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Red Knight

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Everything posted by Red Knight

  1. Ok... I pretty sure I have the reputation of being the "Green Lantern Guy" but I was looking through some DCU RPG books and came across an adventure where the characters are trying to stop the Axis forces from capturing the mythical armor of the Green Knight, of Authurian legend. The armor is actually stated out and it really cool. The Axe gives the user mastery of the weapon and extra attacks. The Armor is highly maneuverable and very protective as well as boosting the wearer's STR and CON. There is also a Girdle that protects from supernatural powers and grants immortality while being worn. I thought that it was a really cool character.... then my mind started to churn. Based on an old drawing a friend of mine did which was part of a set in which he theorized what would the Green Lantern look like if the Lantern was discovered at different periods in history. I liked the Green Lantern Knight, which was heavily inspired by the Kingdom Come Green Lantern... which interestingly enough was originally called Green Knight. Anyway... MY idea was to have the armor linked to the StarHeart as was the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott. What if the armor is actually little more than a construct of the Emerald Flame?? Mythology states that the Green Knight could not be killed and that Morgan LaFey made the armor to test the virtue of King Arthur's knights. Well.... there is the basic concept.... any ideas, suggestions, criticisms??? Let me have it all....
  2. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign Oh no.... he's going IMAGE on us!!! Clear out!! Before he is united with a beautiful female martial arts assassin, a huge brick who is a greater thinker, a rebellious dark brooding character and a short older character that has an attitude problem. Oh wait... this isn't a Liefield comic so we may be safe.
  3. Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper Some things are better when not discussed. Honestly, if you want to know.. In Superman II, the quest ofr disco-outfitted villians... Supes and Lois sleep together and she seems no less wprse for wear. I guess it just goes to show you that Supes can control himself.
  4. Re: Need a Superhero HQ? - Try this one Just recieved the file..... Great stuff! I like the layout and I can foresee using this a lot. Thanks
  5. Re: Power Rangers SWEET!!!! Yes Please!!!!
  6. Re: Fire and the power to combust....
  7. Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper When you talk about injury during intercourse there are hundreds of reported cased each year. A young man in my dorm at college was rushed to the hospital when his girlfriend, performing oral sex, created too much of vacuum and caused a blood vessel to rupture. Needless to say it was rather traumatizing for all parties invloved. As far as supers are concerned.... It would tend me to believe that there are certain people that would / could injure another during intercourse. Rogue of the X-Men is a classic example. Any skin to skin contact = life drain. There is a character in the group I play in that has uncontrolled change based on her heartrate. When her heartrate gets too high... she turns into a frosty brick that has a nasty damage shield. You may find that supers are attracted to other supers for this reason. Another issue that you didn't touch on is characters with an extended lifespan... and the issues that can cause.
  8. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign There is an old saying..... You save a thousand people you are a hero... You make one mistake and you are a screwup for the rest of your life.
  9. Re: Power Rangers I seem to remember the hatching part.... But I thought he had designed and built their equipment and morphers???
  10. Re: Moon Knight........ Don't get me wrong.... I like Moon Knight. I just think that towards the end, they really started to flounder with the ideas. One of my first Champions characters was a Moon Knight homage.
  11. Re: Realistic Kevlar Vests Well... speaking from experience, I wear Kevlar every day, the vest provides very little protection from falls and such. Against knives.... Well there are different types of armor and some are better than others but in general, they are limited in their knive defense ability. The vests work by spreading the kinetic force of a ballistic round out across the entire surface, which in turn stops penetration. Ballistic inserts on the chest can increase the protection provided. A thin layer of a wire mesh is sometimes woven in to increase the knife resistance. My 2 cents worth.
  12. Re: Idea for a legally-blind NPC and her guide dog I don't know if it would fit into the game world, but I had a player that had a blind female character. The character had lost her eyesight during a vicious assault/rape. It left her battered and mentally destroyed. Her "dog" was actually a physical manifestation of her latent powers. When in "human guise" the dog appeared to be a large all-black german shepard that had a powerful presense. When the character switched to human form, the dog "melted" into a shadow form and then engulfed the character, creating the costume and granting the character powers and a sort of "Shadow Sense" which provided a greyscale world view. She couldn't read but could see 3-D items. The dog was a manifestation of the hatred and anger of the character after the assault. We stated out the dog as a seperate character.
  13. Re: Stranded in the Past I was going to mention the Samaritan. Time travel can become a headache in a heartbeat. Just look at the Bill & Ted movies. In combat a time traveling character could say, as long as I survive this combat, I will go back in time, put a landmine under that doormat and put a timer so that it explodes about .... now. (BOOM) Villian dies and the hero is now definitely going to survive. The comment about a person from the future comig here and being able to make advanced tech.... One thing that also hampers this ability, beyond the assumption that they know how to make the tech.. is that the parts they need aren't around. Using Star Trek as an example... If you have a mega-watt deathray that is powered by a Delithium Crystal... That's wonderful.. only probelm is that the abilty to get the crystals won't be invented for another 500 yrs. We know that certain drugs can cure illnesses that once ravages our world.. but I know I don't have the knowledge to manufactor it.
  14. Re: Power Rangers One thing that I thought was interesting is that the Zord tech seems to be readily avaiable. Back in session 4 (I think) when the Green Rnager showed up we later find out that his Dragon Zord can suprising merge with the heros' Zords without any trouble. Then in PR, Dino Thunder, Tommy Th eformer Green and former white) ranger makes all the Zords himself. As far as the people around them being stupid and figuring out their secret id's... Let us not forget that in the above-mentioned series, Tommy, a mysterious stranger shows up in town, wearing mostly green colors at the same time that the Green Ranger shows up. DUH!!! Since they all wore their assigned colors.... might it not popinto their heads that he might also?? BUT that is why kids like it. They get to be smarter than the heroes.
  15. Re: Moon Knight........ Personally, I liked the beginning of the Marc Spectre series. He was on a level comparable to Batman. . Towards the end there was so many gadgets and wacky events that it seemed to be grasping at straws. The entire "evil dopplegangers" period in Marvel sucked!!! Then again, Marvel has pulled some stupendously stupid things... Not that the other companies haven't as well.
  16. Re: Moon Knight........ Very cool costume...
  17. Re: Moon Knight........ Ah... Good old Mark Spectre and the Spirit Khonsu.. I used to love that comic. That and Ghost Rider were my first two (2) comics that I started to collect. That was at least until the entire other-world virus* and the Shadow Cabinet and French dying.... Oh never mind. I remember there were three (3) incarnations of Moon Knight. One of them (I think the second.. Maybe #1 as well) had the Str and Dex boosts depending on the phases of the moon. Under a full moon he was like Capt. America. Under a new moon, he was just a regular schmoo.. The third incarnation (where I started) he was nothing more than a Marvel-ous copy of Batman. High levels of combat abilities and a gadget belt. He might have had some reflex increase due to the blessing of Khonshu, but I don't think so. He used crescent-shaped throwing-blades and an extendable staff that contained gadgets (tazer, rope launcher etc etc). Later, he designed a suit of heavier armor that had built-in dart launchers in the gauntlets and various other extras. This was done to help to preserve his rotting body* (see virus comment above) Basically, Moon Knight fits in around Batman and Spiderman levels. Unless you go with the moon-based powers then he is higher.
  18. Re: Welcome to my nightmare I was thinking of running this scenario using some pieces I already have in the story arc. I have a very old Egyptian wizard that was recently brought back to our reality by unknown persons. The wizard obtained the Craft Stone which is a powerful relic that allows the users will to be imposed on our reality. The first thing that happened when the wizard obtained the stone was the city was effected by a mass nightmare. Everybody's dream suddenly became twisted and violent. This was the example dream I used... You were dreaming of a nice beach, your dream suddenly changes and a giant wave forms. You try to run but the sand is pulling you down…You try to fight it but you are getting sucked in. The giant wave looms overhead. The wave crashes down and you feel your bones snapping. You are left on the beach broken and unable to move. You cannot move, but you can feel. That is when you see the army of crabs marching towards you. Just as they reach you, you wake up bathed in sweat…. The lingering sensation of crabs starting to eat you drifts into the back of your consciousness. I was going to run the campaign using touch as the transmitter of the psi-contagion, but I like the idea of the contagion passing through dream state. It should be interesting to see how things go... I'll keep you posted.
  19. Re: Welcome to my nightmare Don't forget Feed my Frankenstein ... Summon a monster that does a drain attack..
  20. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign Damn.... Now that was cool!!! keyes-bill... you are a gaming pusher... and I am your loyal junkie!! I really enjoy how your stories flow and the arcs which they travel through. This story was really good and I am taking notes. You should be proud of yourself.. you are doing a great job. I also enjoy the characters' interactions and how they actually work as a team. The group I play with only has 3 members beyond myself. It makes it hard to break up when the average # of heros is 3.
  21. Re: V for Vendetta Movie I'm of the "wait and see " group. Considering Siskel and Ebert gave TWO THUMBS DOWN to Star Wars (Epsiode 4) I don't have much faith in critics. Each person has their own opinion and I respect that... Doesn't mean I have to agree. Personally, I waiting for the Green Lantern Movie to come out of "Production Hell". Last I heard they were talking to Jack Black as the lead role of the GL. I think they are going after the Guy Gardner character.
  22. Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game? Sounds interesting. I like the idea of the game being generational. This of course would require the players to create several different characters. This might the only problem. I know myself that if I create a character that I enjoy playing, I tend to dislike giving the character up. I can see a character having a family heirloom that grants thier powers. Like the Starman or a familial Green Lantern-esque ring. It might work for a power-armored hero. The first design could be a huge clunky steam-powered power suit... as time goes by the suit gets smaller and more efficient. It could end with a suit capable of galactic battles. I say go for it.
  23. Re: Welcome to my nightmare I ran a game in which there was an immensley powerful creature that was the subconscious of an abused little girl. It lashed out at any male that threatened her. It all started when a teacher was brutally killed followed by several more teachers, a daycare worker and then a nurse. The abused girl was actually in a hospital bed after being severely beaten by her father. The creature manifested when they drugged her and she slept. Everybody that died had frightened or angered her. Her unconscious mind was handling the situation. They ended up using a machine like that in the movie THE CELL, that created a hyper-reality simulation tha the heroes had to enter and confront the monsters in her head. In the "dream world", the little girl resembled an amazonian goddess. Needless to say the encounter was recorded and the recordings were used as evidnece in her father's trial. He was found guilty. This is another twist on your idea. if you still want to go with the supernatural feel. The girls intial nightmares might have attracted the monster and then he used her fears as a food source. Beyond thatit could be done the same.
  24. Re: You can't possibly be!! Redo Kyle Rayner is a down and out alcoholic advertising executive who is deperatley trying to come up with the next great ad campaign. He is desperate to beat out a new kid in the company. The new kid, Alexander Sinestro has been making a name for himself. He is very talented and Kyle realy can't stand him. Kyle has tried everything he can to get the creative juices flowing. In a fit of drunken desperation, he goes to see a gypsy fortune teller in hopes that she could tell him what the next big ad will be. Kyle enters the lantern-lit room of the gypsy and sits down. He tells the gypsy that he has a drinking problem and that he needs guidance to get his life back on track. The gypsy sees through Kyle's guise of trying to improve himself and determines that it is Kyle's jealousy of Alexander that has driven him to this point. The gypsy declares that she will empower Kyle to be able to tap into his limitless imagination but to act as a constant reminder of the path he took, she curses him, in that all his imaginary constructs will be the color of jealousy... Green. Also, since the constructs come from his unconscious mind, Kyle must maintain a pure mind. Feelings of hate are as easily manifested as the willingness to help. The single lantern starts to glow and then there is a flash of green light. Kyle awakens in his car in the middle of a mall parking lot. Kyle sits and thinks for several hours. Gradualy he realizes that he has been given a great gift (as well as a curse) and that he has to use this gift to help. What Kyle does not know is that a few weeks earlier, Alexander had happened upon the same gypsy and had asked for the power to tap into his imagination for his own financial gains. The gypsy had granted this request but had cursed him with the color yellow... what she called the color of his sickness... Greed. Kyle now uses his Green imagination to help those around him.... and Alexander uses his powers to gain possessions and wealth.
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