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Everything posted by Gadodel

  1. Re: The Freak Show My first though was Pulp Supers with a Lovecraft vibe going on. In terms of Ravenloft-an awesome setting BTW, the characters might find themselves drawn to communities or dwellings were Freaks try to blend in, hide or simply live. However, some Freaks are friendly both towards their own ilk and towards normal humans; whereas some Freaks are not-akin to the theme in X-Men. Lovecraft themes emerge as cults, self-proclaimed Deities and other elements on the edge of sanity become the 'wild card' antagonists.
  2. Re: [Review] The Ultimate Vehicle When I think of Mechas, I think about Mazinga!
  3. Re: [Review] The Mystic World I bought my copy by accident. I thought it was a Fantasy HERO supplement. This was 2 1/2 years ago when I was just starting out in HERO. Though, I found it to be a very cool read and a useful addition to my small library; even after I realized it was for Champions.
  4. Re: Star Trek: Dominion War Aftermath and effects? Yet, you didn't Kirkify your statement. To wit: I. Disagree. Everything. Was. Better. In. TOS!!!
  5. Re: Campaign Idea: "Weapons Of Fate" First thoughts... Dark, very gritty Robin Hood types. Steal from the greedy, assassinate them if need be; to not only prevent an apocalyptic events...but also stop apocalyptic people. The money taken finances the organization. This could work in Dark Champions, just look at the Harbinger of Justice.
  6. Re: The Game: Consumer Recreation Services (CRS) Well, if they got a job working for such a company; then they are in the business-sorta speak. They are a working professional at minimum and likely a many faceted talent as well-capable of playing many roles. However, they might play the same role over and over again as the company uses them when the need arises.
  7. Re: The Sound of One Hand Clapping When I do it, it sounds like a hummingbird.
  8. Re: The Game: Consumer Recreation Services (CRS) Yeah, that helps out a lot!
  9. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love?
  10. Re: What kind of fantasy campaigns do you love? Ditto. However, the 'weirdness' has to have a bombastic epicness to it. That is to say, the campaign is character driven; but there is a potential that the whole world can be effected by the outcome of the encounters.
  11. Re: The Game: Consumer Recreation Services (CRS) Yes. I figured I would start off with the basics, such as the Actor Package Deal and the SFX Master Package Deal. Either of these could be built in many different ways, though I am looking for something covers all the basics.
  12. The Game was a movie released in 1997 that starred Michael Douglas. It was a psychological thriller that you can learn more about at Wikipedia, if you want. For those of you who have seen it, I am trying to flush out the basic things I need to do something like this. 1. Actor package deal. 2. Special Effects Technician package deal. 3. A system to determine 'random people' that can be used to throw the target of CRS 'off track'. Has anyone ever designed either of these package deals? How about a 'random people' chart? Any help will be appreciated. BTW, I highly recommend that you see this movie as it has a treasure trove of things that would be helpful in a DC campaign. Thanks.
  13. Re: Help with Character - Basilisk Yeah, good suggestion. I hadn't thought about AoE Cone, but I can visualize the effect.
  14. Re: Now you're thinking with Portals Nice! I was using a more complicated build that required linked powers. That's being tossed straight away in favor of this build.
  15. Re: Stumped for Nightmare adventure Ideas Excellent list! I'll add another: being lost. Imagine each of the characters trying to find their way back to one other or just out of maze of some sort. Maybe eat up a half hour of real time.
  16. Re: Stumped for Nightmare adventure Ideas Using EDM, the Spirit has pulled the characters into a demiplane. A series of encounters follows where they are having difficulties at each stage: 1. Missing items. 2. Bad Luck-roll their luck, if they have any and the opposite happens. 3. The party gets separated. 4. Past monsters or villains have returned but in undead form. 5. The feel 'tired': they are being drained of in one or more characteristics. etc. A nightmare at its core is about something frightening or something that the person has no control over. But in this demiplane, they simply can't get away from it. However, offer clues along the way; perhaps subtle reminders that maybe things are really not the way the are perceiving.
  17. Re: Help with Character - Basilisk Excellent on Stone Bite. However, the tail; I'd go with some serious grappling skills. Good at lock ups, sweeps and take downs. Maybe throw a few submission holds in their too.
  18. Re: Wizard of Oz: perhaps a one shot or short campaign. Every sound, every scent of the forest scares him so much that he has been running in circles for years. Then, along came this young girl, her little dog a robot and treeman (et al) and nearly fell over dead from fright...thus the heroes stepped forward to carry him awhile.
  19. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net Even rpg.net has a rule about making remarks about an author. Talk about their work, not the person sort of vibe.
  20. Re: Fringeworthy Hero 'A Gentleman never kisses and tells!' And other sarcastic remarks will surely follow. I suggest the players who come up with any comment that makes the rest of the group laugh earns 1 EXP for the session.
  21. Re: Wizard of Oz: perhaps a one shot or short campaign. A wild man afraid of everything? Now that would be completely unexpected!
  22. Re: A child with Multiform? Yeah, I only started to think more about doing something like this after I saw Tom Hanks in 'Big' again recently.
  23. Re: Are we Ready to Rock? I dunno...are we? Clapton, Hendrix, Page; any are a hard act to follow. Except, for a Duplicator Android. Different look, but can mimic any or because of its high tech computer like mind-it can play any of their chords and riffs in a completely different note pattern.
  24. Re: Fringeworthy Hero I would suggest Seduction, particularily if the characters will be meeting and interacting with new people (or lifeforms, races or societies). Being able to pick up on cultural or personality traits and finds ways to use them to one's advantage is always helpful. IMC, Seduction is used to pick up on the subtle things about a different culture or personality. It differs from KS: Culture in that it covers things like body language and 'gut feelings'.
  25. Concept: 10 year old boy who wishes he could be an 'adult' so that he can solve the world's problems. Idealistic, yes; at such a young age. Before I 'fulfill' the wish, I've got a couple of questions: It will be one form, but what should the max CP value be? Not just any 'adult' can solve the world's problems, it normally takes an exceptional human being to even get a good start. I was thinking around 350 points. Or would that be 'too' exceptional for a Dark Champions campaign? What disadvantages should apply to keep the cost down, since I am talking about a child; who really shouldn't have this power? Extra Time? OIHID perhaps? Thoughts? I am still flushing out the character and multiform is a bit more tricky once I got into trying to figure out the number crunching.
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