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Red Knight

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Everything posted by Red Knight

  1. Being rather bored and looking for a challenge... I sat down and stated out Optimus Primal (from Beast Wars) in Champions. Anybody out there incorporated sentient transforming robots into a Champions campaign???
  2. Re: Fun commercials I like it!!!
  3. Re: Critique and Help... I like the character and the art..... I actually like that fact that the powers are slim and specific and the skills are the driving force behind the character.
  4. Red Knight

    Die Faust

    Re: Die Faust Interesting....... I like the pic.. I am eager to see the stats
  5. Re: Secret Service question 4: at Stargate Command
  6. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign I have recently gotten a new respect for archers, after seeing a show on the art of archery. As a character, I might be tempted to try one. I'm still trying to work past the stretching character... Still don't like them. My favorite characters are Iron Man and Green Lantern. It is really difficult to create a lower level version of either of them... especially Green Lantern. So far I really like the story... PLease keep it coming.
  7. Re: Secret Service question 4: at Stargate Command The previous post from Asperion covers things pretty well... It does raise a question though... Are you planning on running Champions and Star Gate SGC together?? I once gave thought to a galactic team of heros. A super-powered SGC if you will..
  8. Re: Need help with a design OK... Here is what I have so far... The Mask is an ancient cursed item that once put on, cannot be removed until death. The wearer has no control over when the mask activates and what face activates. Each face has its own set of powers. I was toying with the idea of four faces... 1) A metallic copy of the wearer's face. This face would allow the wearer to function normally under his own control. 2) Sinister Face This face is the equivalent of pain and suffering. This mask would grant killing attacks and such (destructive) 3) Smiling Pleasant Face This face is the equivalent of helping and happiness. This mask would grant healing and Aid powers as well as protection (ie Force fields for others) 4) Distorted Animalistic Face This face (a new thought) would be rage and anger personified. When this face is activated the wearer is consumed by inhuman strength and aggression. They go berzerk. Each mask would effectively have it's own personality but would skill retain the skills and knowledge of the wearer. The wearer would be going along for the ride w/o having any control. As far as Uncontrolled Change .... I still have to figure out how often it would change... I'm working on that.
  9. OK... humbly request some assistance in the creation of a character. The basic premise is that the character has a mask setup that consists of three (3) faces. These faces rotate around the head. The three faces are: 1) Sinister Face 2) Happy/ PLeasant face 3) Stoic / Emotionless face If the sinister face stops in front then the character would be violent, destructive and merciless If the Pleasant face stops in front then the character would become kind, comforting and would render aid If the Stoic face stops in front then the character is ruled by pure logic, without emotion... he would analyse the situation and base his actions off of this. My idea is to create a character with three forms (multiform) and then apply, uncontrolled change to each and something for random generation I would make a chart to randomize the change (IE: Roll 1d6: 1-2 Sinister, 3-4 Pleasant, 5-6 Stoic) Any ideas? I admit that I borrowed the idea from Transformers... the Quints..
  10. Re: What's the most outrageous plot your PCs have ever been subjected to I think the most bizarre game I played was one that I ran... involving Foxbat. Foxbat fell in love with one of our characters.. a female magic-user from a parallel dimension. She had black skin (think drow elf) Foxbat starts by faking an attack by Dr. Destroyer so that he can save her. That backfires when the real Dr. Destroyer shows up wanting to see who is using his name. Foxbat then starts a campaign to turn all the roses in the country black... "like his true love".... This of course fails.. so he fell back onto Plan C. He stole and secretly erected giant magnifying glasses all around the city. At noon the glasses rose into position and started to brurn the city. Why?? Foxbat wanted everybody to have a suntan like "his one true love".. remember her skin was black.
  11. Re: Super Names Windshear Wind control Zephyr Embodiment of the four winds Lionheart British Lion-motifed Power Armor Soldier Lady Britania British Superman/Captain America hybrid
  12. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign It's nice when the Secret ID thing can actually get played on. In our campaign, one of the characters is an Earth Elementalist and does not change into a costume or anything. When our group first met him, we didn't know who he was and in fact, we thought he was just some "norm" that liked to hang around supers. When he first started to use his powers, we didn't know who was doing it. Later he confessed who he was.... like I said... It's really nice to actually get to play a Secret ID...
  13. Re: Can Superheroes Be Too Pragmatic? Calling the PC's heroes is a slap in the face to all the actual heroes on the boards. I would start to remind them, with police and government visits that they are supposed to be helping people and NOT finding the next fight. In the game I play in, our Power Armored character ended up spending most of a combat shielding innocents and getting them to safety. I can only guess you PC's woul dhave left them to go fight. The PC's sound like a mercenary group more than a hero team. Personally, I know it sounds cheesy, but why not have UNTIL of the GUARD start following them around on suspicion that they are actually a "villian group". Or have them hassled by bad-press about how they don't care for the victims as much as the fight. You would not be forcing your morality on them as much as providing a valid and realistic response to their actions. * Running over the Questing Beast?? SPCA or PETA might start to picket them. * People being left to be nibbled on by rats? They might call the newspapers or write an editorial. Don't be afraid to make the world around them a little more hostile. In a campaign I was playing in, one of the heroes' Secret ID's was found out and it caused a lot of trouble for us. Problems don't just come in the guise of a supervillian.
  14. Re: Name her! Give her Powers! I'm Lazy! The name Diabilique.... The face looks almost.... Playful and cute.. Powers? Flight Shapeshifting Invisibility I also thought of a back-story. But I see her being around in France during WWII... Working in the French Resistance. She is held up in a church during a air-raid. The bombs blast open a crypt and a Demon is released. She bargains with the demon to give it a body and in exchange, the Demon will give her the power(s) to fight the naughty Nazis. Presto... A half human/half demon....
  15. Re: What are his powers...? OK... You got me... I would not have guessed those powers.. Well maybe I would have, after having posted several hundred replies. :-0 Looks good...
  16. Re: Are there Amazons in the Champions Universe? If you look at Winged Victory from the Astro City series, her powers originate from a necklace that she wears. You could always allow a character to be built using that concept. It would help you in several ways: 1) The Player could have their amazon-esque character 2) You could declare that the necklace is from an ancient race/culture/whatever. This means that they could be a one-shot OR there could be more waiting in the wings 3) You wouldn't have to generate an entire culture (including history, religion, etc etc.) Well... at least that is how I see it.
  17. Re: What makes a good villian?? "1st: Shroud is a great character idea. I wish I was running a game that I could cop it and use for myself *sigh* " *Agent333* Thanks... I intially started with another villian that was the classic ancient evil magician that was out to conquer the earth but the character never really "came to life" just because of what has been mentioned here.... Motivation!! I was running the classic, I'm evil and want to take over the world motivation and he never was able to grow beyond that. That is when I went back and started to develop Shroud.
  18. Re: What makes a good villian?? Right now, I am plotting a character called Shroud, who is a highly intelligent and motivated individual. He uses a custom built suit of armor that gives him a chnace in combat (ala Slade). Motivation wise, I was planning on him trying to take down the US government and the "heros" that represent it b/c he was once a government hero (ala Captain America) during the Cold War, that was left out in the cold when things started to collapse. Somewhere in the depths of a Russian torture camp, he snapped. He was able to escape and made it back to America where the government chose to deny any knowledge of his existance. They didn't want to admit that they were sending supers to spy inside of Russia. (Like they weren't doing it to us). This denial was the final straw. Shroud started to work behind the scenes and plotted his revenge. Shroud wanted to reveal what he called the "Shroud of Lies" that the government used to play "dirty little games" The major point in Shroud's game was that he was willing to do whatever he felt was warranted to "safeguard America". Shroud decided that, given enough "troops", he could correct the problems with the government and so set out to make a private army. The only glitch was the new supers that were attempting to block him. The PC's are going to be introduced to him, when they stop his group from robbing a tech company. Shroud then decides that the new hero team is to be his pet project. His goal is to humiliate and slowly destroy the PC's.. Well.... What do you think?
  19. OK.. here is the question. "What makes a good villian?" In saying villian I am thinking the Arch-Nemesis kind of villian. I have recently started to watch Teen Titans and I have to say I love Slade as a villian. Cold Calculating and extremely evil. Having said that, I was wondering what other people considered the "must have" traits for a villian. Is mega power more important than intelliegence? Is super weapons more important than skills? What say you all??
  20. Re: What are his powers...? OH NO!!!! The return of Vanilla Ice
  21. Re: What are his powers...? I'd have to say that it his powers are prismatically based.... Probably a Kalidascope type of effect. Maybe control of the entire EM spectrum.
  22. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign Yet again... a great posting... I live vicariously through your posts.... Keep'em coming...
  23. Re: Deathstroke When I think of evil villians... and Deathstroke... I think Slade!! Highly skilled, Highly intelligent and Extremely Evil. Makes a GM's heart go pitter patter.... Any character that return from the dead multiple times and never explain themselves, YET people still accept it?? That is a true villian.... Or the product of bad writing. Either way... He's COOL!!!
  24. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign I like the story so far.... I was born in England and so far I don't see any problems. The feel and flavor are good and I'd like to play in this campaign.
  25. Re: PC Origins Defining Your Campaign I ran a Cyberpunk campaign for approx 7 years... Initially, the world started out as a basic skeleton and as the campaign progressed and we did flashback episodes and such, the history got more fleshed out. Persoanlly, I think that if you allow the PC's to generate at least a partof your campaigns history then you intergrate the PC's more fully and make them feel really connected to the world.
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