon-but that could change. Lincoln: Everyone to the RV! Vehicles from the base began scattering in every direction. Base personnel knew the protocol of covering an escape while getting themselves out in one piece. The attackers were in retreat-for now, so that helped. Scottsbluff headed south down the winding country road while Platte used a drone to give the Team air cover. Part 6 & 7 required a lot of dice rolls and private notes to individual players. These posts might not capture the excitement that was running through the group at that time. Plus, I got a pretty hefty amount of exercise running back and forth GMing the whole thing.
  17. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 6: The Standoff..... Platte: Sir, I am monitoring several incoming on foot and vehicle. Atleast 100 on foot and 10 vehicles. Lincoln: Uninvited visitors. Niobrara: About time. Platte: Sir, there is one at the gate. He's holding a sign: 'Let's make a deal!' Lincoln: Really? Platte: Sir, you're not going to believe this; but there is a gunship overhead. It's got all of our visitors lit up and ready to be fired upon. Lincoln: Who are they? Platte: Unknown. They have not tried to contact us or them. Lincoln: Let's see what our visitors do. Niobrara: Who is trying to spoil our fun? Hastings: Or who is trying to muscle in on our visitors? Chadron: You want me to prepare something for them? Lincoln: Be ready to light them up, but don't show what move we could make-not yet. Platte: The plane has absolutely no distinguishing or identifiable markings. Hastings: An unidentified flying object!!! The tense moment was broken up by laughter. Platte: Both the plane and the other visitors are all holding their positions. Lincoln: Anything else? Platte: Something big, really big is coming right at us. It's...it's hopping, sir? Lincoln: What? Platte: It is as if the object is moving towards us but leaping through the air from position to position. Lincoln: Now what?
  18. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 5: Father Murphy's story: All I know: All of you know about Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph was mentioned briefly in the Gospels and was given Jesus' body for burial. However, his true role had nothing to do with the Gospels or religion, for that matter. Joseph was not only a member of the Sanhedrin, but also a personal councilor to Jesus. In effect, Jesus' lawyer. I've been given tribute by Chieftan, General and Noble alike. An uncounted sum of wealth. That wealth was acquired through corruption, greed and war. It has no place in my heart. Too, it has no place in Court or Temple. Use it, quietly; for the common good and let no one dictate to you that end, from hereon. Joseph became a philantropist. Not a fairy tale. Not a legend. Not a worker of miracles. A philantropist. Joseph enlisted only the very trustworthy to aid him and for centuries his followers worked as they were instructed. The Crusades interupted their mission. The Brotherhood of Joseph divided up the wealth and hid it away for safe keeping. The Knights Templars were hired to move only a fraction of it and were paid enough to bankroll whatever endeavor they pursued. They were the ones who added the fairy tales and legends, if only to impose some sort of mystique around themselves. We know their fate, as a result. Don't follow their trail! The Brotherhood of Joseph regrouped and decided that the wealth was not safe in Africa, Asia or Europe. It was moved to the 'New World' over the course of the 1500's. The map you put together is but only one of three locations where the vast wealth has been stored for nearly 500 centuries. The wealth has been expanded and added to many times over in the last 2,000 years; yet used wisely for as long. However, someone discovered what I just told you and made an attempt to go after the wealth. Like the Knights Templar, they were stopped...for now. Now, we must ascertain who they are and where they are. Lincoln: Apparently 30 pieces of silver still goes a long way. Omaha: Someone clearly failed to continue the tradition of trustworthiness and sold off the secret. Hastings: How many people know about The Brotherhood of Joseph, including us? Father Murphy: I do not know. Maybe as few as 100.
  19. Re: Bag of Holding Of course you've nailed it out of the park. Nice build.
  20. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 4: The Holy Grail? In Nebraska? As Father Murphy slept, the Team visited the vault. They had to take a closer look at the gold bars. They talked about what they knew about the Holy Grail. The Crusades and Knights Templars were discussed. King Arthur, The Round Table and even nation building was discussed. Conspiracy Theories, The Roman Catholic Church and Secret Societies were discussed. Platte got on line and brought up all sorts of sites. Books, comics, games and movies seemed to be what the Team talked about the most. All the while, they examined the gold bars just a little more closely. At first glance, they could have been mistaken for scratches or wear and tear. However, the Team quickly realized that under each brick were grooves and lines. The bricks were pieces of jigsaw puzzle. A treasure map hiding in plain sight? The Team spent the next three hours trying to assemble it. Father Murphy was taking more than just a nap-so he was not available to help. In the end, the Team put it together. A map of Nebraska. A place marked with a star. Words written in a language that no one on the Team was able to read. Exactly what this map would lead to was something they figured that they should ask Father Murphy about, when he woke up.
  21. Re: Bag of Holding 'Summon' with the appropriate limiations might water it down to a very cheap option.
  22. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 3: The Team, with Father Murphy; made it back to their safehouse in Grand Island. A lot of caution, but no obstacles or worries. Any tail certainly would have been shaken off a long ways out. Father Murphy made a call on a safe phone. The Team heard his side of the conversation. It was brief and thought provoking: 'The Grail is safe. I am well. The Team wants answers. I can? Peace be with you!' The Team: The Grail? They exclaimed in unison. Father Murphy: Oh, I need rest. I am much too old to be running around like this. I'm not a 26 year old sergeant in the army anymore! I will tell you what I can after a nap.
  23. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 2: Lincoln had Scottsbluff park the vehicle at a innersection in the middle of somewhere. Again, Scottsbluff, Platte and Hastings stayed with the vehicle. The others headed northwest on foot. The Nebraska Sandhills. In August. With a full-moon. There was something peaceful about it, calming; one could let their guard down very easily. The Team didn't fall for charm. They could see the little farmhouse about quarter mile away. No sign of obstacles or worries. The Team spread out. Ainsworth to the left, Chadron to the right, Niobrara with the rest up the middle. Still no obstacles or worries. A dog barking interrupted the stealthy approach. Lincoln: St. Pius! It's me!!! The dog grew silent and rushed to greet Lincoln. Father Murphy: Come in, come in! I've cold beer to share. Lincoln: Come on in Scottsbluff. Scottsbluff: Enroute. Everyone cracked open a beer and waited to hear Father Murphy's story. Those five questions were on everyone's mind. They really wanted to know the answers. Father Murphy: Unfortunately, all I can tell you at this point-until my superiors order me otherwise; is this: you must hold onto the gold until further notice. Take me to it and I must report back to my superiors. I know, I know. A lot of anticipation and excitement. I ask that you continue to be patient...and believe me: ready!
  24. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans Part 1: The Helicopters and SUVS did not follow the Team. There was no counter-attack. This was a source of concern for the Team. There were more questions than answers. Who was missing ten million dollars in gold? Who were the mercernaries working for? Where had the gold come from and where was it headed? Why was Command unable to gather any clues through its sources? Why was Father Murphy not answering his phone? The Team decided to go find Father Murphy. They started off for Spalding, Nebraska that night. Using backroads and short-cuts, the trip would take less than an hour. The Team was prepared for anything. Scottsbluff, Platte and Hastings stayed in the vehicle and kept it moving while the others went to St. Michael's on foot. No obstacles. No worries. St. Michael's was empty, but the Team did find a note: Lincoln, I had to leave abruptly, as you might have guessed. You can find me at the Safehouse #3. I'll be there for three days. I hope you are alive and well and will come see me there. If not, may God's will be done. Father Murphy The Team proceded to Safehouse #3. Again, using backroads and shortcuts. Though, the Team relied upon GPS so that they could go dark-possibly shaking any tails. The trip took only two hours.
  25. Re: [Campaign] The Nebraskans After I let my players read the above transcript, they were asked to sort out among themselves which character they will be playing. Lincoln and the characters not picked will be NPCs for now. The characters were built using 100/100 points in mind, but with 50 points not yet assigned. The players will get to finish the characters to put their own touch on the team. Hopefully, what will follow herein is the Campaign Journal of their exploits....
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