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Red Knight

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Everything posted by Red Knight

  1. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime? WTF is about right.... When I saw this I was momentarily dumbfounded... I have an issue with blurring the lines between fantasy and reality... or is that reality and fantasy.. I always get them mixed up. The Pope was a great man who died. Can't we just let him rest in peace?? I can't see a comicbook being made about Ronald Reagan in which he had super powers, fighting the Red Menace. (mental note to design russian villian by name of Red Menace) Or how about J.F. Kennedy... with super powers fighting the Cubans. I feel that reality is just that real. I play RPG's to escape reality and enter a world of fantasy. Why would I want to drag reality with me? I use reality-based things in my games... IE: Current Middle Eastern Conflict and the Trade Center tragedy, but as story points not as main characters. I am appalled that such a comic would be written. I can see making a comic about his life as a way to get kids to read it. But to make the Pope a metahuman?
  2. Re: multipower question And then there are Variable Power Pools. Seems to me that the Multipower with Fixed and Multi slots makes the VPP. useless.. The main effect that most use the VPP for is to have multiple powers going at the same time. I started playing Champions in the FIrst Edition days and then moved over to the FUZION version. To be honest, this is the first time I have heard of this design for a Multipower.
  3. Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed I designed a character called Billy Bones (from Treasure Island). A pirate obsessed with booty... so much so that when he died, he cursed his treasure that if it ever went missing he'd come back for it. And he did... Enter, Undead Pirate Captain.
  4. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign First let me say that I love the story so far. It has a definite comic-book feel. Keep up the great work. I do have a question though.... does UNITY stand for anything... is it an acronym?
  5. Re: Most Fortunate Mistake? In my game, there was a time when the government was trying to instigate a Hero Registration Act. On of our characters, (Capt. America homage) gave over his info... a few nights later, he was attacked in his bed. A branch of the CIA was found to be wanting to eliminate the heros so that they could install their own (controllable) heros. Needless to say.... there was a large battle and a goodly section of Langley was leveled.... Ooops
  6. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? I played in a game for a while where there was a character called Gestalt. God(dess)-like psychic powers based on a VPP. The player created a basic human and then dumped all the remaining points into the VPP. The player would throw stones and grab people.... The humorous thing is that she never realized that if she were to max-out the character's TK in the VPP... she could have played tag with an aircraft carrier. She got tired of the character and retired her. It was at this time that we pointed out the level of power.
  7. Re: Ultimate Superheroes Universe Characters I like what you have done so far. It seems like you are really fleshing out the world. That is very important to having a good game. I am currently working on a group for my campaign. The background details the better.
  8. Re: Sweet Mystery Of Life...Your Favret Damsel In Distress Moments... My favorite was a mission in which we ran into a woman called Silvermirror. Her ability was to "reflect" your power back at you. The leader of our group later found out that she was his next-door enighbor he had the hots for. Needless to say the classic... "Oh my god it's you!!!" situation came into play. It was priceless to she the face of the guy as his own energy bolt hit him at the same time that the realization of who she was did.
  9. Re: Origins of Power I tend to go with whatever the players feel they want. mutation can only explain so much... and hi-tech can only cover a few characters. I'm all for a mix. Adds spice to the game
  10. Re: Grovelling Apoligies to Death Tribble and some enquiries Well... If the French are the ones shooting... All I'll have to do it wait and they will eventually throw down their arms and join my side anyway... It is all in fun..
  11. Re: Grovelling Apoligies to Death Tribble and some enquiries JUST KIDDING!!! I actually blame the french
  12. Re: Adventures of The Noble Foundation I'm really impressed by the write-ups so far. You seem to have a really good story line laid down. You have inspired me in new directions with my campaign. I have an Egyptian Undead Mage, and some of these seem like cool ideas to use. I think I will stea..... I mean borrow them. Keep the stories coming.
  13. Re: Grovelling Apoligies to Death Tribble and some enquiries HEY!!! I can't help where I was born... Blame my parents. Or, according to South Park... BLAME CANADA!!!
  14. Hello, A question came up on another thread... Is it possible to create an END Pool that represents WILL?? It is for a Green Lantern character. The idea was to create an END pool for the ring to draw from but have it generated by calculating using WILL. I was also thinking of trying a "Rule of X" thing where no power can be greater than (WILL x ??) Opionins??
  15. Re: Balancing of the Green Lantern Neo Samurai.... Good ideas... I once tried to figure out how to create a power that could represent an END pool that is durectly related to WILL and not the other stats. The only thing I thought of was to create a END Reserve that has a limiter of sorts that makes it calculated off of the WILL stat. Anybody out there that can number-crunch this one to represent this???
  16. Re: Grovelling Apoligies to Death Tribble and some enquiries I don't know if it really counts but I too am British. I was born in Preston Lancashire. I now reside state-side but all my family still lives in the UK.
  17. Re: Balancing of the Green Lantern
  18. Re: Russian Superheroes - Ideas and Comment Needed for 'Russian Dawn' game openings http://members.tripod.com/teiteron/Red%20Guardians/red_guardians.htm This is a link to a website which is part of the Keeper of Infinite Earths site. The Red Guardians are a Russian supers team. I plan on using a similiar team in my campaign. I want them to be a merc unit that is "supported" by the crumbling remians of Russian.
  19. Re: Balancing of the Green Lantern Thanks for the feedback... I like the versitility of the Lantern and I was playing with a Cosmic VPP and also a MP for his powers. Jury is still out as to how I am going to build him. The VPP would allow for switching points back and forth at will.... but it is complicated and takes up points for the control. The MP allows the use of different powers but locks those powers in at specified levels... until you get XP.. AAARRGGGHH... ALl the choices...
  20. As you know, from my previous posts, I have been making a Green Lantern-esque character for a Champions game. I now would like to extend a question to the players and GM's out there that have had experience with Green Lantern-esque characters. Based on an equal point base, are the GL-like characters overly powerful? Do they overshadow the rest of the group? I don't want to intro a character that overshadows the rest of the group and takes away from their fun.. I saw the write-up in THE NEW CIRCLE for The Light .... are there any other write-ups that people use and that work??
  21. Re: Please Suggest Names for a Hulk Tribute Character Sunder Shamble R-r-rage
  22. Red Knight


    Re: DinoMite Dinomite could also be more Machivelian... Each step is actually a part of a master scheme to maneuver the heros into a position where he can then spring a greater plan. If you bring the military into cities, you are limiting their firepower. I don't see the militqary being willing to use tanks and anti-tank arms in the city. (I could be wrong). It is at this time that the Neo-Raptors could be released. A genetically altered cross between a raptor and a ninja. Really nasty close-combat masters. This would "level" the playing field. The Neosaurs wouldn't have heavy weapons but they woul dhave close combat abilities. It might be a little different than you initially thought, but DionMite could be the mastermind of all the things. What better way to hide than in plain sight.
  23. Red Knight


    Re: DinoMite Teios is planning on using the neo-saurs to act as shocktroops in a massive invasion plan. Station the Neo-saurs in strategic locations and let them loose. Personally, I like the Rapters for fast attack. Cold is a possibility but unlikely due to modern research indicating that they were warm-blooded. However, if they came from a warm enviroment, then they would seriously not like the cold. They could have been buit with a chemical dependence -OR- sensitivity. I'm sure Telios would have built a fail-safe in. Then there is the animal rage issue. When injured they should make a check to see if they go berserk. Dinomite may realize that the plan(s) of Telios will only lead to a massive all-out conflict which will serious hurt both sides. He might realize that CO-habitation is the only way to go. Based on that Dinomite comes forward and helps the good guys with the that can stop the Neo-saurs.
  24. Re: My Champions page I like the site... Looks good. I like the artwork also. I see that you did it all and that is really a good idea. The uniformity of the world gives a real feel to it. I do have one question though.... What year is it set in? I saw the section on characters and such. Maybe I missed it, but where is the general world stuff?? Besides that .... TWO THUMBS UP!!!
  25. Re: Where do superpowers come from? I recently read a book about Atlantis, that proposed that the Island/Continent of Atlantis did in-fact exist and that a giant chunk from a super nova passing REALLY close to Earth sunk it. The theory goes that a large chunk of a super nova came crashing through our solar system causing all sorts of damage. The asteroid belt was a planet ripped apart on impact that diverted the chunk just enough that it didn't directly hit. It past close enough to exert massive gravitational forces on Earth, causing earthquakes, tidal waves and a whole host of problems, thusly sinking the continent. I mention this as a great possiblity for an origin. If the chunk flooded the Earth with other-worldly radiation (or whatever), then the people of the time would have been effected. The powers didn't manifest until (2010) because it took time to get to a genetic "flash point".
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